3 research outputs found

    Improvement of Strength and Radiation Protection Properties of Biodegradable Jute Fiber Reinforced Material

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    Over past few years, polymer composites with natural fiber reinforcement, called eco-composites, have achieved a worldwide compliance due to their strong potentiality to save the environment from pollution as a result of their ultimate disposability, as compared to glass-filled composites. Since natural fibers combine a low cost and low density with high toughness, biodegradability, renewability, reduced tool wear, and higher energy recovery. They are carbon dioxide neutral when burned and are present in abundance, which make composites made from them also sustainable and economical. We report a facile method for the improvement of strength and radiation protection properties of biodegradable jute fiber reinforced material by ceramic treatment of red mud. The developed powder was further blended with polyester resin to form thick, viscous radiation protection organic gel-based material. The developed protection gel material was then cured for making advanced non-toxic, biodegradable radiation protection panels using jute as natural fiber reinforcement. The developed radiation protection panels were analyzed by X-ray method with different energies of X-ray photons found to possess highly competent properties. Their various mechanical properties, like tensile, flexural, and impact strength values and morphological features were evaluated. The developed non-toxic, biodegradable, jute fiber reinforced, X-ray radiation protection panels combine good shielding and mechanical properties, which ensures their broad application spectrum ranging from diagnostic X-ray and CT scanner room installations to nuclear power plant and other strategic radiation shielding tasks.В настоящее время широкое применение получили композиты, армированные натуральными волокнами (экокомпозиты). В отличие от стеклопластиков, они подвержены биодеградации и безвредны для окружающей среды, имеют низкую стоимость и плотность, не выделяют вредных веществ при горении и расщепляются микроорганизмами. Предложена новая технология производства из краснозема биодеградируемого джутоволоконного материала с высокими прочностными и радиационно-защитными свойствами. Оценены проницаемость его рентгеновскими лучами, статическая прочность при разрыве и изгибе, а также ударная прочность. Проведены микроструктурные исследования. Полученные результаты подтверждают перспективность предложенной технологии производства из данного материала защитных панелей для рентгеновских кабинетов и другого оборудования радиационной защиты..На сьогодні широке застосування отримали композити, армовані натуральними волокнами (екокомпозити). На відміну від склопластиків, вони схильні до біодеградації і нешкідливі для навколишнього середовища, мають низьку вартість і щільність, не виділяють шкідливих речовин при горінні і розщеплюються мікроорганізмами. Запропоновано нову технологію виробництва з червонозему здатного до біодеградації джутоволоконного матеріалу з високими міцнісними та радіаційно-захисними властивостями. Оцінено проникність його рентгенівськими променями, статичну міцність при розриві і згині, а також ударну міцність. Проведено мікроструктурні дослідження. Отримані результати підтверджують перспективність запропонованої технології виробництва з цього матеріалу захисних панелей для рентгенівських кабінетів та іншого обладнання радіаційного захисту

    Synthesis and characterization of Poly (N- Isopropylacrylamide) ZnO nanocomposites for textile applications

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    High performance polymers exhibiting multifunctional characteristics can be achieved by the introduction of inorganic nanoparticles like ZnO(Zinc oxide) into the functional polymers. In the present work a copolymer epoxy poly (dimethylacrylamide) was synthesized to disperse the ZnO nanoparticles. The aim of the work is to develop a new method/process/material for the dispersion of nanoparticles and evaluation of the performance of these composites. FT-IR studies of the polymer adsorbed ZnO nanoparticles confirmed that the polymer molecules chain were anchored on the surface of the ZnO nanoparticles. The improved interfacial interaction between the particles and polymer enhanced the thermal properties of the composites. The results also show that the newly prepared polymer composite matrix uniformly has the ability to disperse the ZnO nanoparticles well as evidenced by SEM analysis, and the particles almost remain in their original shape and size even after incorporation into the polymer matrix. Nevertheless, it was also found by dynamic light scattering analysis that the mean particle size of the dispersion was increased with increasing ZnO content. The results were consistent with SEM observations. The value of zeta potential results, show how the Poly (N–isopropylacryl amide (PNIPAM) can adsorb onto the ZnO nanoparticles and impart – ve charge to the surface of the nanoparticles.Department of Science and Technology (DST), India and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal