126 research outputs found

    Il profilo dell’insegnante specializzato nelle opinioni di insegnanti in servizio, curricolari e sul posto di sostegno, di infanzia e primaria. Uno studio italiano

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    More then 35 years ago special teachers for inclusion (i.e.,“insegnanti specializzati per le attività di sostegno didattico agli alunni con disabilità”) were introduced in Italian schools according to inclusion policy. In the past these teachers were often viewed as “minor” teachers; the reason for this was probably due to the ambivalent definition of their professional role. The role legitimation of these teachers in schools is still an unresolved problem. This paper attempts to describe the teaching experience through the opinion of key witnesses - the teachers themselves. This study analyses the views of both “insegnanti specializzati” and class teachers of preschool and primary school, collected through an ad hoc questionnaire, concerning the profession of “insegnante specializzato” and aims at outlining this teacher profile. The findings of the study show a common view on the work of “insegnante specializzato”, based on deep knowledge of the special needs pupils’ individual specificity and close relationship with their parents; however, some differences can be pointed out between class teachers views and those of “insegnanti specializzati”: notably“insegnanti specializzati” state the central role of individualized education programmes, specific didactic tools, and a stronger inclusive approach to be achieved through collaboration with colleagues.More then 35 years ago special teachers for inclusion (i.e.,“insegnanti specializzati per le attività di sostegno didattico agli alunni con disabilità”) were introduced in Italian schools according to inclusion policy. In the past these teachers were often viewed as “minor” teachers; the reason for this was probably due to the ambivalent definition of their professional role. The role legitimation of these teachers in schools is still an unresolved problem. This paper attempts to describe the teaching experience through the opinion of key witnesses - the teachers themselves. This study analyses the views of both “insegnanti specializzati” and class teachers of preschool and primary school, collected through an ad hoc questionnaire, concerning the profession of “insegnante specializzato” and aims at outlining this teacher profile. The findings of the study show a common view on the work of “insegnante specializzato”, based on deep knowledge of the special needs pupils’ individual specificity and close relationship with their parents; however, some differences can be pointed out between class teachers views and those of “insegnanti specializzati”: notably“insegnanti specializzati” state the central role of individualized education programmes, specific didactic tools, and a stronger inclusive approach to be achieved through collaboration with colleagues


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    Il paper riferisce di una ricerca condotta con bambini in etĂ  prescolare. La ricerca ha inteso verificare l'ipotesi che la comprensione del testo orale verbale potesse essere incrementata da un percorso di sollecitazione condotto in piccolo gruppo, nel contesto scolastico e facente uso di materiale visivo. Il paper discute i risultati ottenuti

    L’incontro con i BES: una sfida cruciale nelle testimonianze di insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia e primaria

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    This research looks deeper into the theme of a teacher’s professional identity, studying those aspects of expertise (Berliner, 1987) which teachers believe they habitually employ or which they feel are necessary when dealing with children with special educational needs. The research highlights examples or instances within the teachers’ working experience, in written descriptions by both class and special teachers for inclusion working in Italian preschool and primary schools. The theme of competence and levels of criticism in the teaching profession where explored through the analysis of 515 autobiographical essays where teachers described their work experiences as being successful or riddled with difficulties. The essays collected were examined using textual analysis (Taltac) (De Lillo, 1971; Bolasco, 1999) and subsequently the relationship with special educational needs will be examined through content analysis on the 208 essay that reports situation connected to special educational needs. Lexical analysis carried out highlights certain contexts and situations as being particularly relevant to teachers as their encounters with children with special needs. The content analysis put in evidence the area of the teaching profession (Galliani, 2004) of those teachers involved in encounters with children with special needs, the resources adopted by them, the heart of the problemconnected to the satisfaction gained or the level of professional criticism when dealing with children with special educational needs. The aim is reflect on suitable strategies and material for training teachers in order to create a climate for inclusion in the classroom

    Pratiche inclusive nella scuola dell’infanzia: una ricerca sulle opinioni degli insegnanti

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    Since 1982 Italian preschool is characterized by being inclusive for all children, including those with SEN. The research analyses the opinions of preschool teachers about their inclusive practices: in line with the European documents; in continuity with the recommendations to improve empirical research on inclusive practices in Italy and referring to Italian studies related to teachers’ opinions about inclusion and addressed to childhood. This study aims to identify the strategies adopted and recognized as crucial by teachers to promote inclusion in preschool context by using as reference Mitchell’s evidence-based perspective (2008; 2014). For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared (67 closed and 4 open questions) and presented in a restricted situation to 68 teachers from ten different preschools in northern Italy (sample of convenience). The present research focuses only on open questions, which have been the subject of content analysis by two researchers with inter-subjective comparison and then descriptive statistical analysis. The open questions referred to strategies and examples of inclusive practices, collaboration between teachers and activities in support of the continuity between schools. The analysis of the practices allows to highlight if the strategies that evidence-based literature reports as relevant are effectively applied in preschool and secondly it allows to signal the specificity of inclusive teaching in this context by the teachers themselves.Since 1982 Italian preschool is characterized by being inclusive for all children, including those with SEN. The research analyses the opinions of preschool teachers about their inclusive practices: in line with the European documents; in continuity with the recommendations to improve empirical research on inclusive practices in Italy and referring to Italian studies related to teachers’ opinions about inclusion and addressed to childhood. This study aims to identify the strategies adopted and recognized as crucial by teachers to promote inclusion in preschool context by using as reference Mitchell’s evidence-based perspective (2008; 2014). For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared (67 closed and 4 open questions) and presented in a restricted situation to 68 teachers from ten different preschools in northern Italy (sample of convenience). The present research focuses only on open questions, which have been the subject of content analysis by two researchers with inter-subjective comparison and then descriptive statistical analysis. The open questions referred to strategies and examples of inclusive practices, collaboration between teachers and activities in support of the continuity between schools. The analysis of the practices allows to highlight if the strategies that evidence-based literature reports as relevant are effectively applied in preschool and secondly it allows to signal the specificity of inclusive teaching in this context by the teachers themselves

    Aspetti di qualità dell’insegnante attraverso una scala di self efficacy

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    La ricerca di cui si riferisce saggiato la rappresentazione di professionalità docente e la competenza professionale percepita da insegnanti in servizio, anche allo scopo di individuare areee di bisogno formative. A tal fine, è stata tradotta e impiegata la scala di Tsachennen-Moran, nota anche come scala dell’Ohio (TSES 2001) che, se pure nata in contesti culturali diversi, sembra particolarmente adatta a sondare una costellazione di comportamenti professionali salienti dell’insegnante. Le 3 subscale che la compongono concernono rispettivamente le strategie didattiche, la gestione della classe, e la motivazione/coinvolgimento degli allievi. Per mettere in connessione l’autovalutazione (o competenza percepita) con la rappresentazione dell’insegnamento, si è proceduto a costruire uno strumento di rilevazione delle opinioni degli insegnanti che riproducesse puntualmente ciascuno degli item di autoefficacia e ad anteporlo alla scala di self-efficacy. Pertanto se gli item della scala TSES chiedono al rispondente di indicare in quale misura essi si ritengano “capaci di” svolgere determinate funzioni professionali, la scala dell’opinione costruita ad hoc chiede a ciascuno di indicare in quale misura “sia importante” per un insegnante “essere capace di”. Il questionario utilizzato ha indagato in forma anonima i dati anagrafici, i titoli di studio, di abilitazione e le eventuali specializzazioni, le esperienze lavorative nel campo dell’insegnamento, l’eventuale funzione di insegnante di sostegno ricoperta, il titolo di laurea, la classe di abilitazione, la consistenza dell’insegnamento esperito ed una vasta serie di difficoltà professionali incontrate (Veenman 1984, ). Nell’ultima parte sono state collocate le scale di autopercezione e quella di opinione. Il questionario descritto è stato sottoposto ai frequentanti dei corsi TFA, PAS, Specializzazione per il sostegno presso l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia negli anni 2013, 2014 e 2015, nel corso delle lezioni iniziali dei rispettivi corsi. I questionari raccolti sono circa 450: di questi circa 400 sono insegnanti in servizio. È su questa popolazione di ‘precari’ della scuola che il presente contributo si concentra. In primo luogo, dunque la ricerca ha testato la tenuta della scala di self efficacy TSES su un campione italiano. Verranno presentati pertanto i risultati dell’ analisi fattoriale esplorativa che ha saggiato la consistenza dei tre fattori (dimensioni) presso una popolazione di insegnanti italiani, e discusse le più rilevanti discrepanze. In secondo luogo l’importanza percepita delle diverse dimensioni dell’insegnamento (le 3 subscale) è posta in connessione con le più salienti variabili di sfondo del campione indagato

    Trasformare la relazione educativa nelle situazioni di emergenza: un’indagine nei servizi 0-6 al tempo del Covid-19

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    We are living in a time of emergency and dramatic transformations, which challengeeach of us both professionally and personally. Faced with the effects of the pandemic,the educational profession maintains its responsibility to demonstrate the resilience tocontinue, today more than ever in a logic of social inclusion, to develop resources andpromote growth, autonomies and learning. Through the voices of privileged witnesses(educators, coordinators, curricular and specialized teachers), this contribution analysesexperiences and practices that promote in everyday life a reviewed and reinterpreted ed-ucational relationship. Using interviews, questionnaires and documentation producedby early childhood services mainly in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna in the first monthsof lockdown, we will highlight the changes introduced. The intention is to understandexperiences and ethical-moral questioning, modifications to project development, andconditions for the continuity of educational processes through renewed relations, capableof bringing out the main and generative features of educating

    Inclusione e scuola dell’infanzia tra teoria e opinioni di insegnanti

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    This paper deals with the theme of inclusion in preschool starting from literature and empirical reviews on inclusion. The essay puts these theoretical reflections in dialogue with an exploratory investigation carried out by 68 teachers from 10 preschools in Emilia Romagna through a questionnaire built on existing tools: Elements to detect and evaluate school integration (Ervis, 2009), Kit for self-evaluation of quality of school inclusion (Quadis, since 2000), Index for inclusion(2002, 2008, 2014) that aims to evaluate some practices considered crucial for thepromotion of an inclusive climate. These results are then analyzed in exploratory way by outlining some teacher training needs and specifying the topic of inclusion in preschool.Il presente contributo affronta il tema dell’inclusione nella scuola dell’infanzia a partire da una riflessione sugli indicatori per l’inclusione presenti nella letteratura teorica ed empirica. Il saggio pone poi in dialogo tali approfondimenti con una indagine esplorativa che ha coinvolto 68 insegnanti di 10 scuole dell’infanzia emiliane, intervistate attraverso un questionario costruito sulla base di riferimenti a strumenti già esistenti: Elementi per rilevare e valutare l’integrazione scolastica (Ervis, 2009); Kit per l’autoanalisi e l’autovalutazione di istituto per la qualità dell’inclusione (Quadis, a partire dagli anni 2000), Index for inclusion (2002, 2008, 2014) con l’intento di analizzare le pratiche funzionali alla promozione di un clima inclusivo messe in atto nella scuola. Tali risultati permettono in via esplorativa di delineare alcuni bisogni formativi degli insegnanti e di precisare il tema dell’inclusione per la fascia 3-6 anni

    Monitoring and evaluating the specialization for support teachers in a perspective of improvement

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    La formazione iniziale degli insegnanti specializzati per le attività di sostegno didattico agli alunni con disabilità rappresenta un fattore essenziale per promuovere la qualità dei processi inclusivi nelle scuole di differente ordine e grado. I Corsi di Specializzazione per il Sostegno istituiti dal D.M. 30.09.2011 costituiscono dunque un percorso formativo di cui è necessario monitorare e valutare sistematicamente l’efficacia per incrementarne progressivamente la qualità. In questo senso il contributo presenta l’impianto valutativo elaborato e sperimentato nella quarta edizione del corso del 2018-19, evidenziandone l’utilitàal fine della riprogettazione e del miglioramento del percorso

    L’Università si apre ai non studenti: un progetto di partecipazione e di apprendimenti per giovani con disabilità intellettiva in una Università italiana

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    This paper aims to set at the center of consideration post-secondary education for young peoplewith intellectual disabilities. It deals with documentation about an innovative pilot project thatsupported the participation and learning of young people with intellectual disabilities in an ItalianUniversity. The study faces some crucial issues related to the accompanying processes towardsadulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities. The investigation employs a theoreticaland regulatory framework, a rigorous documentation through interviews to the actors of theproject and an in-depth analysis on the choices of organizational and didactic activities. Suchexperience is intended to be an opportunity to reflect on the ways the University, as it happenselsewhere, can also be a promoter of change supporting inclusive processes

    L'Universit\ue0 si apre ai non studenti: un progetto di partecipazione e apprendimenti per giovani con disabilit\ue0 intellettiva in una Universit\ue0 italiana

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    Il contributo pone al centro della riflessione il tema della formazione post-secondaria per giovani con disabilit\ue0 intellettiva, documentando un innovativo progetto pilota che ha sostenuto la partecipazione e gli apprendimenti di giovani con disabilit\ue0 intellettiva in una Universit\ue0 italiana. Lo studio affronta alcuni nodi cruciali relativi ai processi di accompagnamento verso l\u2019adultit\ue0 di giovani con disabilit\ue0 intellettiva sulla base di un quadro teorico e normativo di riferimento, la documentazione rigorosa del progetto attraverso interviste rivolte a testimoni privilegiati e un approfondimento sulle scelte organizzative e didattiche intraprese. L\u2019esperienza presentata vuole essere un'occasione di riflessione sulle forme attraverso cui anche l\u2019Universit\ue0 pu\uf2 diventare agente di cambiamento nel sostenere i processi inclusivi, come gi\ue0 in diversi paesi sta accadendo
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