104 research outputs found

    An innovative machine for Fused Deposition Modeling of metals and advanced ceramics

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    The design of a new additive manufacturing (AM) system based on extrusion and 3D deposition of a mixture of metal (or advanced ceramic) powder and polymeric binder is described in this paper. The proposed system is totally innovative in terms of combination of deposited work material, extrusion system (head and nozzle), and deposition work table, which is based on a 5-axes parallel kinematics machine (PKM). The extrusion head and nozzle have been designed in order to be able to extrude high viscosity mixtures with low polymeric content. The 5-axes PKM is aimed at obtaining a good surface quality of the deposited work and reducing the need for supports during deposition. After the deposition, the material is de-binded and sintered to nearly the density of the solid material as-cast. The design and kinematics of the machine and especially the PKM table is described in this paper, the main design issues are discussed and some preliminary extrusion and sintering results are presented

    Investigation of the effects of machining parameters on material removal rate in abrasive waterjet turning

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    The effects of the main operational machining parameters on the material removal rate (MRR) in abrasive waterjet turning (AWJT) are presented in this paper using a statistical approach. The five most common machining parameters such as water pressure, abrasive mass flow rate, cutting head traverse speed, workpiece rotational speed, and depth of cut have been put into a five-level central composite rotatable experimental design (CCRD). The main effects of parameters and the interaction among them were analyzed by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the response surfaces for MRR were obtained fitting a second-order polynomial function. It has been found that depth of cut and cutting head traverse speed are the most influential parameters, whereas the rotational speed is insignificant. In addition, the investigations show that interactions between traverse speed and pressure, abrasive mass flow rate and depth of cut, and pressure and depth of cut are significant on MRR. This result advances the AWJT state of the art. A complete model discussion has been reported drawing interesting considerations on the AWJT process characterising phenomena, where parameters interactions play a fundamental role

    Micro-milling Machinability of DED Additive Titanium Ti-6Al-4V

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    This work investigates the micro-milling machinability of Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by a Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) additive manufacturing (AM) process with a specific focus on surface quality, cutting forces and burr formation. The effects of additive deposition parameters are also investigated since the material thermal history during processing can affect porosity and mechanical behavior of the samples, giving different milling performances. The material characterization of samples is done through micrographies, hardness tests and porosity evaluation. The roughness of the machined surfaces shows a statistical distinction between the AM and wrought titanium samples. Similar behavior is seen with the cutting forces, which increase with an increase of hardness of the AM samples. The results also show an increased trend towards burr formation in case of down milling of AM samples compared to wrought titanium samples. The future prospective is to take into account the machinability properties as functional material characteristics to optimize through the deposition process

    Thin wall geometrical quality improvement in micromilling

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    Micromilling is one of the most versatile tooling processes being able to effectively manufacture three-dimensional complex features on moulds and dies achieving a good accuracy performance. Typical and challenging features for these microcomponents are high aspect ratio thin walls but no systematic approaches, as the one presented in this paper, exist in literature dealing with the relationship between nominal workpiece characteristics/process parameters, cutting forces, and workpiece quality. The present study focuses on 0.4 % carbon steel (C40) thin wall micromilling and evaluates two approaches for the thin wall geometrical quality improvement: a direct approach (relating process parameters, material and nominal workpiece characteristics to the workpiece quality characteristics) and a force-based approach (relating the same quantities through the cutting forces determination). The force-based approach relates the process parameters to the workpiece quality introducing physical quantities as cutting forces, which are suitable for monitoring and controlling purposes. A suitable experimental campaign has been designed in order to statistically analyze the cutting force responses, and a proper technique (ANalysis of COVAriance) has been applied to remove the tool wear effect. The relationship between cutting forces and workpiece quality has been quantitatively studied; this way, the feasibility of a general approach able to meet tolerances by controlling forces has been demonstrated

    3D Finite Element Simulation of Micro End-Milling by Considering the Effect of Tool Run-Out

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    Understanding the micro milling phenomena involved in the process is critical and difficult through physical experiments. This study presents a 3D finite element modeling (3D FEM) approach for the micro end-milling process on Al6082-T6. The proposed model employs a Lagrangian explicit finite element formulation to perform coupled thermo-mechanical transient analyses. FE simulations were performed at different cutting conditions to obtain realistic numerical predictions of chip formation, temperature distribution, and cutting forces by considering the effect of tool run-out in the model. The radial run-out is a significant issue in micro milling processes and influences the cutting stability due to chip load and force variations. The Johnson-Cook (JC) material constitutive model was applied and its constants were determined by an inverse method based on the experimental cutting forces acquired during the micro end-milling tests. The FE model prediction capability was validated by comparing the numerical model results with experimental tests. The maximum tool temperature was predicted in a different angular position of the cutter which is difficult or impossible to obtain in experiments. The predicted results of the model, involving the run-out influence, showed a good correlation with experimental chip formation and the signal shape of cutting forces

    An experimental analysis of abrasive water jet engraving of Italian marbles / Analisi sperimentale del processo di marcatura su marmi italiani tramite getto d’acqua ad alta pressione con abrasivo

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    English: This article concerns characterizing and optimizing the process of water-jet engraving on stone materials through experimental analysis. The purpose is to find possible relationships between work parameters for an abrasive water-jet and the geometrical parameters created by grooves. Samples of White Carrara and Perlato of Coreno marbles were used in testing. An optical profilometer was used to measure the transversal profile of the groove, objectively characterized by a number of measurements described in the article, including two parameters of visual quality. Statistical analysis made it possible to indicate optimal settings to enter on the basis of desired results; for example, increases in width, depth or the degree of groove contrast. Italian: Questo articolo affronta la caratterizzazione e ottimizzazione del processo di incisione di materiali lapidei mediante water jet attraverso un’analisi sperimentale. La finalità è trovare possibili relazioni tra parametri impostati per la lavorazione, tramite idrogetto con abrasivo, e parametri geometrici ricavati dai solchi. Per questo studio sono stati analizzati dei campioni di marmo Bianco di Carrara e di Perlato di Coreno. Per mezzo di un profilometro ottico è stato possibile misurare il profilo trasversale del solco, caratterizzato in maniera oggettiva tramite alcune misure descritte nell’articolo, inclusi due parametri di qualità visiva. Attraverso un’analisi statistica è stato possibile indicare le impostazioni ottimali da settare in base al risultato desiderato: es. aumento della larghezza, profondità o livello di contrasto del solco

    The Effects of Nanoparticle Reinforcement on the Micromilling Process of A356/Al2O3 Nanocomposites

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    Abstract Improving scientific knowledge around the manufacturing of nanocomposites is key since their performance spreads across many applications, including those in meso/micro products. Powder metallurgy is a reliable process for producing these materials, but usually, machining postprocessing is required to achieve tight tolerances and quality requirements. When processing these materials, cutting force evolution determines the ability to control the microcutting operation toward the successful surface and part quality generation. This paper investigates cutting force and part quality generation during the micromilling of A356/Al2O3 aluminum nanocomposites produced via powder metallurgy. A set of micromilling experiments were carried out under various process parameters on nanocomposites with different nano-Al2O3 reinforcements (0–12.5 vol.%). The material’s ductility, internal porosity, and lack of interparticle bonding cause the cutting force generation to be irregular when nanoparticle reinforcements were absent or small. Reinforcement ratios higher than 2.5 vol.% strongly affect the cutting process by regularizing the milling force generation but lead to a proportionally increasing average force magnitudes. Hardening due to nano-reinforcement positively affects cutting mechanisms by reducing the plowing tendency of the cutting process, resulting in better surface quality. Therefore, a threshold on the nano-Al2O3 particles’ volumetric loadings enables an optimal design of these composite materials to support their micromachinability

    Finite element modeling of micro-orthogonal cutting process with dead metal cap

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    Dead metal cap plays an important role in the microcutting process because target material piled up on the tool–chip– workpiece interface can alter the cutting geometry. The target of this study is to model and simulate the microorthogonal cutting process in the presence of dead metal cap in order to investigate the effects of this phenomenon on the micromachining process outputs (cutting force, thrust force and chip thickness) and stress distribution, equivalent plastic strain and temperature inside the workpiece shear zones. For this purpose, the finite element method with explicit dynamic solution and adiabatic heating effect along with arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian approach is used. It is shown that the finite element models with current state-of-the-art assumptions cannot take into account the dead metal cap by default. For this reason, dead metal cap is artificially introduced on the rounded tool edge in this study for carrying out a proper analysis. Several simulations with different dead metal cap geometries are performed and obtained results show that prediction of cutting force, thrust force and chip thickness are sensitive to the presence of dead metal cap and its geometry. Micro-orthogonal cutting experiments are carried out on tubular AISI 1045 workpieces for validating and interpreting simulated results. The error between predicted and experimental data is calculated, and it is shown that simulation performances can be improved by considering the dead metal cap into the process model. For example, it is possible to reduce the error to less than 5% in case of thrust force prediction. This study points out how the target material’s Von Mises stress, equivalent plastic strain and temperature distribution are sensitive to any alteration of the edge geometry due to the dead metal cap. The best dead metal cap configuration in terms of agreement with experiments is also the one introducing a more homogeneous distribution of these quantities along the shear plane

    Influence of the worn tool affected by built-up edge (BUE) on micro end-milling process performance: A 3D finite element modeling investigation

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    Micro milling process has been utilized for several decades due to the flexibility of the process in producing complex components. The small size of the process makes the comprehension of cutting phenomenon details more difficult. This study presents a 3D finite element modeling (3D FEM) approach for the micro end-milling process of Aluminum material (Al6082-T6). 3D FEM simulations are carried out in full slot micro end-milling and contour up milling. The model first implements the actual tool geometry and then the effect of typical built-up edge (BUE) on the milling tool. The influence of BUE on the process performance is investigated by comparing the predicted 3d chip flow shape, burr formation and cutting forces with experiments conducted on an ultra-high precision micro milling center. Simulations indicate that BUE has significant impact on the chip shape and chip load for different teeth engagements. Results prove that also burr height is negatively affected by the presence of BUE. The predicted micro milling cutting forces resulted affected by BUE with different teeth engagements. Analysis of experimental measured forces indicates comparable results in respect to simulated profiles confirming the usefulness of the develop 3D FE modelling approach
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