42 research outputs found

    «Барьеры» в деятельности информационных структур региональной власти

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    In the given article is considered the current state of informational structures of the authority of regions of the Russian Federation. The author considers Kemerovo region as a case study. This region is representative because nowadays regional authority there became a monolith headed by the governor and its informational departments serve to high ranked officials.В статье рассматривается современное состояние информационных структур органов власти субъектов Российской Федерации. Автор, в частности, приводит в пример Кемеровскую область, где нынешняя региональная власть представляет собой сегодня монолитную ветвь, возглавляемую губернатором, а информационные подразделения региональных органов управления обслуживают интересы высокопоставленных чиновников

    Средства массовой информации в современной России

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of current condition of informational-communicative system of Russia, which, as author noted, truly reflects social and political processes in the society in every period of its development. The key problems of Russia's informational politics nowadays are different levels of informational resources available for people in different regions and excessive commercialization of mass-media.В статье анализируется современное состояние информационно-коммуникативной системы России, которое, как отмечает автор, на всех этапах развития общества объективно отражает происходящие в нем социально-политические процессы. Приоритетными проблемами российской информационной политики сегодня, в частности, являются неравномерность обеспечения информационными ресурсами населения различных регионов и чрезмерная коммерциализация СМИ

    Теория систем и социально-политические реалии современной России

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    The article examines the process of forming the theory of systems as a scientific paradigm of social-humanitarian cognition. Focusing their attention on the interpretations of the structural composition of a political system, the authors analyze the relations between the state and the citizens of modern Russia, the actually effective mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and public associations.В статье исследуется процесс формирования теории систем как научной парадигмы социально-гуманитарного знания. Акцентируя внимание на трактовках структурной композиции политической системы, авторы анализируют отношения государства и граждан в современной России, реально действенные механизмы взаимодействия органов власти и общественных объединений

    Cosmostructural model of the Kalgutinskiy rare-metal deposit area (Mountainous Altai)

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    Cosmostructures of the Kalgutinskiy rare-metal deposit area (Mountainous Altai) have been studied on the materials of multispectral space survey Landsat ETM+ and radar-tracking survey SRTM. The area is localized inside of the large ring structure of a complex construction, characterized by the long multistage (multipulse) development. Immersing of the root (focus) part of the structure from the north - northwest to the east - southeast is established. Position of the ring structure is controlled by the crossing knot of fracture zones of northwest, northeast and northeast - sublatitudinal directions. The Kalgutinskiy granite massif and the deposit itself are located in the internal belt of the structure in the ring 15,2 km in diameter. The perspective of ore-bearing ability of the southeast part of the area is highly evaluated in connection with development of small ring structures of the second typ


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    The article presents an event correlation of the Permian‐Triassic granites of the Altai collision system, which are associated with industrial ore deposits and occurrences (Mo‐W, Sn‐W, Li‐Ta‐Be). The multi‐system and multi‐mineral isotope datings of igneous rocks and ore bodies (U/Pb, Re/Os, Rb/Sr, Ar/Ar‐methods) suggest the postcollisional (intraplate) formation of ore‐magmatic systems (OMS), the duration of which depended on the crustmantle interaction and the rates of tectonic exposure of geoblocks to the upper crustal levels.Two cases of the OMS thermal history are described: (1) Kalguty Mo‐W deposit associated with rare‐metal granite‐leucogranites and ongonite‐ elvan dykes, and (2) Novo‐Akhmirov Li‐Ta deposit represented by topaz‐zinnwaldite granites and the contemporary lamprophyre and ongonit‐elvan dykes. For these geological objects, numerical modeling was carried out. The proposed models show thermal cooling of the deep magmatic chambers of granite composition, resulting in the residual foci of rare‐metal‐granite melts, which are known as the petrological indicators of industrial ore deposits (Mo‐W, Sn‐W, Li‐Ta‐Be). According to the simulation results concerning the framework of a closed magmatic system with a complex multistage development history, the magmatic chamber has a lower underlying observable massif and a reservoir associated with it. A long‐term magmatic differentiation of the parental melt (a source of rare‐metal‐granite melts and ore hydrothermal fluids) takes place in this reservoir.В статье проведена событийная корреляция пермотриасовых гранитов Алтайской коллизионной системы, с которыми связаны промышленные месторождения и рудопроявления (Mo‐W, Sn‐W, Li‐Ta‐Be). Мультисистемное и мультиминеральное изотопное датирование магматических пород и рудных тел (U/Pb, Re/Os, Rb/Sr, 40Ar/39Ar – методы) указывает на постколлизионное (внутриплитное) формирование рудно‐ магматических систем, длительность существования которых зависела от корово‐мантийного взаимодействия и скорости тектонического экспонирования геоблоков на верхние уровни земной коры. Рассмотрены термические истории двух РМС: 1) Калгутинского Mo‐W месторождения, связанного с редкометалльными гранит‐лейкогранитами и онгонит‐эльвановыми дайками, 2) Ново‐Ахмировского Li‐Ta месторождения, пред‐ ставленного топаз‐циннвальдитовыми гранитами, и связанными с ним во времени лампрофирами и онгонит‐эльвановыми дайками. Для этих геологических объектов проведено численное моделирование и построены модели термического остывания глубинных магматических камер гранитного состава, приводящие к остаточным очагам редкометалльно‐гранитных расплавов – петрологических индикаторов промышленных месторождений (Mo‐W, Sn‐W, Li‐Ta‐Be). Результаты моделирования показывают, что в рамках замкнутой системы со сложной многостадийной историей должен существовать нижний, подстилающий магматический резервуар. В этом резервуаре происходит длительная дифференциация родоначальной магмы, которая является источником редкометалльно‐гранитных остаточных расплавов и рудных гидротермальных флюидов


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    Based on the reconstruction of the thermal evolution of granitoid batholith, represented by the Song‐Chai gneiss‐granite massif (Northern Vietnam), the long‐term existence of granitoid magma at deep levels of the Earth's crust (H≥25 km, Δt~20–50 Ma) is established. The geodynamic analysis of the granitoid batholith and mathematical modeling of its thermal history shows that the magmatic chamber should be considered as a thermal trap at the lower level of the crust, which preserved residual granite melts for a long time. Activation of the magmatic chamber occurs in post‐collisional strike‐slip fault zones and is accompanied by tectonic exhumation of large crustal segments. As a result, the batholith is transformed into a Cordilleran‐type metamorphic core complex, residual rare‐metal melts are emplaced, and, commercial deposits are thus formed.На основе реконструкции термической эволюции гнейсогранитного массива Шонгчай (Северный Вьетнам) обосновано длительное существование гранитоидной магмы на глубинных уровнях земной коры (H≥25 км, Δt~20–50 млн лет). Геодинамический анализ и математическое моделирование термической истории остывания гранитоидного батолита показывают, что эта магматическая камера представляла собой термоловушку на нижнем уровне земной коры, длительное время сохранявшую остаточный гранитный расплав. Выведение этой термоловушки из квазистационарного состояния происходит в зонах трансформного скольжения литосферных плит и сопровождается тектоническим экспонированием крупных геоблоков (сегментов земной коры). В конечном итоге это приводит к трансформации батолитов в комплекс метаморфического ядра кордильерского типа, внедрению остаточных расплавов и, как следствие, – к формированию промышленных редкометалльных месторождений

    Public Service Announcement: the way to attract attention to problem in society and to change model of social behavior : a multi methods research, which is combined both of quantitative and qualitative methods, about Public Service Announcement

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    This multi methods research, which is combined both of quantitative and qualitative methods, is about Public Service Announcement (PSA). This study is aimed to find out if something changes in behavior of people and their attitude to social problem in Russia by an impact of PSA and to understand whereby PSA impacts on changes in behavior of people and rise of attention to social problem in Russia. In order to achieve thesis aims, various types of data presented in this research: a survey of   50 people from different age and sex groups and interviews with a workers of two social organizations. To analyze a data, it were used a univariate and bivariate analysis for quantitative data. Analysis of qualitative data is done in a phenomenological way. According to the results, PSA performs its tasks, something it’s changed in people by impact of PSA, people of all ages noted an  influence of PSA on them, they get to know about social problem, begin to think about or changed their behavior, begun to work as volunteers, made a donation. By all this aspects as emotion, feeling, sensation, design, PSA impact on changes in behavior of people and rise of attention to social problem in Russia.  PSA impacts across effective psychological mechanism such as an emotional sphere of personality. Psychological aspects can be divided into cognitive and emotional. Emotion is one of the key factors of the PSAs. It is established that emotional memory is much stronger than other types of memory, affects human behavior. Cognitive component is related to how advertising information is perceived by people. All elements like an illustration, title, text, logo, layout and general features of the image determine the overall effect of advertising. PSA is a display of goodwill of society, its principled position on socially significant values. Social advertising can and should be considered as a mode of operation of social services

    Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Heart Failure in Dogs

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    Every doctor, one way or another, is faced with the problem of chronic heart failure (CHF) in animals [1]. Over 3 million dogs suffer from some form of acquired heart disease. In recent years, biomarkers, mainly cardiac troponin and natriuretic peptides, have become the main source of information for both diagnosis and monitoring of the human heart. Today, the need for diagnostics based on blood samples has become evident also when working with dogs and cats

    «Barriers» in Activities of Informational Structures of Regional Authority

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    In the given article is considered the current state of informational structures of the authority of regions of the Russian Federation. The author considers Kemerovo region as a case study. This region is representative because nowadays regional authority there became a monolith headed by the governor and its informational departments serve to high ranked officials