12 research outputs found

    Distribution characteristics of normal pure-tone thresholds

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    OBJECTIVE : This study examined the statistical properties of normal air-conduction thresholds obtained with automated and manual audiometry to test the hypothesis that thresholds are normally distributed and to examine the distributions for evidence of bias in manual testing. DESIGN : Four databases were mined for normal thresholds. One contained audiograms obtained with an automated method. The other three were obtained with manual audiometry. Frequency distributions were examined for four test frequencies (250, 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz). STUDY SAMPLE : The analysis is based on 317 569 threshold determinations of 80 547 subjects from four clinical databases. RESULTS : Frequency distributions of thresholds obtained with automated audiometry are normal in form. Corrected for age, the mean thresholds are within 1.5 dB of reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels. Frequency distributions of thresholds obtained by manual audiometry are shifted toward higher thresholds. Two of the three datasets obtained by manual audiometry are positively skewed. CONCLUSIONS : The positive shift and skew of the manual audiometry data may result from tester bias. The striking scarcity of thresholds below 0 dB HL suggests that audiologists place less importance on identifying low thresholds than they do for higher-level thresholds. We refer to this as the Good enough bias and suggest that it may be responsible for differences in distributions of thresholds obtained by automated and manual audiometry.By grant RC3DC010986 from the National Institutes of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The Rehabilitation Research and Development Service of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs supported this work through the Auditory and Vestibular Dysfunction Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP) and a Senior Research Career Scientist.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iija202016-05-31hb2016Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    The effect of noise fluctuation and spectral bandwidth on gap detection

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    Experiment 1 investigated gap detection for random and low-fluctuation noise (LFN) markers as a function of bandwidth (25–1600 Hz), level [40 or 75 dB sound pressure level (SPL)], and center frequency (500–4000 Hz). Gap thresholds for random noise improved as bandwidth increased from 25 to 1600 Hz, but there were only minor effects related to center frequency and level. For narrow bandwidths, thresholds were lower for LFN than random markers; this difference extended to higher bandwidths at the higher center frequencies and was particularly large at high stimulus level. Effects of frequency and level were broadly consistent with the idea that peripheral filtering can increase fluctuation in the encoded LFN stimulus. Experiment 2 tested gap detection for 200-Hz-wide noise bands centered on 2000 Hz, using high-pass maskers to examine spread of excitation effects. Such effects were absent or minor for random noise markers and the 40-dB-SPL LFN markers. In contrast, some high-pass maskers substantially worsened performance for the 75-dB-SPL LFN markers. These results were consistent with an interpretation that relatively acute gap detection for the high-level LFN gap markers resulted from spread of excitation to higher-frequency auditory filters where the magnitude and phase characteristics of the LFN stimuli are better preserved