11 research outputs found

    Quantification of circumferential bone level and extraction socket dimensions using different imaging and estimation methods: a comparative study

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    No studies have yet evaluated linear alveolar bone levels and extraction socket dimensions on dry skulls using different techniques. We aimed to investigate the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital radiography, and digital photography


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    Periodontitis oral bakterilerin sebep olduğu dişi &ccedil;evreleyen destek kemik ve yumuşak dokuları etkileyen kronik enflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Bu kronik enflamatuar s&uuml;recin sonunda destek dokudaki harabiyet diş kaybına kadar giden sorunlara yol a&ccedil;abilmektedir. Patojen mikroorganizmaların n&ouml;tralizasyonu i&ccedil;in l&ouml;kositlerce reaktif oksijen t&uuml;rlerinin aşırı salınması kronik periodontitisin konak kaynaklı yıkıma sebep olabilecek patolojik &ouml;zelliklerindendir. Şarap, &uuml;z&uuml;m ve &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği ekstratı monomerik flavanol, kateşin, epikateşin ve oligomerik proantosiyanit gibi antioksidan olan polifenolik bileşenlerin ana kaynağıdır. Bu &ccedil;alışmanın amacı ratlarda ligat&uuml;rle ind&uuml;klenen periodontitiste &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği ekstratının alveoler kemik yıkım seviyesi ile plazma total antioksidan durum, total oksidan durum ve osteokalsin seviyelerine etkisini değerlendirmektir. Bu sayede periodontitise bağlı olarak ger&ccedil;ekleşen, reaktif oksijen t&uuml;rlerindeki artışın etkilenme derecesi, ratlara &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği verilerek, antioksidan &ouml;zelliğin alveol kemikteki yıkımla ilişkisi incelenecektir. &Ccedil;alışma Erciyes &Uuml;niversitesi Tıp Fak&uuml;ltesi Hakan &Ccedil;etinsaya Deneysel ve Klinik Araştırma Merkezinde(DEKAM) ger&ccedil;ekleştirilecektir. DEKAM?dan temin edilecek erkek Sprague-Dawley ratlar 4 gruba ayrılacaktır. 1. grubu ligat&uuml;rle ind&uuml;klenen periodontitis + 100 mg/kg &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği gavaj 2. grubu ligat&uuml;rle ind&uuml;klenen periodontitis + 50 mg/kg &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği gavaj 3. grubu &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği verilmeksızın ligat&uuml;rle ind&uuml;klenen periodontitis 4. grubu kontrol ratları oluşturacaklardır. &Ccedil;alışmanın 14 g&uuml;n s&uuml;resinde uygulama kısımının tamamlanması planlanmaktadır. Hayvanlar uyutulup 1., 2. ve 3. grubun maksiller 1. molar dişlerine 5.0 ipek s&uuml;tur bağlanarak periodontitis ind&uuml;klenecektir. 1. gruba 14 g&uuml;n boyunca her g&uuml;n 100 mg/kg &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği gavaj, 2. gruba ise 14 g&uuml;n boyunca 50 mg/kg &uuml;z&uuml;m &ccedil;ekirdeği gavaj yapılacaktır. 14. g&uuml;n sonunda t&uuml;m hayvanlardan plazma total antioksidan durum, total oksidan durum ve osteokalsin seviyelerindeki değişimin takibi i&ccedil;in kan &ouml;rnekleri alınıp hayvanlar kurban edilecektir. Alınan plazma &ouml;rneklerinin biyokimyasal analizi hizmet satın alımı ile &ouml;zel bir firmaya yaptırılacaktır.Hayvanların &uuml;st &ccedil;enesi &ccedil;ıkarılıp stereo mikroskop altında maksiller 1. ve 2. molar dişlerin mine-sement hududu alveol kemik kenarı arası mesafe &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;mleri ger&ccedil;ekleştirilecektir.&nbsp;In this study, we evaluated the effects of two different regimens of dietary supplementation with grape seed extract (GSE)based on serum total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI) and osteocalcin (OC) inexperimental periodontitis. The investigation was performed at the Department of Animal Experimentation at Erciyes University,Kayseri, Turkey, from May 2011 to June 2011. Experimental periodontitis was induced by placing 5.0 silk sutures around themaxillary first molars. Twenty-seven adult male wistar rats were divided into four study groups as follows: Healthy control(HC; N = 7); Ligature only (LO; N = 6); Ligature-induced periodontitis plus GSE 50 mg/kg (GSE 50; N = 8); Ligature-inducedperiodontitis plus GSE 100 mg/kg (GSE 100; N = 6). GSE administration was performed for 14 days following induction ofexperimental periodontitis. On day 15, serum samples were obtained and rats were sacrificed. Serum samples were analyzed forTAS, TOS, OSI and OC. Defleshed jaws were analyzed morphometrically for alveolar bone loss. The results showed that placing5.0 silk sutures around maxillary first molars resulted in statistically significant bone loss compared to the HC group (P &lt; 0.05).None of the GSE administrated groups showed evidence that GSE was effective in preventing ligature-induced alveolar boneloss. The GSE 100 and GSE 50 groups had a significantly higher TAS compared to the HC group. No significant differences wereseen in TOS, OSI and OC levels. As a whole, GSE administration does not seem to influence TAS, TOS and OC. The lack of atherapeutic benefit of GSE in this study is difficult to explain, and further studies are required to fully assess the potential role ofGSE in periodontal treatment.</div

    Adolesan bir hastada travma görmüş dişlerin multidisipliner yaklaşım ile rehabilitasyonu: Vaka raporu

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    Dental travma geçiren genç hastalarda özellikle ön bölgedeki diş dokusu kaybının psikolojik etkileri nedeniyle en uygun tedavi seçeneği tercih edilmelidir. Pulpanın tamamen açıldığı durumlarda perfore olan pulpanın genişliği ve kırık hattının lokalizasyonu tedavi seçeneğinin belirlenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Uygulanacak olan restoratif tedaviyle de fonksiyon ve estetik yeniden sağlanmalı, kalan diş yapısı ve dişi çevreleyen dokular hem biyolojik hem de mekanik açıdan korunmalıdır. Bu vaka raporunda, anterior dişlerinde dişeti altına uzanan komplike kron kırıkları bulunan adolesan bir hastanın multidisipliner estetik rehabilitasyonu anlatılmaktadır. 15 yaşındaki bayan hasta geçirdiği travmadan bir gün sonra kliniğimize başvurdu. Yapılan intraoral muayenede, üst sağ ve sol santral dişlerde dişeti altına uzanan komplike kron kırığı, üst sol lateral dişte pulpayı içine alan horizontal kron kırığı ve üst sol kanin dişte ise komplike olmayan kron kırığı tespit edildi. Kök kanalının izolasyonu ve kırık hattının dişeti seviyesine çıkarılabilmesi için periodontal flep kaldırıldıktan sonra kırık hattı kompozit ile restore edildi. Santral dişler ve sol lateralin kanal tedavileri tamamlanarak santral dişlerin kök kanalına fiber-post yerleştirildi. Sol lateral ve kanin dişler nanofil içerikli kompozit rezin ile restore edildi. Periodontal iyileşmenin ardından santral dişlere nano-seramik CAD/CAM rezin kron restorasyonlar yapıldı ve dual-cure rezin siman kullanılarak simante edildi. Tedavi sonrasında restorasyonların marjinal adaptasyon ve gingival uyumlarının çok iyi olduğu gözlendi. Tedavi sonucu hem hasta hem de hekim için memnuniyet vericiydi. Klinisyenlerin dental travma geçirmiş adolesan bireylerin tedavi planlanmalarına sağladığı avantajlar ve sunduğu materyal zenginliği ile CAD/CAM sistemleri entegre etmesi klinik başarıyı artıracaktır.In adolescents suffered from dental trauma, most appropriate treatment option should be preferred due to psychological effects of tooth loss in the anterior region. Pulpal perforation width and localization of fracture line play an important role in determining treatment options. Function and aesthetics should be re-established, and remaining tooth structure and surrounding tissues should be protected mechanically and biologically and with the help of restorative treatment. This case report describes multidisciplinary esthetic treatment approach of adolescent patient who has complicated crown fractures located subgingivally in anterior region. 15-year-old female patient referred to our clinic after a day trauma. Sectional complicated crown fractures located subgingivally on the right and left centrals, an horizontal crown fracture including pulp on the left lateral and non-complicated crown fracture on the left canine were determined in intraoral examination. After flep operation was performed to eliminate subgingival fracture line and isolation of root canal, fracture line was restored with composite restoration. Following endodontic treatments of both centrals and left lateral, glass fiber posts were inserted into the centrals. Restorations of left lateral and canine were finished incrementally by using nanofill composite resin. After the periodontal healing, central teeth was restored with CAD/CAM nano-ceramic resin crown restorations and cemented using dual-cure resin cement. After the treatment, marginal adaptation and gingival compatibility of the restorations were very good. the final result was satisfactory for both the clinician and the patient. An integration of CAD/CAM systems thanks to advantages and material diversity with clinician's treatment planning of the adolescents suffered from dental trauma increases clinical success

    Oral health, obesity status and nutritional habits in Turkish children and adolescents: An epidemiological study

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    © Trakya University Faculty of Medicine.Background: Studies evaluating the relationship between oral health status and obesity have provided conflicting data. Therefore, there is a great need to investigate and clarify the possible connection in a comprehensive sample. Aims: To assess the relationship of obesity and oral health status among children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years-old. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Data were obtained from 4,534 children and adolescents (2,018 boys and 2,516 girls). Questionnaires were sent home prior to examination; afterwards, anthro-pometric and dental data were collected from participants. Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth in the permanent dentition (DMFT), and deciduous dentition (dmft) index were used to measure oral health status. Height, body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and body fat percentage were analyzed. Results: For DMFT scores, healthy (score=0) girls and boys had significantly higher BMI and WC values than unhealthy (score>1) girls and boys (p<0.05). Healthy girls had higher fat percentage values than unhealthy girls (p<0.05). In terms of CPI scores, healthy boys had lower BMI and WC values than unhealthy boys (p<0.05). According to multiple binary logistic regression results for model 1, BMI predicted DMFT scores in both genders but CPI scores only in boys. No beverage consumption predicted DMFT scores in boys, while milk consumption predicted DMFT scores in girls. No meal skipping predicted CPI scores in boys. For model 2, WC predicted DMFT scores in both genders and CPI scores only in boys. Milk consumption predicted DMFT scores only in girls. No meal skipping predicted CPI scores for both gender (p<0.05). According to DMFT, there were significant differences between the frequencies of the BMI groups (normal weight, overweight and obese) at the age of 7 (girls only), 9, 10, and 16 (boys only) years and overall (only girls) (p<0.05). According to CPI, significant differences between the frequencies of the BMI groups at the age of 16 (boys only) and 17 (girls only) were seen (p<0.05). Conclusion: Periodontal and dental status appears to correlate with nutritional habits and obesity. Obesity and dental/periodontal diseases are multifactorial diseases that follow similar risk patterns and develop from an interaction between chronic conditions originating early in life. It is important for all health professionals to educate patients at risk about the progression of periodontal and dental diseases and the importance of proper oral hygiene

    Differential expression of inflammasome regulatory transcripts in periodontal disease

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    Background the inflammasome modulates the release of key proinflammatory cytokines associated with periodontal disease pathogenesis. the aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of proteins that regulate the inflammasome, namely pyrin domain-only proteins (POPs), caspase activation recruitment domain (CARD)-only proteins, and tripartite motif-containing (TRIM) proteins, in periodontal diseases. Methods A total of 68 participants (34 males and 34 females) were divided into four groups, including periodontal health (H), gingivitis (G), chronic periodontitis (CP), and aggressive periodontitis (AgP) based on clinical parameters. Gingival tissue samples were obtained from all participants for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-based gene expression analyses of molecules that regulate the inflammasome, including apoptosis-associated speck-like protein (ASC) containing CARD, caspase-1, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin-18 (IL-18), nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich family (NLR) pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3), NLR family pyrin domain containing 2 (NLRP2), AIM2 (absent in melanoma 2), POP1, POP2, CARD16, CARD18, TRIM16, and TRIM20 by RT-PCR. Results NLRP3 and IL-1 beta were upregulated in the G, CP, and AgP groups compared with group H (P < 0.05). AIM2 was downregulated in the CP group compared with the H, G, and AgP groups (P < 0.05). TRIM20, TRIM16, and CARD18 were downregulated in the G, CP, and AgP groups compared with the H group (P < 0.05). POP1 and POP2 were downregulated in the CP and AgP, and AgP and G groups, respectively (P < 0.05). Conclusion Active periodontal disease may result in downregulation of inflammasome regulators that may increase the activity of NLRP3 and IL-1 beta in periodontal disease.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ankara, TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This study was not supported by any financial organization. the corresponding author of this study (Kubra Aral) was supported with a scholarship by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey. the authors report no conflicts of interest related to this study

    The oral health status and periodontal risk factors of 6-to-17-year-old children and adolescents - cross-sectional study

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends epidemiological studies for planning dental services to collect information about oral disease, oral health, and treatment needs of population. The periodontal and dental examinations were made on 4534 children (2018 males and 2516 females) by using CPI and DMFT indices. Information concerning with parent's demographic status was obtained through a survey questionnaires. According to CPI scores; 5.1% of males and 8.9% of females had healthy periodontium. Of the entire group; 70.0% of males and 67.8% of females had bleeding on probing (score 1) and the highest percentages were obtained for 8-year-old males (88.2%) and 7-year-old females (90.8%), respectively. Mean DMFT scores were 2.66±3.0 for males and 2.30±2.8 for females, respectively. For the entire group; the most affected CPI sextants were lower anterior for both gender (males 19.4%, females 17.8%). Multiple binary logistic regression analysis showed that the parents educational level, frequency of tooth brushing, anxiety, and preventive dental visits and sleep duration were significant risk indicators for periodontal disease. This study clearly indicated that effective oral health prevention strategies need to be implemented to improve the oral health of school-children in Turkey

    Alveolar Bone Protective and Hypoglycemic Effects of Systemic Propolis Treatment in Experimental Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the anti-inflammatory effects of propolis on the systemic and local effects on experimental periodontitis and diabetes. Fifty-six Wistar rats were divided into seven groups: (1) negative-control (NC), (2) periodontitis (P), (3) diabetes (D), (4) diabetes+periodontitis (DP), (5) periodontitis+propolis (P-Pro), (6) diabetes+propolis (D-Pro), and (7) diabetes+periodontitis+propolis (DP-Pro). Periodontitis was induced by ligature placement and diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection. Propolis (Pro) was administrated by oral gavage (100 mg/kg/day). On day 21, plasma was obtained for analysis and alveolar bone level was evaluated using histomorphometric analysis. Compared to NC the final blood glucose levels for D-Pro was not significantly different (P=.052), however, D, DP, and DP-Pro were significantly different. There were no statistically significant differences in blood glucose concentrations between P and P-Pro, between D and D-Pro, and between DP and DP-Pro. All groups showed significantly more alveolar bone loss compared with NC. A significant difference in bone loss was found between P and P-Pro, and DP and DP-Pro, however there was no difference between D and D-Pro. Plasma interleukin 1beta (IL-1 beta), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) levels were not significantly different among groups. In conclusion, propolis reduced fasting blood glucose levels in diabetes. In addition, propolis might be beneficial as an adjunct treatment of diabetes associated periodontitis and periodontitis without diabetes