12 research outputs found

    Gli abitanti ed il Verde urbano

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    Adolescenti e genitori. Una relazione affettiva tra potenzialitĂ  e rischi

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    Adolescenti: rapporti con la famiglia - Adolescenti: aspetti sociali e politici - Adolescenti: devianza e delinquenza - Adolescenti: educazione - Famiglia: aspetti psicologici - Famiglia: servizi - Genitori e figli: figliolanza


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    A B S T R A C T This study proposes a psychological analysis of the relationships between people and their residential environment in two neighbourhoods in Rome, within the theoretical framework of place theory. The analysis was aimed at getting indications for neighbourhood improvement, which can lead to residential satisfaction and neighbourhood attachment. We considered both constructs as the result of the relationships between the physical attributes of the environment, the cognitive perceptions and the affective appraisals of residents, and the activities they carry out. The role of socio-demographic and residential variables was also considered. Theoretical implications of results and indications for neighbourhood improvement are discussed. Residential satisfaction and neighbourhood attachment have a different pattern of predictors, emerging from all the dimensions of analysis we considered. Using hierarchical linear models, cognitive, affective and behavioural variables emerged as significant first level predictors of both criterions, and physical attributes were found to be significant second-level predictors. In addition, the joint analysis of objective neighborhood features and residents’ experience within a place-specific framework showed to be an effective approach to identify relevant domains for neighbourhood improvement. Commercial and leisure facilities can contribute to make the neighbourhood more lively; building density and green areas have inverse effects on the prevalence of social activities

    Meanings and attitudes towards urban green: an approach to urban ecology.

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    On étudié les significations et les attitudes des habitants vis-à-vis des espaces verts dans la ville, en se référant à la théorie des Representations Sociales (Moscovici, 1976; Bonnes, Secchiaroli, 1992). Une attention particulière a été portée aux significations les plus et les moins consensuelles qui fondent cette representation sociale. A partir d'un échantillon de 519 sujets d'âge, de sexe, de niveau scolaire et de lieux de residence différents, on a dégagé deux principales dimensions de signification: l'une à donminante “socio-centrée”, l'autre à dominante “individu-centrée”; chacune se rapporte différemment aux diverses representations selon qu 'elles sont plus ou moins répandues. Pour les significations les moins consensuelles, deux nouvelles tendances dans les attitudes sont apparues, qui différencient les sujets et qui sont liees aux variables socio-demographiques et socio-culturelles qui les caractérisent