5 research outputs found

    Treatment Needs for Dental Caries, Restorative Care Index, and Index of Extractions in Adolescents 12 and 15 Years Old

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    Objective: To determine the Treatment Needs Index (TNI) for dental caries, the restorative Care Index (CI), and to introduce a Tooth Extractions Index (TEI) to estimate past and current treatment needs among Mexican adolescents. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 1538 adolescents aged 12 and 15 years in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, to collect decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) data to describe TNI, CI and TEI indices. Results: Higher TNI was identified in younger male teenagers who had always lived in the same community, without dental visits in the last year, and who had poorer socio-economic markers. Higher CI was found in older, female subjects who had moved in their lifetimes to a new community in the area, with dental visits in the last year and who had better socio-economic markers. Higher TEI was found in older, female teenagers who had moved in their lifetimes to a new community in the area, without dental visits in the last year, and who had worse socio-economic markers. Conclusions: We observed high rates of treatment needs for dental caries and little experience of restorative treatment. While dental extractions due to advanced caries should ideally be zero, relatively few adolescents had this treatment experience. Despite the fact that the overall background of these adolescents is rather homogeneous, it was still possible to find that treatment needs' indices (past and present needs) appeared to be modified by sociodemographic and socio-economic variables

    Influência de diferentes concentrações de flúor na água em indicadores epidemiológicos de saúde/doença bucal Influence of different concentrations of fluoride in the water on epidemiologic indicators of oral health/disease

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o acesso a fontes de fluoreto e as condições de saúde bucal de 237 escolares de nove a dezesseis anos, de três localidades com diferentes concentrações de fluoreto na água. O teor de flúor na água de cada região foi analisado pela técnica do eletrodo seletivo para o íon flúor e a foi avaliada prevalência de cárie e fluorose, respectivamente, pelo índice CPOD e TSIF, apresentando diferença estatisticamente significante (ANOVA; p < 0,05) nas três localidades: área sem fluoretação artificial (CPOD 5,32 ± 3,49) e 16% de fluorose; área com fluoretação artificial de 0,8 ppmF (CPOD 1,88 ± 2,22) e 94% de fluorose; área com fluoretação natural de 2,54 ppmF (CPOD 3,96 ± 2,38) e 100% de fluorose. Os achados sugerem que os indicadores epidemiológicos de saúde/doença bucal estudados são influenciados pela presença de fluoreto na água de consumo e que a supervisão e a orientação são fundamentais na correta utilização dos compostos fluoretados, aproveitando-se o máximo benefício no controle da cárie dentária com o mínimo risco de ocorrência de fluorose.<br>The scope of this study was to evaluate access to fluoride sources and oral health hygiene of 237 schoolchildren aged nine to sixteen, from three locations with different fluoride concentrations in the water. The fluoride level in the water of each area was analyzed by the selective electrode technique for the fluoride ion and the prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis were evaluated, respectively, by the DMFT and TSIF index, revealing a statistically significant difference (ANOVA; p <0,05) in the three locations: area without artificial fluoridation (DMTF 5.32 ± 3.49) and 16% of dental fluorosis; area with artificial fluoridation of 0.8 ppmF (DMTF 1.88 ± 2.22) and 94% of dental fluorosis; area with natural fluoridation of 2.54 ppmF (DMTF 3.96 ± 2.38) and 100% of dental fluorosis. The findings suggest that the epidemiologic indicators of oral health/disease are influenced by the presence of fluoride in the water supply and that supervision and orientation are fundamental in the correct use of fluoridated compositions, taking advantage of the maximum benefit in the control of dental caries with minimum risk of the occurrence of dental fluorosis