3 research outputs found

    Analisis Fenomenologi Tentang Motif-motif Sosial Penggiat Seni Jalanan Grafiti di Surabaya

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      Di tengah-tengah USAha untuk memperoleh piala adipura, pada Kenyataannya kondisi lingkungan tidak selalu bersih. Saat ini sering kita jumpai goresan cat dengan warna yang beraneka ragam pada tembok, jembatan layang, rolling door, pada tembok bangunan kosong maupun tembok bangunan yang berpenghuni di seluruh penjuru kota. Pada umumnya tembok yang kita jumpai berwarna polos, hanya terdiri dari satu warna, yang umumnya berwarna putih, abu-abu, atau coklat mudaSaat ini, tembok-tembok dengan warna demikian selalu dihiasi coretan atau gambar yang menghadirkan berbagai macam bentuk dan warna, terlbih lagi, jika tembok itu terletak di lokasi yang sering atau ramai dilewati oleh orang banyak. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motif – motif para penggiat seni Grafiti Jalanan yang ada di Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan Indepth Interview subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota seni jalanan yang membuat graffiti di Surabaya. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan fenomenologi Alferd Scuthz untuk menggali motif sebab dan motif tujuan. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motif sebab dipengaruhi karena kondisi ekonomi, lingkungan Surabaya, permasalahan sosial Surabaya dan Aparatus Koersif. Sedangkan motif tujuan tersebut dilakukan denagn tujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa seni grafiti merupakan seni perlawanan, seni sebagai estetika, seni sebagai soft power/ wacana, dan menunjukkan bahwa seni graffiti bukan merupakan seni anarkis.   Kata kunci: Fenomenologi, Graffiti, Jalanan   &nbsp

    Pengaruh Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) Terhadap Brand Image Dan Dampaknya Pada Minat Beli (Survey Pada PT Pabrik Gula Krebet Baru Di Kabupaten Malang)

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    The perception of the company at this time is not only looking for profits, but the company pays attention to corporate social responsibility. This research aims to determine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Brand Image, the influence of Corporate Sosial Responsibility (CSR) on Purchase Intention, and the effect of Brand Image on Purchase Intention. The population in this study is about people who work in PT Pabrik Gula Krebet Baru there sample used in this research was 100 people to the research method used is explanatory research (explanatory research). Data analysis was performed using path analysis. The results of path analysis shows that, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Variable have significant effect on Brand Image Variable, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Variable have significant effect on Purchase Intention Variable and Brand Image Variable have significant effect on Purchase Purchase Intention Variable. Based on the results of this research in the implementation of the program of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been good, visible from the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is done on several fronts, but these activities are not optimal due to lack of extension or expansion of the activities of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is given PT Pabrik Gula Krebet Bar

    Aplikasi Penentuan Peserta Pelatihan di Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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    Institute of Business and Information STIKOM Surabaya is a campus that has long stood in Surabaya. There's a lot of employee in this campus, both lecturers and non-lecturers staff. The problems that exist currently happening is Stikom Surabaya still determining employee training by manual. This can lead to less precise training provided to employees. This problem can be solved with the help of using application for determination of traninees. The development of these applications using Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) models waterfall. The results of testing from this application training resulting determination indicates that the application can assist the company in determining the appropriate training to employees. Determination from application training provides training recommendations to employees in accordance with the disadvantages that these employees have. So that training can be carried out more efficiently and effectively