8 research outputs found

    Current understanding of grapevine defense mechanisms against the biotrophic fungus (Erysiphe necator), the causal agent of powdery mildew disease

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    The most economically important disease of cultivated grapevines worldwide is powdery mildew (PM) caused by the ascomycete fungus Erysiphe necator. The majority of grapevine cultivars used for wine, table grape, and dried fruit production are derived from the Eurasian grape species Vitis vinifera because of its superior aroma and flavor characteristics. However, this species has little genetic resistance against E. necator meaning that grape production is highly dependent on the frequent use of fungicides. The integration of effective genetic resistance into cultivated grapevines would lead to significant financial and environmental benefits and represents a major challenge for viticultural industries and researchers worldwide. This review will outline the strategies being used to increase our understanding of the molecular basis of V. vinifera susceptibility to this fungal pathogen. It will summarize our current knowledge of different resistance loci/genes that have evolved in wild grapevine species to restrict PM infection and assess the potential application of these defense genes in the generation of PM-resistant grapevine germplasm. Finally, it addresses future research priorities which will be important in the rapid identification, evaluation, and deployment of new PM resistance genes which are capable of conferring effective and durable resistance in the vineyard

    Changes in plant responses induced by an arthropod influence the colonization behavior of a subsequent herbivore

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    Background: Plants in nature can be sequentially attacked by different arthropod herbivores. Feeding by one arthropod species may induce plant-defense responses that might affect the performance of a later-arriving herbivorous species. Understanding these interactions can help in developing pest-management strategies. In tomato, the sweet-potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci and the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae are key pests that frequently cohabit on the same plant. We studied whether colonization by one species can either facilitate or impede later colonization of tomato plants by conspecific or heterospecific individuals. Results: B. tabaci females showed a strong preference for and increased oviposition on plants previously colonized by conspecifics. In contrast, plants infested with T. urticae repelled B. tabaci females and reduced their oviposition rate by 86%. Although females of T. urticae showed no preference between conspecific-infested or uninfested plants, we observed a 50% reduction in the number of eggs laid on conspecific-infested plants. Both herbivorous arthropods up-regulated the expression of genes involving the jasmonic acid and abscisic acid pathways, increasing emissions of fatty-acid derivatives, but only B. tabaci increased the expression of genes related to the salicylic acid pathway and the total amount of phenylpropanoids released. Terpenoids were the most abundant compounds in the volatile blends; many terpenoids were emitted at different rates, which might have influenced the arthropods' host selection. Conclusion: Our results indicate that B. tabaci infestation facilitated subsequent infestations by conspecifics and mites, while T. urticae infestation promoted herbivore-induced resistance. Based on both the molecular and behavioral findings, a novel sustainable pest-management strategy is discussed

    Visual, vibratory, and olfactory cues affect interactions between the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi and its predator Phytoseiulus longipes

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    Phytoseiulus longipes Evans (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) is an exotic predator widely used in biological control programs for the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae) in East Africa. However, little is known about the cues mediating this prey/predator interaction. Here, we performed behavioral assays to test the involvement of visual, vibratory, and olfactory cues using a combination of dead/living insects enclosed in either perforated or non-perforated transparent/opaque capsules. We monitored insect responses with a video tracking system and analyzed the data with Ethovision software. Our results showed avoidance behavior of T. evansi in the presence of live P. longipes through visual, vibratory, and olfactory cues. P. longipes was attracted by vibratory and olfactory cues emitted by T. evansi. The composition of volatiles from T. evansi was identified by GC/MS as methyl salicylate (MeSA), linalool, beta-caryophyllene, octanoic acid, decanoic acid, dodecanoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, and octadecanoic acid. Our behavioral assays with predatory mites in a Y-tube olfactometer revealed that among the identified volatiles, only MeSA, linalool, and MeSA + linalool attracted P. longipes. The implications of these findings for the control of T. evansi are discussed