4 research outputs found
Generation mechanism for electron acoustic solitary waves
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Solitary and double-layer structures in quantum bi-ion plasma
- Author
- A Sabetkar
- A Sabetkar
- A Sabetkar
- AK Singh
- AP Kakad
- AP Kakad
- AP Misra
- ATY Lui
- AV Andreev
- B Sahu
- B Song
- BD Fried
- D Dorranian
- DK Singh
- E Agrimson
- EI El-Awady
- F Haas
- F Verheest
- GC Das
- GK Parks
- GV Shpatakovskaya
- H Alinejad
- H Ikezi
- H Ren
- H Saleem
- H Washimi
- JF McKenzie
- JF McKenzie
- K Akimoto
- K Mishra
- K Roy
- KE Lonngren
- KY Kim
- L Stenflo
- L Wei
- LK Ang
- LL Yadav
- M Marklund
- M Rosenberg
- M Rosenberg
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Shahmansouri
- M Tribeche
- M Tribeche
- ME Koepke
- MM Haidar
- MQ Tran
- MQ Tran
- N Boubakour
- N Nakamura
- N Shahmoradi
- PA Markowich
- PB Dusenbery
- PK Shukla
- PK Shukla
- Q Haquea
- R Bharuthram
- R Bharuthram
- R Sabry
- RB White
- RD Sharp
- RD Sharp
- RL Mace
- S Ali
- S Ali
- S Hussain
- SGh Dezfuly
- SR Cranmer
- SU Rehman
- T Taniuti
- T Taniuti
- TG Onsager
- TH Stix
- TS Gill
- Y Wang
- YD Jung
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ionospheric response to magnetic activity at low and mid-latitude stations
- Author
- A Dmitriev
- AD Danilov
- AD Danilov
- AP Kakad
- B Joshua
- Babatunde O. Adebesin
- Benjamin W. Joshua
- BO Adebesin
- FM D’ujanga
- G Manju
- G Uma
- GW Prölss
- GW Prölss
- GW Prölss
- H Risbeth
- H Rishbeth
- Isaac A. Adimula
- JO Adeniyi
- JO Adeniyi
- JY Liu
- L Liu
- L Liu
- LFC Rezende
- M Mendillo
- MC Kelly
- MJ Buonsanto
- MS Bagiya
- MV Klimenko
- Olusola A. Oladipo
- PL Saranya
- R Rawat
- S Mukherjee
- S Sharma
- Shola J. Adebiyi
- SJ Adebiyi
- SO Ikubanni
- Stephen O. Ikubanni
- T Kikuchi
- T Kikuchi
- TW David
- Z Li
- Publication venue
- 'Walter de Gruyter GmbH'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Plasma response to transient high voltage pulses
- Author
- A Luque
- AA Vlasov
- AK Singh
- AP Kakad
- AR Niknam
- B Briehl
- B Eliasson
- B Eliasson
- B Sahu
- BP Wood
- C Cattell
- C Franck
- CK Birdsall
- CK Birdsall
- CS Ng
- D Bohm
- D Israel
- D Montgomery
- DL Newman
- E Okutsu
- F Califano
- F Valentini
- F Verheest
- FF Chen
- G Petraconi
- G Sarri
- G Vetoulis
- G Whitham
- GA Collins
- GJ Andrews
- GO Ludwig
- H Abbasi
- H Bailung
- H Ikezi
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Schamel
- H Tanaca
- H Washimi
- HL PĂ©cseli
- HL PĂ©cseli
- HY Chang
- I Alexeff
- I Alexeff
- I Alexeff
- I Alexeff
- I Langmuir
- IB Bernstein
- J Brutscher
- J Castro
- JE Willett
- JK Chester
- JM Dawson
- JP Holloway
- JP Lynov
- JP McFadden
- JP Verboncoeur
- JR Conrad
- JR Conrad
- JT Scheuer
- JT Scheuer
- K Nishihara
- K Saeki
- K Saeki
- K Saiki
- K Yukimura
- KE Longren
- KG Budden
- KG Kostov
- KV Roberts
- L Oksuz
- L Tonks
- L Tonks
- L Wei
- LD Landau
- LKS Daldorff
- LM Wickens
- M Berthomier
- M Berthomier
- M Bertomier
- M Kono
- M Murakami
- M Oppenheim
- M Shamim
- M Tanaka
- M Temerin
- M Widner
- MA Lieberman
- ME Dieckmann
- MS Sodha
- MV Goldman
- N Chakrabarti
- NC Adhikary
- P Guio
- P Guio
- P Th Daube
- PK Kaw
- PV Akimov
- R Boström
- R Davidson
- R Pottelette
- RA Dory
- RA Stewart
- RC Cross
- RJ Taylor
- S Ali
- S Bujarbarua
- S Iizuka
- S Kar
- S Kar
- S Kar
- S Kar
- S Mahmood
- S Moiseev
- S Mukherjee
- S Radovanov
- S Watanabe
- SA El-Wakil
- SA Khan
- SD Baalrud
- T Honzawa
- T Honzawa
- T Honzawa
- T Honzawa
- T Honzawa
- TH Dupree
- TH Stix
- VL Krasovsky
- W Fox
- W Masood
- W Masood
- Y Amagishi
- Y Li
- YC Saxena
- YF Li
- YX Huang
- Z Sternovsky
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study