84 research outputs found

    Amplitude and rotational speed control of variable length pendulum by periodic input

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    In this paper, a control law to stabilize the amplitude or rotational speed of a variable length pendulum to a desired value by periodically changing the position of the center of gravity is proposed. First, the motion of the pendulum oscillating around a lower equilibrium point is analyzed using the averaging method, and a first-order differential equation for the amplitude of the pendulum is derived. Subsequently, using the derived equation of motion, a control law is designed to control the amplitude of the pendulum to the desired value. Similarly, the motion of a pendulum rotating continuously around the rotation axis is analyzed, the first-order differential equation for the angular velocity of the pendulum is derived, and then a control law of the rotational speed is designed. The derived nonlinear feedback control law consists of the amplitude, angle, and angular velocity of the pendulum in the case of amplitude control, and in the case of rotational speed control, the rotational velocity and angular acceleration of the pendulum. Finally, by using the proposed control method, it is shown that the amplitude and rotational speed of the pendulum can be controlled to the desired values

    Dynamic characteristic analysis of nonresonance-type ultrasonic actuator using electronic circuit simulator

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    The electromechanical equivalent circuit of an ultrasonic actuator is useful for gaining intuitive understanding or for design. However, the equivalent circuit had not been simulated directly on commercial computer software such as an electronic circuit simulator (ECS), because the nonlinear elements that express friction or contact separation are rarely expressed on the equivalent circuit. In this paper, the equivalent circuit model of a nonresonance-type ultrasonic actuator, which is created on the basis of the equation of motion and can be simulated on a commercial ECS, is proposed, and some simulated results obtained using a commercial ECS are reported

    Examination of High-Torque Sandwich-Type Spherical Ultrasonic Motor Using with High-Power Multimode Annular Vibrating Stator

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    Spherical ultrasonic motors (SUSMs) that can operate with multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) using only a single stator have high holding torque and high torque at low speed, which makes reduction gearing unnecessary. The simple structure of MDOF-SUSMs makes them useful as compact actuators, but their development is still insufficient for applications such as joints of humanoid robots and other systems that require MDOF and high torque. To increase the torque of a sandwich-type MDOF-SUSM, we have not only made the vibrating stator and spherical rotor larger but also improved the structure using three design concepts: (1) increasing the strength of all three vibration modes using multilayered piezoelectric actuators (MPAs) embedded in the stator, (2) enhancing the rigidity of the friction driving portion of the stator for transmitting more vibration force to the friction-driven rotor surface, and (3) making the support mechanism more stable. An MDOF-SUSM prototype was tested, and the maximum torques of rotation around the X(Y)-axis and Z-axis were measured as 1.48 N?m and 2.05 N?m, respectively. Moreover, the values for torque per unit weight of the stator were obtained as 0.87 N?m/kg for the X(Y)-axis and 1.20 N?m/kg for the Z-axis. These are larger than values reported for any other sandwich-type MDOF-SUSM of which we are aware. Hence, the new design concepts were shown to be effective for increasing torque. In addition, we measured the transient response and calculated the load characteristics of rotation around the rotor’s three orthogonal axes

    Development of electromagnetic and piezoelectric hybrid actuator system

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    An ordinal force-feedback device typically uses an electromagnetic motor (EMM), which provides an excellent expression of elasticity. However, it is not easy to express the sense of hardness and roughness because the response of the current is delayed due to the inductance of the armature winding. On the contrary, a piezoelectric actuator, which has a rapid response, is good at expressing the sense of hardness and roughness. Thus, if different types of actuators are used in the same actuator system (AS), the weaknesses of each type can be compensated for. In this study, as an ideal force-feedback device, a hybrid actuator system combining an EMM with an ultrasonic motor (USM) and a piezoelectric clutch/brake (piezo-clutch/brake) is proposed and examined. This AS can expand the range of representable feelings. This paper describes the construction of a hybrid AS and some experimental results of a force-feedback display. In this experiment, the feelings of roughness, friction, and elasticity were represented. The feeling of roughness was represented by the on-off control of the piezo-brake at defined positions. The feeling of friction was represented by the PID control of braking using the piezo-clutch. The feeling of elasticity was represented by two methods: the use of the EMM and brake and the use of a combination of the USM, clutch, and brake. As a result, the hardness feeling was realistically represented by the piezo-brake, and the elastic feeling was represented by either the EMM or the USM

    Artificially Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Surgical Subjects: Its Implications in Clinical and Basic Cancer Research

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    BACKGROUND: Surgical samples have long been used as important subjects for cancer research. In accordance with an increase of neoadjuvant therapy, biopsy samples have recently become imperative for cancer transcriptome. On the other hand, both biopsy and surgical samples are available for expression profiling for predicting clinical outcome by adjuvant therapy; however, it is still unclear whether surgical sample expression profiles are useful for prediction via biopsy samples, because little has been done about comparative gene expression profiling between the two kinds of samples. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: A total of 166 samples (77 biopsy and 89 surgical) of normal and malignant lesions of the esophagus were analyzed by microarrays. Gene expression profiles were compared between biopsy and surgical samples. Artificially induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (aiEMT) was found in the surgical samples, and also occurred in mouse esophageal epithelial cell layers under an ischemic condition. Identification of clinically significant subgroups was thought to be disrupted by the disorder of the expression profile through this aiEMT. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: This study will evoke the fundamental misinterpretation including underestimation of the prognostic evaluation power of markers by overestimation of EMT IN past cancer research, and will furnish some advice for the near future as follows: 1) Understanding how long the tissues were under an ischemic condition. 2) Prevalence of biopsy samples for in vivo expression profiling with low biases on basic and clinical research. 3) Checking cancer cell contents and normal- or necrotic-tissue contamination in biopsy samples for prevalence

    Study on Multidegree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor Using Vibration Mode Rotation of Metal Spherical Stator

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    Most of the multidegree-of-freedom ultrasonic motors (MDOF-USMs) use a spherical rotor, and the design of the stator is restricted due to the use of the resonance mode. (1) Therefore, there is almost impossible to freely design the overall shape, resulting in a complicated structure. (2) To solve such an inconvenience, an MDOF-USM using a metal spherical stator was proposed. The vibration mode rotation on the stator was designed by theoretical analysis of spherical vibration and finite element method analysis. Multilayer piezoelectric actuators (MPAs) were embedded in the sphere to excite the vibration mode. Cylindrical projections were attached to the surface of the stator to magnify the vibration displacement and worked as the driving part. Their effects were evaluated using an electronic circuit simulator method of performance analysis. (3) As a result, two types of vibration mode rotation methods for the 3-DOF rotation were confirmed. It was also confirmed that the rotor covering the outside stator rotates around three axes. However, tiny torque, low power factor, and slow speed were obtained. (4) An MDOF-USM using a spherical stator was realized according to the operating principle. However, since the cause of such a low performance is the excitation method of the sphere and the rotor structure, research for improvement is required in the future

    Examination of High-Torque Sandwich-Type Spherical Ultrasonic Motor Using with High-Power Multimode Annular Vibrating Stator

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    Spherical ultrasonic motors (SUSMs) that can operate with multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) using only a single stator have high holding torque and high torque at low speed, which makes reduction gearing unnecessary. The simple structure of MDOF-SUSMs makes them useful as compact actuators, but their development is still insufficient for applications such as joints of humanoid robots and other systems that require MDOF and high torque. To increase the torque of a sandwich-type MDOF-SUSM, we have not only made the vibrating stator and spherical rotor larger but also improved the structure using three design concepts: (1) increasing the strength of all three vibration modes using multilayered piezoelectric actuators (MPAs) embedded in the stator, (2) enhancing the rigidity of the friction driving portion of the stator for transmitting more vibration force to the friction-driven rotor surface, and (3) making the support mechanism more stable. An MDOF-SUSM prototype was tested, and the maximum torques of rotation around the X(Y)-axis and Z-axis were measured as 1.48 N∙m and 2.05 N∙m, respectively. Moreover, the values for torque per unit weight of the stator were obtained as 0.87 N∙m/kg for the X(Y)-axis and 1.20 N∙m/kg for the Z-axis. These are larger than values reported for any other sandwich-type MDOF-SUSM of which we are aware. Hence, the new design concepts were shown to be effective for increasing torque. In addition, we measured the transient response and calculated the load characteristics of rotation around the rotor’s three orthogonal axes