127 research outputs found

    Ivan Filip Vezdin\u27s deliberations

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    Nakon pripomena o sažetom životopisu Ivana Filipa Vezdina slijedi pregled njegova rada. U srediÅ”tu su rasprave Vezdinove misli o temelju saznanja za boravka na području indijskoga vjerskoga, filozofskog i kulturnog ozračja. Rasprava je izrađena viÅ”e kao poticaj za Å”iroku i svestraniju obradbu Vezdinovih djela nego kao zavrÅ”na prosudba o piŔćevu prinosu europskoj uljudbi.Remarks concerning the concise biography of Ivan Filip Vezdin are followed by a survey of his work. The paper focuses on Vezdinā€™s considerations of the basis of knowledge during his sojourn in the religious, philosophical, and cultural realm of India. The treatise is intended as an encouragement for a comprehensive research into Vezdinā€™s work, not as a conclusive evaluation of his contribution to the European civilization

    Lik zaboravljena velikana

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    Neočekivana knjiga o Bunjevcima

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    NaŔa narodna imena mjeseci

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    Zauzetost Lajče Budakovića oko crkvenog pjevanja

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    Ludwig/Lajƶo BudanoviĆ© (Bajmok, 27. 03. 1873. botica, 16. 03. 1956) war Bischof der Diƶzese Backa und ein Kulturschaffender. Die ganze AktivitƤt Von BudanoviĆ© war durch sein priesterliches Amt gefragt: literarisches und kulturelles Wirken, GrĆ¼ndung von Gesellschaften und Vereinigungen, Leitung von Bruderschaften und katolischen Volkslesehallen. Nebst biographischen Daten wird in dieser Arbeit auf die BeschƤftigung um Kirchengesang Bischofs BudanoviĆ© hingeweissen. Er war sehr bemĆ¼ht um Kirchengesang vor allem unter seinen kroatischen Landsleuten. Wichtig und bedeutend ist sein Gebetbuch Gottes Ehre in Gebeten und Liedern (1902) und das Ritual des hl. Theresia Kirche (1948) und so auch die andere kleinere Werke von BudanoviĆ©. In der Schlussvolgerung wird die Tatsache betont dass BudanoviĆ© war nicht ein Organist oder Musiker aber sehr eifrig Priester und Bischof der um Kirchengesang einnehmen war

    The Published Contributions to the Research in Croatian Philosophical Heritage in the Border Danube Region

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    Prikaz počinje zemljopisnim međama istraženog područja. Zatim slijedi kratki prikaz druÅ”tvenih i crkvenih odnoÅ”aja među naÅ”im žiteljstvom tijekom četiri minula stoljeća. Posebni pak dio čini popis istraživača koji su pridonijeli ubilježbi filozofskih djela hrvatskih pisaca u naÅ”u baÅ”tinu (Ivan Kujunždić, F. E. HoÅ”ko, Tomo VereÅ”, Ante Sekulić i dr.). U zavrÅ”nom dijelu prikaza zabilježene su neke pripomene i misli o svemu Å”to je do danas učinjeno u istraživanju spomenute baÅ”tine.The paper starts with a survey of the geographical borders of the investigated area. There follows a short survey of social and church relationships in our population during the last four centuries. A separate part of the paper is the list of researchers who had contributed to the notation of philosophical works written by Croatian authors in our heritage (Ivan Kujundžić, F. E. HoÅ”ko, Tomo VereÅ”, Ante Sekulić, and others). The final part of the paper consists of several notes and afterthoughts concerning everything that has hitherto been done in the research into the mentioned heritage
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