14,332 research outputs found

    Critical exponents for the long-range Ising chain using a transfer matrix approach

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    The critical behavior of the Ising chain with long-range ferromagnetic interactions decaying with distance rαr^\alpha, 1<α<21<\alpha<2, is investigated using a numerically efficient transfer matrix (TM) method. Finite size approximations to the infinite chain are considered, in which both the number of spins and the number of interaction constants can be independently increased. Systems with interactions between spins up to 18 sites apart and up to 2500 spins in the chain are considered. We obtain data for the critical exponents ν\nu associated with the correlation length based on the Finite Range Scaling (FRS) hypothesis. FRS expressions require the evaluation of derivatives of the thermodynamical properties, which are obtained with the help of analytical recurrence expressions obtained within the TM framework. The Van den Broeck extrapolation procedure is applied in order to estimate the convergence of the exponents. The TM procedure reduces the dimension of the matrices and circumvents several numerical matrix operations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Conference NEXT Sigma Ph

    On the necessity to include event-by-event fluctuations in experimental evaluation of elliptical flow

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    Elliptic flow at RHIC is computed event-by-event with NeXSPheRIO. We show that when symmetry of the particle distribution in relation to the reaction plane is assumed, as usually done in the experimental extraction of elliptic flow, there is a disagreement between the true and reconstructed elliptic flows (15-30% for η\eta=0, 30% for pp_\perp=0.5 GeV). We suggest a possible way to take into account the asymmetry and get good agreement between these elliptic flows

    Importance of Granular Structure in the Initial Conditions for the Elliptic Flow

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    We show effects of granular structure of the initial conditions (IC) of hydrodynamic description of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions on some observables, especially on the elliptic-flow parameter v2. Such a structure enhances production of isotropically distributed high-pT particles, making v2 smaller there. Also, it reduces v2 in the forward and backward regions where the global matter density is smaller, so where such effects become more efficacious.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Critical properties of an aperiodic model for interacting polymers

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    We investigate the effects of aperiodic interactions on the critical behavior of an interacting two-polymer model on hierarchical lattices (equivalent to the Migadal-Kadanoff approximation for the model on Bravais lattices), via renormalization-group and tranfer-matrix calculations. The exact renormalization-group recursion relations always present a symmetric fixed point, associated with the critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. If the aperiodic interactions, defined by s ubstitution rules, lead to relevant geometric fluctuations, this fixed point becomes fully unstable, giving rise to novel attractors of different nature. We present an explicit example in which this new attractor is a two-cycle, with critical indices different from the uniform model. In case of the four-letter Rudin-Shapiro substitution rule, we find a surprising closed curve whose points are attractors of period two, associated with a marginal operator. Nevertheless, a scaling analysis indicates that this attractor may lead to a new critical universality class. In order to provide an independent confirmation of the scaling results, we turn to a direct thermodynamic calculation of the specific-heat exponent. The thermodynamic free energy is obtained from a transfer matrix formalism, which had been previously introduced for spin systems, and is now extended to the two-polymer model with aperiodic interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys A: Math. Ge

    Fluctuation of the Initial Conditions and Its Consequences on Some Observables

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    We show effects of the event-by-event fluctuation of the initial conditions (IC) in hydrodynamic description of high-energy nuclear collisions on some observables. Such IC produce not only fluctuations in observables but, due to their bumpy structure, several non-trivial effects appear. They enhance production of isotropically distributed high-pT particles, making v2 smaller there. Also, they reduce v2 in the forward and backward regions where the global matter density is smaller, so where such effects become more efficacious. They may also produce the so-called ridge effect in the two large-pT particle correlation.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, presented at the IV Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (WPCF2008), Krakow, Poland, 11-14 Sep 200

    Efeito do expurgo com fosfina (Gastoxin) sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho e sorgo.

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    O fosfato de aluminio (Gastoxin) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado no controle de pragas de graos armazenados no Brasil. no entanto, ainda nao e conhecida a acao deste inseticida fumigante sobre a qualidade fisiologica de sementes. Com este objetivo, foi realizado um experimento com sementes de milho (Zea mays L.) e sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Utilizaram-se duas cultivares de milho (BR 105 e Maia XVII) e tres de sorgo (BR 005, BR 500 e BR 505) que sofreram de um a tres expurgos em duas dosagens (dosagen recomendada pelo fabricante - 5 comprimidos de Gastoxin por m3 e dobro desta dosagem). Os resultados mostraram que as cultivares de milho e sorgo possuiam caracteristicas distintas quanto a qualidade fisiologica, com sementes apresentando alto, medio e baixo vigor. O uso de inseticidas fumigante, AlPH3 (Gastoxin), ate o dobro da dosagem recomendada e ate tres expurgos, nao causou variações significativas no poder germinativo e nos tres testes de vigor aplicados as sementes destas especies. Baseado neste resultados, o Gastoxin pode ser utilizado no expurgo de sementes de milho e de sorgo, observadas as condicoes em que o experimento foi conduzido

    Effects of LatticeQCD EoS and Continuous Emission on Some ObseErvables

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    Effects of lattice-QCD-inspired equations of state and continuous emission on some observables are discussed, by solving a 3D hydrodynamics. The particle multiplicity as well as v2 are found to increase in the mid-rapidity. We also discuss the effects of the initial-condition fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, prepared for Workshop on Particle Correlations and Fentoscopy, Kromeriz (Czech Republic), Aug. 15-17,200