478 research outputs found

    Charybdotoxin binding in the I(Ks) pore demonstrates two MinK subunits in each channel complex.

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    I(Ks) voltage-gated K(+) channels contain four pore-forming KCNQ1 subunits and MinK accessory subunits in a number that has been controversial. Here, I(Ks) channels assembled naturally by monomer subunits are compared to those with linked subunits that force defined stoichiometries. Two strategies that exploit charybdotoxin (CTX)-sensitive subunit variants are applied. First, CTX on rate, off rate, and equilibrium affinity are found to be the same for channels of monomers and those with a fixed 2:4 MinK:KCNQ1 valence. Second, 3H-CTX and an antibody are used to directly quantify channels and MinK subunits, respectively, showing 1.97 +/- 0.07 MinK per I(Ks) channel. Additional MinK subunits do not enter channels of monomeric subunits or those with fixed 2:4 valence. We conclude that two MinK subunits are necessary, sufficient, and the norm in I(Ks) channels. This stoichiometry is expected for other K(+) channels that contain MinK or MinK-related peptides (MiRPs)

    Sumoylation silences the plasma membrane leak K+ channel K2P1.

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    Reversible, covalent modification with small ubiquitin-related modifier proteins (SUMOs) is known to mediate nuclear import/export and activity of transcription factors. Here, the SUMO pathway is shown to operate at the plasma membrane to control ion channel function. SUMO-conjugating enzyme is seen to be resident in plasma membrane, to assemble with K2P1, and to modify K2P1 lysine 274. K2P1 had not previously shown function despite mRNA expression in heart, brain, and kidney and sequence features like other two-P loop K+ leak (K2P) pores that control activity of excitable cells. Removal of the peptide adduct by SUMO protease reveals K2P1 to be a K+-selective, pH-sensitive, openly rectifying channel regulated by reversible peptide linkage

    Redetermination of 1-naphthaleneΒ­acetic acid

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C12H10O2, was originally determined by Rajan [Acta Cryst. (1978). B34, 998–1000] using intensity data estimated from Weissenberg films. This redetermination provides a structure with significantly improved precision with respect to the geometric parameters. In the crystal structure, interΒ­molecular Oβ€”Hβ‹―O hydrogen bonds, weak Cβ€”Hβ‹―O hydrogen bonds and Cβ€”Hβ‹―Ο€ interΒ­actions link the molΒ­ecules into a two-dimensional sheet lying parallel to (100)

    Ero1L, a thiol oxidase, is required for Notch signaling through cysteine bridge formation of the Lin12-Notch repeats in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Notch-mediated cell–cell communication regulates numerous developmental processes and cell fate decisions. Through a mosaic genetic screen in Drosophila melanogaster, we identified a role in Notch signaling for a conserved thiol oxidase, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) oxidoreductin 1–like (Ero1L). Although Ero1L is reported to play a widespread role in protein folding in yeast, in flies Ero1L mutant clones show specific defects in lateral inhibition and inductive signaling, two characteristic processes regulated by Notch signaling. Ero1L mutant cells accumulate high levels of Notch protein in the ER and induce the unfolded protein response, suggesting that Notch is misfolded and fails to be exported from the ER. Biochemical assays demonstrate that Ero1L is required for formation of disulfide bonds of three Lin12-Notch repeats (LNRs) present in the extracellular domain of Notch. These LNRs are unique to the Notch family of proteins. Therefore, we have uncovered an unexpected requirement for Ero1L in the maturation of the Notch receptor

    Central Asia and the globalisation of the contemporary legal consciousness

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    What is the logic which governs the processes of legal globalization? How does the transnational proliferation of legal forms operate in the contemporary geo-juridical space? What are the main defining characteristics of the currently dominant mode of transnational legal consciousness and how can the concept of legal consciousness help us understand better the historical ebb and flow of the Western-led projects of good governance promotion in regions like Central Asia after the fall of the Soviet Union? Using Duncan Kennedy’s seminal essay Three Globalizations of Law and Legal Thought as its starting platform, this essay seeks to explore these and a series of other related questions, while also drawing on the work of the Greek Marxist lawyer-philosopher Nicos Poulantzas to help elucidate some latent analytical stress-points in Kennedy’s broader theoretical framework. Reacting against the neo-Orientalist tone adopted across much of the contemporary field of Central Asian studies, it develops an alternative account of the internal history of the legal-globalizational encounter between the Western-based reform entrepreneurs and the national legal-political elites in Central Asia in the post-1991 period, complementing it with a detailed description of the general institutional and discursive structures within which this encounter took place

    The FLASH pilot survey: An H i absorption search against MRC 1-Jy radio sources

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    We report an ASKAP search for associated H i 21-cm absorption against bright radio sources from the Molonglo Reference Catalogue (MRC) 1-Jy sample. The search uses pilot survey data from the ASKAP First Large Absorption Survey in H i (FLASH) covering the redshift range 0.42 < z < 1.00. From a sample of 62 MRC 1-Jy radio galaxies and quasars, we report three new detections of associated H i 21-cm absorption, yielding an overall detection fraction of. The detected systems comprise two radio galaxies (MRC 2216-281 at z = 0.657 and MRC 0531-237 at z = 0.851) and one quasar (MRC 2156-245 at z = 0.862). The MRC 0531-237 absorption system is the strongest found to date, with a velocity integrated optical depth of. All three objects with detected H i 21-cm absorption are peaked-spectrum or compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio sources. Two of them show strong interplanetary scintillation at 162 MHz, implying that the radio continuum source is smaller than 1 arcsec in size even at low frequencies. Among the class of peaked-spectrum and compact steep-spectrum radio sources, the H i detection fraction is. All three detections have a high 1.4 GHz radio luminosity, with MRC 0531-237 and MRC 2216-281 having the highest values in the sample,. The preponderance of extended radio sources in our sample could partially explain the overall low detection fraction, while the effects of a redshift evolution in gas properties and AGN UV luminosity on the neutral gas absorption still need to be investigated

    Huntingtin-interacting protein 14, a palmitoyl transferase required for exocytosis and targeting of CSP to synaptic vesicles

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    Posttranslational modification through palmitoylation regulates protein localization and function. In this study, we identify a role for the Drosophila melanogaster palmitoyl transferase Huntingtin-interacting protein 14 (HIP14) in neurotransmitter release. hip14 mutants show exocytic defects at low frequency stimulation and a nearly complete loss of synaptic transmission at higher temperature. Interestingly, two exocytic components known to be palmitoylated, cysteine string protein (CSP) and SNAP25, are severely mislocalized at hip14 mutant synapses. Complementary DNA rescue and localization experiments indicate that HIP14 is required solely in the nervous system and is essential for presynaptic function. Biochemical studies indicate that HIP14 palmitoylates CSP and that CSP is not palmitoylated in hip14 mutants. Furthermore, the hip14 exocytic defects can be suppressed by targeting CSP to synaptic vesicles using a chimeric protein approach. Our data indicate that HIP14 controls neurotransmitter release by regulating the trafficking of CSP to synapses
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