
Ivan Filip Vezdin\u27s deliberations


Nakon pripomena o sažetom životopisu Ivana Filipa Vezdina slijedi pregled njegova rada. U središtu su rasprave Vezdinove misli o temelju saznanja za boravka na području indijskoga vjerskoga, filozofskog i kulturnog ozračja. Rasprava je izrađena više kao poticaj za široku i svestraniju obradbu Vezdinovih djela nego kao završna prosudba o pišćevu prinosu europskoj uljudbi.Remarks concerning the concise biography of Ivan Filip Vezdin are followed by a survey of his work. The paper focuses on Vezdin’s considerations of the basis of knowledge during his sojourn in the religious, philosophical, and cultural realm of India. The treatise is intended as an encouragement for a comprehensive research into Vezdin’s work, not as a conclusive evaluation of his contribution to the European civilization

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