5 research outputs found

    Beneficial use of immunoglobulins in the treatment of Sydenham chorea

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    This double case report indicates that treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) is effective in patients with Sydenham chorea (SC). SC is a rare but impressive clinical manifestation following streptococcal infection. This movement disorder characterised by chorea, emotional lability and muscle weakness, is one of the major criteria of acute rheumatic fever. Treatment of SC is typically limited to supportive care and palliative medications. Curative treatment is still in the experimental stage. Recent research on patients with SC proved that antibodies against the group A streptococcus cross-react with epitopes of neurons in the basal ganglia, namely, intracellular tubulin and extracellular lysoganglioside. Therefore, immune modulating therapy by means of prednisone, plasma exchange and IVIG are mentioned in the literature as possible effective treatment. Beneficial effect of IVIG has been shown in several diseases with molecular mimicry as the underlying pathophysiology. In this paper, we describe two girls aged 11 and 13 years, respectively, who presented with SC having severe disabilities in their daily live. We treated both patients with IVIG 400 mg/kg/day for 5 days. Treatment was tolerated well and had a pronounced positive effect. Shortly after the drug was administered, all signs and symptoms disappeared in both patients. Based upon these patients, we highlight IVIG as a serious treatment option for SC

    Revisão sistemática da produção acadêmica brasileira sobre causas externas e violências contra a pessoa idosa Systematic review of the Brazilian academic production about external causes and violence against the elderly

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    Apresenta-se revisão sistemática sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa no período de 2000 a 2009. A base de dados para a pesquisa é o acervo de artigos, livros, capítulos de livros, manuais e planos de ação da Biblioteca Virtual em Violência e Saúde. Foram categorizados e analisados 115 documentos segundo os subtemas: quedas; causas externas e violência em geral; estudos epidemiológicos e socioepidemiológicos; prevenção da violência; violência e acidentes no contexto familiar; revisão conceitual e metodológica; ordem legal e denúncias; violência sob o olhar de quem a vivencia; serviços de saúde, profissionais e cuidadores; e construção e revalidação de instrumentos de pesquisa. Os resultados mostram relevante aumento da produção e aprimoramento metodológico nas áreas de saúde pública, serviço social, direito, fisioterapia, enfermagem, psicologia, otorrinolaringologia e na formulação de políticas e planos de ação. No entanto, há temas pouco aprofundados como acidentes de trânsito, homicídios, suicídios, afogamentos e sufocações.<br>This article presents a review about violence against the elderly, covering the period of 2000 to 2009. The database used in this research was the collection of articles, books, book chapters, manuals and plans of action of the Virtual Library on Violence and Health. We analyzed 115 documents divided into the following categories: falls; external causes and violence in general; epidemiological and socio-epidemiological studies; prevention of violence; violence and accidents in the family; conceptual and methodological review; legal order and denunciation; violence from the elderly's point of view; health services, professionals and caretakers; and construction and validation of research instruments. The results show a relevant increase in production and methodological improvement in public health, social work, law, physiotherapy, nursing, psychology and otorhinolaryngology. However, there are issues that have not been sufficiently approached such as traffic accidents, homicides, suicides, drowning and suffocation