16,660 research outputs found

    Analytical approach to directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network

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    We investigate a set of directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network, which are inspired on the work by Dhar and Ramaswamy (PRL \textbf{63}, 1659 (1989)) for Euclidian lattices. They are characterized by a single parameter qq, that restricts the number of neighbors receiving grains from a toppling node. Due to the geometry of the network, two and three point correlation functions are amenable to exact treatment, leading to analytical results for the avalanche distributions in the limit of an infinite system, for q=1,2q=1,2. The exact recurrence expressions for the correlation functions are numerically iterated to obtain results for finite size systems, when larger values of qq are considered. Finally, a detailed description of the local flux properties is provided by a multifractal scaling analysis.Comment: 7 pages in two-column format, 10 illustrations, 5 figure

    Non-Local Product Rules for Percolation

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    Despite original claims of a first-order transition in the product rule model proposed by Achlioptas et al. [Science 323, 1453 (2009)], recent studies indicate that this percolation model, in fact, displays a continuous transition. The distinctive scaling properties of the model at criticality, however, strongly suggest that it should belong to a different universality class than ordinary percolation. Here we introduce a generalization of the product rule that reveals the effect of non-locality on the critical behavior of the percolation process. Precisely, pairs of unoccupied bonds are chosen according to a probability that decays as a power-law of their Manhattan distance, and only that bond connecting clusters whose product of their sizes is the smallest, becomes occupied. Interestingly, our results for two-dimensional lattices at criticality shows that the power-law exponent of the product rule has a significant influence on the finite-size scaling exponents for the spanning cluster, the conducting backbone, and the cutting bonds of the system. In all three cases, we observe a continuous variation from ordinary to (non-local) explosive percolation exponents.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Preparation and characterization of methacrylate hydrogels for zeta potential control

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    A technique based on the measurement of streaming potentials has been developed to evaluate the effects of hydrophilic coatings on electroosmotic flow. The apparatus and procedure are described as well as some results concerning the electrokinetic potential of glass capillaries as a function of ionic strength, pH, and temperature. The effect that turbulence and entrance flow conditions have on accurate streaming potential measurements is discussed. Various silane adhesion promoters exhibited only a slight decrease in streaming potential. A coating utilizing a glycidoxy silane base upon which methylcellulose is applied affords a six-fold decrease over uncoated tubes. Hydrophilic methacrylate gels show similar streaming potential behavior, independent of the water content of the gel. By introduction of positive or negative groups into the hydrophilic methacrylate gels, a range of streaming potential values are obtained having absolute positive or negative signs

    Qualitative Analysis of Polycycles in Filippov Systems

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    In this paper, we are concerned about the qualitative behaviour of planar Filippov systems around some typical minimal sets, namely, polycycles. In the smooth context, a polycycle is a simple closed curve composed by a collection of singularities and regular orbits, inducing a first return map. Here, this concept is extended to Filippov systems by allowing typical singularities lying on the switching manifold. Our main goal consists in developing a method to investigate the unfolding of polycycles in Filippov systems. In addition, we applied this method to describe bifurcation diagrams of Filippov systems around certain polycycles

    How dense can one pack spheres of arbitrary size distribution?

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    We present the first systematic algorithm to estimate the maximum packing density of spheres when the grain sizes are drawn from an arbitrary size distribution. With an Apollonian filling rule, we implement our technique for disks in 2d and spheres in 3d. As expected, the densest packing is achieved with power-law size distributions. We also test the method on homogeneous and on empirical real distributions, and we propose a scheme to obtain experimentally accessible distributions of grain sizes with low porosity. Our method should be helpful in the development of ultra-strong ceramics and high performance concrete.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Memory effects on the statistics of fragmentation

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    We investigate through extensive molecular dynamics simulations the fragmentation process of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones systems. After thermalization, the fragmentation is initiated by a sudden increment to the radial component of the particles' velocities. We study the effect of temperature of the thermalized system as well as the influence of the impact energy of the ``explosion'' event on the statistics of mass fragments. Our results indicate that the cumulative distribution of fragments follows the scaling ansatz F(m)mαexp[(m/m0)γ]F(m)\propto m^{-\alpha}\exp{[-(m/m_0)^\gamma]}, where mm is the mass, m0m_0 and γ\gamma are cutoff parameters, and α\alpha is a scaling exponent that is dependent on the temperature. More precisely, we show clear evidence that there is a characteristic scaling exponent α\alpha for each macroscopic phase of the thermalized system, i.e., that the non-universal behavior of the fragmentation process is dictated by the state of the system before it breaks down.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure