21 research outputs found

    Methodology for sub-commercial calculation of the potential energy storage capacity of hydrogen, natural gas, and compressed air in salt caves

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    The incorporation of renewable energy into the future world energy matrix challenges its efficient use because renewable energy is not always available due to its dependence on natural factors such as wind and sunlight. This work develops a new resource management system to evaluate the renewable energy resources stored in salt caves using power-to-gas (P2G) and compressed air energy storage (CAES) technologies in the initial phase of a project (sub-commercial phase). To fulfill this objective, bibliographical research, document analysis, and consultations with specialists were used as the methodological basis. Two systems were identified to be used as a reference for the proposed methodology: Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) and CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS). A classification framework is proposed for energy storage and an application of the framework is presented for a case study in Portugal. Similar to these reference systems, a sub-commercial project momentum was established, and three stages called total potential resource (R3), total probable resource (R2), and total proved resource (R1) were defined. The results support corporate and governmental decision-making on project continuity for both the market and governments, thus demonstrating their importance in new global energy reality. It is recommended to define the sub-commercial stage as well as the mapping ofR2 in the Brazilian territory as was done recently in Europe

    Análise econômica da produção de acerola para mesa, em Jales-SP: um estudo de caso Economic analysis of the producion of west indian cherry for table in Jales-SP: a study of case

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    Este trabalho foi realizado no município de Jales, localizado na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de analisar economicamente o cultivo da acerola para mesa. Para se estimar a matriz de coeficientes técnicos, os custos de implantação e produção e os indicadores de lucratividade da cultura, os dados foram levantados junto a um produtor e técnicos da região, em 2000. Os custos de implantação e formação da cultura nos dois primeiros anos atingiram R2.462,09/ha, e a receita líquida estimada para a acerola a partir do 5º ano foi de R9.061,55, correspondendo a um índice de lucratividade de 59,23%, resultado bastante atraente, principalmente para produtores interessados em diversificarem suas atividades voltadas especificamente para a fruticultura.<br>This work was carried out in Jales town, located in northwest region of São Paulo State, having the aim to analyze economically the west Indian cherry crop. For estimate the technical coefficients, the planting costs, production and the indicators of the profitable of the culture, the data were acquired from one producer and technicians of the region, in year of 2000. The costs of planting and formation in two years of the culture had reached R2.462,09/haandtheliquidprescriptionestimateforwestIndiancherryonthefifthyearwasR2.462,09/ha and the liquid prescription estimate for west Indian cherry on the fifth year was R9.061,55 corresponding to an index of profitable of 59.23%, sufficiently attractive result, mainly for the producers interested in diversifying their activities specifically for fruits crops