9 research outputs found

    Primary processes in sensory cells: current advances

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    Processing of protein ADP-ribosylation by Nudix hydrolases

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    ADP-ribosylation is a post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins found in organisms from all kingdoms of life which regulates many important biological functions including DNA repair, chromatin structure, unfolded protein response and apoptosis. Several cellular enzymes, such as macrodomain containing proteins PARG [poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase] and TARG1 [terminal ADP-ribose (ADPr) protein glycohydrolase], reverse protein ADP-ribosylation. In the present study, we show that human Nudix (nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X)-type motif 16 (hNUDT16) represents a new enzyme class that can process protein ADP-ribosylation in vitro, converting it into ribose-5'-phosphate (R5P) tags covalently attached to the modified proteins. Furthermore, our data show that hNUDT16 enzymatic activity can be used to trim ADP-ribosylation on proteins in order to facilitate analysis of ADP-ribosylation sites on proteins by MS

    Stereospecific targeting of MTH1 by (S)-crizotinib as an anticancer strategy.

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    Activated RAS GTPase signalling is a critical driver of oncogenic transformation and malignant disease. Cellular models of RAS-dependent cancers have been used to identify experimental small molecules, such as SCH51344, but their molecular mechanism of action remains generally unknown. Here, using a chemical proteomic approach, we identify the target of SCH51344 as the human mutT homologue MTH1 (also known as NUDT1), a nucleotide pool sanitizing enzyme. Loss-of-function of MTH1 impaired growth of KRAS tumour cells, whereas MTH1 overexpression mitigated sensitivity towards SCH51344. Searching for more drug-like inhibitors, we identified the kinase inhibitor crizotinib as a nanomolar suppressor of MTH1 activity. Surprisingly, the clinically used (R)-enantiomer of the drug was inactive, whereas the (S)-enantiomer selectively inhibited MTH1 catalytic activity. Enzymatic assays, chemical proteomic profiling, kinome-wide activity surveys and MTH1 co-crystal structures of both enantiomers provide a rationale for this remarkable stereospecificity. Disruption of nucleotide pool homeostasis via MTH1 inhibition by (S)-crizotinib induced an increase in DNA single-strand breaks, activated DNA repair in human colon carcinoma cells, and effectively suppressed tumour growth in animal models. Our results propose (S)-crizotinib as an attractive chemical entity for further pre-clinical evaluation, and small-molecule inhibitors of MTH1 in general as a promising novel class of anticancer agents

    The specificity of interactions between proteins and sulfated polysaccharides

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    Sulfated polysaccharides are capable of binding with proteins at several levels of specificity. As highly acidic macromolecules, they can bind non-specifically to any basic patch on a protein surface at low ionic strength, and such interactions are not likely to be physiologically significant. On the other hand, several systems have been identified in which very specific substructures of sulfated polysaccharides confer high affinity for particular proteins; the best-known example of this is the pentasaccharide in heparin with high affinity for antithrombin, but other examples may be taken from the study of marine invertebrates: the importance of the fine structure of dermatan sulfate (DS) to its interaction with heparin cofactor II (HCII), and the involvement of sea urchin egg-jelly fucans in species specific fertilization. A third, intermediate, kind of specific interaction is described for the cell-surface glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate (HS), in which patterns of sulfate substitution can show differential affinities for cytokines, growth factors, and morphogens at cell surfaces and in the intracellular matrix. This complex interplay of proteins and glycans is capable of influencing the diffusion of such proteins through tissue, as well as modulating cellular responses to them.<br>Os polissacarídeos sulfatados são capazes de se ligar às proteínas com diferentes níveis de especificidade. São macromoléculas altamente ácidas que podem se ligar de forma inespecífica a qualquer domínio básico da superfície de uma proteína em soluções com baixa força iônica, contudo tais interações não parecem ser fisiologicamente significativas. Por outro lado, foram identificados vários sistemas nos quais componentes estruturais muito específicos dos polissacarídeos sulfatados conferem alta afinidade para algumas proteínas. O exemplo mais conhecido é o pentassacarídeo da heparina com alta afinidade pela antitrombina. Outros exemplos podem ser observados no estudo de invertebrados marinhos, tais como a importância da estrutura fina do dermatam sulfato para sua interação com o cofator II da heparina e o envolvimento defucanas sulfatadas encontradas no gel que envolve osóvulos dos ouriços-do-mar na espécie especificidade da fertilização. Um terceiro exemplo de interação específica é aquele descrito para o glicosaminoglicano heparam sulfato encontrado na superfície celular. Neste caso, o padrão de sulfatação pode determinar diferentes afinidades do carboidrato por citoquinas, fatores de crescimento e outras proteínas encontradas na superfície celular e na matriz extracelular. Estas interações complexas entre proteínas e carboidratos são capazes de influenciar a difusão das proteínas através dos tecidos, assim como modelar a resposta celular a estas moléculas

    The “acrosomal synapse”: Subcellular organization by lipid rafts and scaffolding proteins exhibits high similarities in neurons and mammalian spermatozoa

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    Mammalian spermatozoa are highly polarized cells composed of two morphological and functional units, each optimized for a special task. Although the apparent division into head and tail may as such represent the anatomical basis to avoid random diffusion of their special sets of signaling proteins and lipids, recent findings demonstrate the presence of lipid raft-derived membrane platforms and specific scaffolding proteins, thus indicating that smaller sub-domains exist in the two functional units of male germ cells. The aim of this review is to summarize new insights into the principles of subcellular organization in mammalian spermatozoa. Special emphasis is placed on recent observations indicating that an “acrosomal synapse” is formed by lipid raft-derived membrane micro-environments and multidomain scaffolding proteins. Both mechanisms appear to be responsible for ensuring the attachment of the huge acrosomal vesicle to the overlaying plasma membrane, as well as for preventing an accidental spontaneous loss of the single acrosome

    Protein folding, misfolding and aggregation: The importance of two-electron stabilizing interactions

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