7,717 research outputs found

    Gravitation and Duality Symmetry

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    By generalizing the Hodge dual operator to the case of soldered bundles, and working in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, an analysis of the duality symmetry in gravitation is performed. Although the basic conclusion is that, at least in the general case, gravitation is not dual symmetric, there is a particular theory in which this symmetry shows up. It is a self dual (or anti-self dual) teleparallel gravity in which, due to the fact that it does not contribute to the interaction of fermions with gravitation, the purely tensor part of torsion is assumed to vanish. The ensuing fermionic gravitational interaction is found to be chiral. Since duality is intimately related to renormalizability, this theory may eventually be more amenable to renormalization than teleparallel gravity or general relativity.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Version 2: minor presentation changes, references added. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Modularity map of the network of human cell differentiation

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    Cell differentiation in multicellular organisms is a complex process whose mechanism can be understood by a reductionist approach, in which the individual processes that control the generation of different cell types are identified. Alternatively, a large scale approach in search of different organizational features of the growth stages promises to reveal its modular global structure with the goal of discovering previously unknown relations between cell types. Here we sort and analyze a large set of scattered data to construct the network of human cell differentiation (NHCD) based on cell types (nodes) and differentiation steps (links) from the fertilized egg to a crying baby. We discover a dynamical law of critical branching, which reveals a fractal regularity in the modular organization of the network, and allows us to observe the network at different scales. The emerging picture clearly identifies clusters of cell types following a hierarchical organization, ranging from sub-modules to super-modules of specialized tissues and organs on varying scales. This discovery will allow one to treat the development of a particular cell function in the context of the complex network of human development as a whole. Our results point to an integrated large-scale view of the network of cell types systematically revealing ties between previously unrelated domains in organ functions.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Trapped and excited w modes of stars with a phase transition and R>=5M

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    The trapped ww-modes of stars with a first order phase transition (a density discontinuity) are computed and the excitation of some of the modes of these stars by a perturbing shell is investigated. Attention is restricted to odd parity (``axial'') ww-modes. With RR the radius of the star, MM its mass, RiR_{i} the radius of the inner core and MiM_{i} the mass of such core, it is shown that stars with R/M5R/M\geq 5 can have several trapped ww-modes, as long as Ri/Mi<2.6R_{i}/M_{i}<2.6. Excitation of the least damped ww-mode is confirmed for a few models. All of these stars can only exist however, for values of the ratio between the densities of the two phases, greater than 46\sim 46. We also show that stars with a phase transition and a given value of R/MR/M can have far more trapped modes than a homogeneous single density star with the same value of R/MR/M, provided both R/MR/M and Ri/MiR_{i}/M_{i} are smaller than 3. If the phase transition is very fast, most of the stars with trapped modes are unstable to radial oscillations. We compute the time of instability, and find it to be comparable to the damping of the ww-mode excited in most cases where ww-mode excitation is likely. If on the other hand the phase transition is slow, all the stars are stable to radial oscillations.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Detecting gravitational waves from test-mass bodies orbiting a Kerr black hole with P-approximant templates

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    In this study we apply post-Newtonian (T-approximants) and resummed post-Newtonian (P-approximants) to the case of a test-particle in equatorial orbit around a Kerr black hole. We compare the two approximants by measuring their effectualness (i.e. larger overlaps with the exact signal), and faithfulness (i.e. smaller biases while measuring the parameters of the signal) with the exact (numerical) waveforms. We find that in the case of prograde orbits, T-approximant templates obtain an effectualness of ~0.99 for spins q < 0.75. For 0.75 < q < 0.95, the effectualness drops to about 0.82. The P-approximants achieve effectualness of > 0.99 for all spins up to q = 0.95. The bias in the estimation of parameters is much lower in the case of P-approximants than T-approximants. We find that P-approximants are both effectual and faithful and should be more effective than T-approximants as a detection template family when q > 0. For q < 0 both T- and P-approximants perform equally well so that either of them could be used as a detection template family. However, for parameter estimation, the P-approximant templates still outperforms the T-approximants.Comment: 11 Pages - 9 figures. Accepted for publication. Proceedings of GWDAW 9. Special edition of Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Riemannian and Teleparallel Descriptions of the Scalar Field Gravitational Interaction

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    A comparative study between the metric and the teleparallel descriptions of gravitation is made for the case of a scalar field. In contrast to the current belief that only spin matter could detect the teleparallel geometry, scalar matter being able to feel the metric geometry only, we show that a scalar field is able not only to feel anyone of these geometries, but also to produce torsion. Furthermore, both descriptions are found to be completely equivalent, which means that in fact, besides coupling to curvature, a scalar field couples also to torsion.Comment: Minor corrections made, and a paragraph added to the last section. Version to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    The Cauchy convergence of T and P-approximant templates for test-mass Kerr binary systems

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    In this work we examine the Cauchy convergence of both post-Newtonian (T-approximant) and re-summed post-Newtonian (P-approximant) templates for the case of a test-mass orbiting a Kerr black hole along a circular equatorial orbit. The Cauchy criterion demands that the inner product between the nn and n+1n+1 order approximation approaches unity, as we increase the order of approximation. In previous works, it has been shown that we achieve greater fitting factors and better parameter estimation using the P-approximant templates for both Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes. In this work, we show that the P-approximant templates also display a faster Cauchy convergence making them a superior template to the standard post-Newtonian templates.Comment: 5 pages, Replaced with shortened published versio

    Torsion Gravity: a Reappraisal

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    The role played by torsion in gravitation is critically reviewed. After a description of the problems and controversies involving the physics of torsion, a comprehensive presentation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity is made. According to this theory, curvature and torsion are alternative ways of describing the gravitational field, and consequently related to the same degrees of freedom of gravity. However, more general gravity theories, like for example Einstein-Cartan and gauge theories for the Poincare and the affine groups, consider curvature and torsion as representing independent degrees of freedom. By using an active version of the strong equivalence principle, a possible solution to this conceptual question is reviewed. This solution favors ultimately the teleparallel point of view, and consequently the completeness of general relativity. A discussion of the consequences for gravitation is presented.Comment: RevTeX, 34 pages. Review article to be published by Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Complete adiabatic waveform templates for a test-mass in the Schwarzschild spacetime: VIRGO and Advanced LIGO studies

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    Post-Newtonian expansions of the binding energy and gravitational wave flux truncated at the {\it same relative} post-Newtonian order form the basis of the {\it standard adiabatic} approximation to the phasing of gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries. Viewed in terms of the dynamics of the binary, the standard approximation is equivalent to neglecting certain conservative post-Newtonian terms in the acceleration. In an earlier work, we had proposed a new {\it complete adiabatic} approximant constructed from the energy and flux functions. At the leading order it employs the 2PN energy function rather than the 0PN one in the standard approximation, so that, effectively the approximation corresponds to the dynamics where there are no missing post-Newtonian terms in the acceleration. In this paper, we compare the overlaps of the standard and complete adiabatic templates with the exact waveform in the adiabatic approximation of a test-mass motion in the Schwarzschild spacetime, for the VIRGO and the Advanced LIGO noise spectra. It is found that the complete adiabatic approximants lead to a remarkable improvement in the {\it effectualness} at lower PN (<< 3PN) orders, while standard approximants of order \geq 3PN provide a good lower-bound to the complete approximants for the construction of effectual templates. {\it Faithfulness} of complete approximants is better than that of standard approximants except for a few post-Newtonian orders. Standard and complete approximants beyond the adiabatic approximation are also studied using the Lagrangian templates of Buonanno, Chen and Vallisneri.Comment: Proceedings of the GWDAW-9, Accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Óxido de Magnésio e Gesso Agrícola na forma de fertilizante granulado e a nutrição do cafeeiro (Coffea canephora).

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    Para atender a demanda de cálcio e magnésio do cafeeiro, a fonte mais utilizada ainda é o calcário, o que se justifica técnica e economicamente na implantação das lavouras, mas não nas adubações de manutenção, entretanto há necessidade do desenvolvimento de fertilizantes que sejam fontes economicamente viáveis de cálcio e magnésio para adubações de reposição anual. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da aplicação de óxido de magnésio associado ao gesso e a micronutrientes na forma de fertilizante granulado sobre os teores de cálcio e magnésio no solo, e nas folhas do café conilon em experimento conduzido em casa de vegetação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com 3 repetições, distribuídos em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, sendo as parcelas principais compostas por 6 tratamentos (controle sem adubação; NPK; NPK + gesso agrícola; NPK + óxido de magnésio; NPK + gesso/MgO (70/30); NPK + gesso/MgO (70/30) + Zn + B); e as subparcelas compostas por 9 períodos de amostragem. Os resultados mostram teores superiores de cálcio e magnésio no solo para os tratamentos com aplicação de gesso agrícola, granulados gesso/MgO (70/30) e gesso/MgO (70/30) + Zn + B, respectivamente. A aplicação de gesso agrícola também promove maiores conteúdos de cálcio nas folhas. O tratamento com granulado gesso/MgO (70/30) promove maiores conteúdos de Mg nas folhas

    Caracterização morfológica de tamareiras de propagação por sementes.

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    A tamareira (Phoenix dactylifera L.) é uma palmeira (Arecaceae), que corresponde a uma das mais antigas árvores frutíferas associadas ao estabelecimento humano. É de grande importância socioeconômica para muitos países do norte da África, do Oriente Médio e da Ásia Oriental. A tamareira é alógama e apresenta plantas femininas e masculinas. O Banco de Germoplasma de Tamareiras (BGTAM) da Embrapa Semiárido foi formado pela introdução dos USA de rebentos e sementes, constituindo assim fontes de variabilidade genética. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar plantas de sete acessos propagados a partir de sementes (BGTAM 1, BGTAM 2, BGTAM 3, BGTAM 4, BGTAM 5, BGTAM 6 e BGTAM 7), quanto ao porte da planta, forma do caule, presença de rebentos e de raízes aéreas, presença de fibras, intensidade das fibras, diâmetro do caule e altura das plantas. A maioria das plantas foi classificada como de porte ereto, com caule cilíndrico, com presença de fibra de intensidade fraca e ausência de rebentos aéreos. Quanto ao diâmetro das plantas, variou de 1,12 m a 2,93 m. Em relação à altura, as plantas mediram de 4,0 m a 19,0 m. Os resultados evidenciaram variabilidade genética entre e dentro dos acessos, bem como a possibilidade de selecionar genitores para combinações híbridas de menor altura (BGTAM 1 e BGTAM 6), de interesse ao melhoramento por facilitar a colheita dos frutos