3 research outputs found
Enquete nationale sur les tableaux dechasse Ă tir en France, saison 1998-1999: Le Pigeon Ramier (Columba palumbus)
En Francia, 5.169.000 (+ 75.000) palomas torcaces fueron capturadas en 1998-99. Con 18,4 % del nĂşmero total de piezas de caza matadas, la Paloma Torcaz es pues la especie más cazada en nuestro territorio en 1998-99. La mitad de las capturas se realizan en octubre-noviembre, y la mayor parte se efectĂşan en la mitad Oeste del paĂs, ya que Aquitania acapara 14 % del total nacional. 40 % de los cazadores, la mayorĂa no especializados, han cazado por lo menos una paloma durante la temporada. Los resultados de esta encuesta están descritos a escala regional y comparados a los de la encuesta realizada en 1983-84. La evoluciĂłn de las capturas en las diferentes regiones está igualmente discutida a la luz de los conocimientos más recientes sobre la dinámica de las diferentes poblaciones de paloma torcaz que frecuentan el territorio nacional.Frantzian, 5.169.000 (±75.000) pagauso hartu dira 1998-99an. Hildako ehiza xehearen piezetarik % 18,4 izanik, pagausoa gure lurraldean gehien atzemaniko espeziea da. Urria-azaroan harrapatu dira piezen erdia, gehiena gure herrialdearen Mendebaldeko erdian, Akitaniak nazio mailako piezetarik % 14 bildu duela. Ehiztarietarik % 40k, ez espezializatuak gehienak, gutxienez uso bat atzeman dute. Inkesta horren emaitzak eskualde mailan deskribatzen dira, eta 1983-84an egindako inkestak emandakoekin konparatzen dira. Eskualde bakoitzean ehizaturiko piezen kopuruaz ere mintzatzen da, nazio-lurraldea bisitatzen duten pagauso populazioen dinamikari buruzko ezagupen berrienen argitan.En France, 5.169.000 (±75.000) pigeons ramiers ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s en 1998-99. Avec 18,4 % du nombre total de pièces de petit gibier tuĂ©es, le pigeon ramier est donc l'espèce la plus prĂ©levĂ©e sur notre sol en 1998-99. La moitiĂ© du tableau est rĂ©alisĂ© en octobre-novembre, et l'essentiel du tableau est effectuĂ© dans la moitiĂ© Ouest du pays, l'Aquitaine prĂ©levant Ă elle-seule 14 % du tableau national. 40 % des chasseurs, la plupart non spĂ©cialisĂ©s, ont prĂ©levĂ© au moins un pigeon dans la saison. Les rĂ©sultats de cette enquĂŞte sont dĂ©crits Ă l'Ă©chelle rĂ©gionale et comparĂ©s Ă ceux de l'enquĂŞte rĂ©alisĂ©e en 1983-84. L'Ă©volution des prĂ©lèvements dans les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions est Ă©galement discutĂ©e Ă la lumière des connaissances les plus rĂ©centes sur la dynamique des diffĂ©rentes populations de pigeons ramiers frĂ©quentat le territoire national.In France, 5.169.000 (+ 75.000) wood pigeons were captured in 1998-99. With 18,4 % of the total hunting bag, the Wood Pigeon became the most hunted species in our territory in 1998-99. Half of the catches were carried out in October - November, and most of them took place in the Western half of the country since the Aquitaine accounts for 14 % of the national total. 40 % of the hunters, most of whom were non-specialised, hunted at least one pigeon during the season. The results of this survey are described at a regional scale and then compared to those of the survey carried out in 1983-84. The evolution of the bag in the different regions is also discussed in view of the most recent knowledge on the dynamics of the various populations of wood pigeons that visit the national territory
When sustainable hunting brings to light the hidden value of natural habitats
While natural habitats are usually regarded as lacking any economic value, as the latter is concealed, remaining outside of any economic trade, ecosystem services confer some value to land areas based on the services they provide for nature and people's welfare. However, agricultural areas, that provide explicit economic value to land, may do so at the expense of biodiversity, thereby limiting ecosystem services because of the lower species richness and abundance occurring there. Usually regarded as exacerbating this decrease, hunting can in fact improve ecosystem services where it is practiced, though it can also worsen ecosystem functioning and animal conservation when it is not practiced in a sustainable way and based on scientific evidence. Hence, by enhancing the conservation of game populations, the actions of hunters can benefit many other species from all taxa (including protected ones). In our presentation, we will focus on some relevant examples to illustrate a general framework of how sustainable hunting in France can act as a catalyst for game and non-game species. For example, the implementation of flower strips to provide a cover to grey partridges and the maintenance of ponds for water birds greatly increase the diversity of insects and birds that would, otherwise, merely be absent. The creation of game habitat by hunters, the improvement of its quality or the regulation of overabundant grazers at the request of nature managers, also enhances habitat quality for many other species, be they directly linked to game or not, thereby improving the overall biodiversity. Hunters also provide a plethora of data (citizen science) on population status and, if necessary, order etiological studies to pinpoint the causes of unexpected declines and, thereafter, act accordingly. Thus, by quantitatively and qualitatively monitoring some species and by collaborating with universities to promote practical habitat conservation actions, hunters contribute to population dynamics models. Therefore, when they collaborate with scientific institutions and seek to increase game densities (by planting edges, maintaining ponds, opposing the use of biocides, etc.), hunters also improve ecosystem services (provisioning, regulating and provisioning). Moreover, both the practice of hunting and the actions carried out by hunters aiming to provide game with food and shelter that also improve biological conservation in general, are environmentally and financially sustainable. This follows the guidelines of the IUCN that recommends the use of natural resources as an effective conservation method.peerReviewe
Avis du Comité d’Experts sur la Gestion Adaptative (CEGA) sur l’application Chass’Adapt en date du 11 mars 2021
Avis du Comité d'Experts sur la Gestion Adaptative (CEGA) sur l'application Chass'Adapt en date du 11 mars 2021 Cet avis fait suite à une demande du Ministère de la Transition Ecologique. Après délibération lors de la séance du 11 mars 2021 en présence de 11 membres du CEGA et de son président, il a été voté à l'unanimité par les membres présents (11) et représentés (2)