5 research outputs found

    Transdisciplinary Joint Seminar Studies: Conflits et Interprétations

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    This report details the research activity carried out from 2009 to date under the Transdisciplinary Joint Seminar Studies of the universities of Aoyama Gakuin, Franche-Comté and Tsukuba. Through study sessions and conferences as well as individual research papers, the issue of conflict and interpretation is addressed across the specific fields of study from the three distinct considerations of circulation, representation and language. 要旨本報告は2009年から現在まで「青山学院大学・フランシュコンテ大学・筑波大学異分野共同セミナー」において行われた研究活動をまとめたものである。分科会、講演、ならびに個々の論文において論じられた「循環」「表象」「言語」の考察を通じて、「衝突」と「解釈」をめぐる諸問題が検証される

    The Report of the Survey to the Members of the Society about the Functional Dissociation of the Psychiatric Hospital beds

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    精神保健福祉法第41条の「指針」の中の「病床機能分化」に関して,日本精神神経学会会員の意見を把握することを目的にアンケート調査を実施した.平成27年5月1~30日の間に学会ホームページに質問事項(9項目)を掲載し,回答者が特定されないよう,web上で回答を求める手法で調査を行った.862名(会員全体の5.3%)の回答が得られた.回答の動向をみると,賛成群が圧倒的に多かった(80%以上)質問項目は,「回復期入院治療を多職種で充実する」「重度かつ慢性患者については病状の程度に応じて処遇する」「地域移行は受け皿の整備状況を見ながら進める」の3項目であった.賛成群がやや多かった(55~62%)質問項目は,「急性期充実のために慢性期病床を削減する」「身体合併症・高齢者については病床転換型老健類似施設で処遇する」「病院内の人材を地域に移動させる必要がある」の3項目であった.反対群が賛成群よりもやや多かった(反対が47%程度)質問項目は,「慢性患者の症状評価は第三者機関で」「生活訓練施設は地域内に置くべきである」の2項目であった.アンケート調査によって各種問題に対する会員の意向を知ることができ,極めて有意義な調査であった.In 2014, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare published the guideline on the policy of the psychiatric hospitals. We executed a survey to the members of "The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology" about the impression of this guideline, especially about "The functional differentiation of psychiatric hospital beds". Nine questions were notified on the home page of the society. 862 answers (5.3% of the members) were corrected by website from 1st to 30th of May in 2015. Attribution of the answers: doctors working at the psychiatric hospitals (70.9%), the psychiatric clinics (20%), the others (9.1%). The questions which more than 80% of the answers agreed were "The reduction of the psychiatric beds should be step-wise under the rule of check & balance in the improvement of the psychiatric community treatment", "Improve the function of the recovery phase treatment" and "The adequate treatment for the patients of the severe and chronic phases". The questions more than 55% of the answers agreed were "The reduction of the chronic phase beds for the improvement of the function of the acute phase beds". The questions which opposites exceeded (almost 47%) were "The assessment of the psychiatric symptoms in the patients of the chronic phase should be done by the third party" and "The facility for social skill treatment should be placed in the community". We could know the mind of the members about the revolution of the psychiatri