27 research outputs found

    Sustained Stable Disease with Capecitabine plus Bevacizumab in Metastatic Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report.

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    In a patient who had been diagnosed in 2006 with appendiceal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal metastases after an incomplete surgery, palliative chemotherapy was administered. First-line treatment with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) and second-line treatment including 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus panitumumab showed inefficiency in controlling disease progression. Third-line chemotherapy combining capecitabine plus bevacizumab was started, achieving good control of the tumour growth and a minor response in the second computed tomography scan. We decided to maintain the treatment, although forced bevacizumab "breaks" were necessary due to unexpected adverse events, with the patient suffering disease progression every time bevacizumab was stopped and reaching minor response again once the antiangiogenic treatment was reintroduced. During more than 10 years after starting third-line treatment, the patient maintained good performance status and disease stability with this "up and down" management until January 2019, when a neurological adverse event during bevacizumab infusion drove us to abandon it definitely

    Mannose-6-phosphate regulates destruction of lipid-linked oligosaccharides.

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    Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) is an essential precursor for mannosyl glycoconjugates, including lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLO; glucose(3)mannose(9)GlcNAc(2)-P-P-dolichol) used for protein N-glycosylation. In permeabilized mammalian cells, M6P also causes specific LLO cleavage. However, the context and purpose of this paradoxical reaction are unknown. In this study, we used intact mouse embryonic fibroblasts to show that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress elevates M6P concentrations, leading to cleavage of the LLO pyrophosphate linkage with recovery of its lipid and lumenal glycan components. We demonstrate that this M6P originates from glycogen, with glycogenolysis activated by the kinase domain of the stress sensor IRE1-α. The apparent futility of M6P causing destruction of its LLO product was resolved by experiments with another stress sensor, PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), which attenuates translation. PERK's reduction of N-glycoprotein synthesis (which consumes LLOs) stabilized steady-state LLO levels despite continuous LLO destruction. However, infection with herpes simplex virus 1, an N-glycoprotein-bearing pathogen that impairs PERK signaling, not only caused LLO destruction but depleted LLO levels as well. In conclusion, the common metabolite M6P is also part of a novel mammalian stress-signaling pathway, responding to viral stress by depleting host LLOs required for N-glycosylation of virus-associated polypeptides. Apparently conserved throughout evolution, LLO destruction may be a response to a variety of environmental stresses.This work is supported by NIH grants DK-042394, HL-052173, and HL-057346 to R.J.K.; by NIH grants AI-073898 and GM-056927 to I.M.; by NIH grant R-37-DK047119 and a Principal Research Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust to D.R.; by NIH grant GM-031278 and support from the Robert Welch Foundation to J.R.F.; and by NIH grant GM-038545 and Robert Welch Foundation grant I-1168 to M.A.L

    Removing Systemic Barriers to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Report of the 2019 Plant Science Research Network Workshop “Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences”

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    A future in which scientific discoveries are valued and trusted by the general public cannot be achieved without greater inclusion and participation of diverse communities. To envision a path towards this future, in January 2019 a diverse group of researchers, educators, students, and administrators gathered to hear and share personal perspectives on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the plant sciences. From these broad perspectives, the group developed strategies and identified tactics to facilitate and support EDI within and beyond the plant science community. The workshop leveraged scenario planning and the richness of its participants to develop recommendations aimed at promoting systemic change at the institutional level through the actions of scientific societies, universities, and individuals and through new funding models to support research and training. While these initiatives were formulated specifically for the plant science community, they can also serve as a model to advance EDI in other disciplines. The proposed actions are thematically broad, integrating into discovery, applied and translational science, requiring and embracing multidisciplinarity, and giving voice to previously unheard perspectives. We offer a vision of barrier-free access to participation in science, and a plant science community that reflects the diversity of our rapidly changing nation, and supports and invests in the training and well-being of all its members. The relevance and robustness of our recommendations has been tested by dramatic and global events since the workshop. The time to act upon them is now

    Challenges in Lung Cancer Screening in Latin America

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    Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer worldwide and is of particular concern for Latin America. Its rising incidence in this area of the world poses myriad challenges for the region’s economies, which are already struggling with limited resources to meet the health care needs of low- and middle-income populations. In this environment, we are concerned that regional governments are relatively unaware of the pressing need to implement effective strategies for the near future. Low-dose chest computed tomography (LDCT) for screening, and routine use of minimally invasive techniques for diagnosis and staging remain uncommon. According to results of the National Lung Screening Trial, LDCT lung cancer screening provided a 20% relative reduction in mortality rates among at-risk individuals. Nevertheless, this issue is still a matter of debate, particularly in developing countries, and it is not fully embraced in developing countries. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of what the standard of care is for lung cancer computed tomography screening around the world and to aid understanding of the challenges and potential solutions that can help with the implementation of LDCT in Latin America

    Dramatic Response of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis to Nivolumab in PD-L1 Highly Expressive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report

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    In a patient who had been diagnosed of located squamous cell lung carcinoma, pneumonectomy, and adjuvant chemotherapy were performed. Brain recurrence and subsequent lung metastatic disease were uncontrolled by neurosurgery, holocranial radiotherapy, and first-line chemotherapy. In August 2015, appearance of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis triggered severe clinical deterioration and threatened the patient's life. Anti-PD1 immune checkpoint inhibitor Nivolumab was initiated in an attempt to stop tumor growth, achieving a spectacular brain and pulmonary complete response and clinical improvement, without serious adverse effects. High expression PD-L1 level (100%) was found in the pathological tissue sample. Nivolumab was maintained for more than 2 years and stopped in December 2017 after 28 months of treatment, with no disease evidence. More than 3 years after its onset, the patient maintains an outstanding PS with complete tumor response and no evidence of disease in last surveillance CT scan and brain MRI

    Removing systemic barriers to equity, diversity, and inclusion: Report of the 2019 Plant Science Research Network workshop "Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences"

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    A future in which scientific discoveries are valued and trusted by the general public cannot be achieved without greater inclusion and participation of diverse communities. To envision a path towards this future, in January 2019 a diverse group of researchers, educators, students, and administrators gathered to hear and share personal perspectives on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the plant sciences. From these broad perspectives, the group developed strategies and identified tactics to facilitate and support EDI within and beyond the plant science community. The workshop leveraged scenario planning and the richness of its participants to develop recommendations aimed at promoting systemic change at the institutional level through the actions of scientific societies, universities, and individuals and through new funding models to support research and training. While these initiatives were formulated specifically for the plant science community, they can also serve as a model to advance EDI in other disciplines. The proposed actions are thematically broad, integrating into discovery, applied and translational science, requiring and embracing multidisciplinarity, and giving voice to previously unheard perspectives. We offer a vision of barrier-free access to participation in science, and a plant science community that reflects the diversity of our rapidly changing nation, and supports and invests in the training and well-being of all its members. The relevance and robustness of our recommendations has been tested by dramatic and global events since the workshop. The time to act upon them is now.This article is published as Henkhaus, Natalie A., Wolfgang Busch, Angela Chen, Adán Colón‐Carmona, Maya Cothran, Nicolas Diaz, Jose Pablo Dundore‐Arias et al. "Removing systemic barriers to equity, diversity, and inclusion: Report of the 2019 Plant Science Research Network workshop “Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences”." Plant Direct 6, no. 8 (2022): e432. doi:10.1002/pld3.432. Posted with permission.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made

    Do Multinationals Influence Labor Standards? A Close Look at US Outward FDI

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    This paper investigates the effects of multinational corporations on labor standards. We argue that the previous literature has failed to distinguish the different motives that encourage fi rms to become multinational. Therefore, we build a stylized model of segmented labor markets with equilibrium unemployment where parts of the labor force are willing to accept reductions in their labor standards to attract job-creating horizontal foreign direct investment. By disentangling US FDI data for 34 advanced host countries throughout the period 1997 to 2002 into vertically and horizontally motivated FDI, we show that this disaggregation provides much more signifi cant results. Concretely, we find a statistically signifi cant and economically considerable negative impact of horizontal US FDI on labor right practices in industrialized host countries by using a static OLS model and qualitatively similar results with dynamic GMM estimation. Our results do not imply that this effect leads to a decrease in welfare in the host economy but that in the welfare optimization process employment, income and job-quality serve as substitutes with an elasticity positively depending on equilibrium unemployment