208 research outputs found

    The derived category of surface algebras: the case of the torus with one boundary component

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    In this paper we refine the main result of a previous paper of the author with Grimeland on derived invariants of surface algebras. We restrict to the case where the surface is a torus with one boundary component and give an easily computable derived invariant for such surface algebras. This result permits to give answers to open questions on gentle algebras: it provides examples of gentle algebras with the same AG-invariant (in the sense of Avella-Alaminos and Geiss) that are not derived equivalent and gives a partial positive answer to a conjecture due to Bobi\'nski and Malicki on gentle 22-cycles algebras.Comment: 22 pages, a mistake concerning the computation of the mapping class group has been fixed, version 3: 25 pages, to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Fourier phase and pitch-class sum

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    Music theorists have proposed two very different geometric models of musical objects, one based on voice leading and the other based on the Fourier transform. On the surface these models are completely different, but they converge in special cases, including many geometries that are of particular analytical interest.Accepted manuscrip

    Influence of Extraction Solvent on the Biological Properties of Maritime Pine Bark (Pinus pinaster)

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    Maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster Aiton subsp. atlantica) is rich in polyphenols with known bioactive properties which are beneficial for human health. However, biological activities of bark extracts depend on the type of polyphenols extracted and the characteristics of these extractives depend on several factors such as the type of solvents used. The in uence of the extraction solvent on the composition and consequently on the properties of the extracts has been poorly described. Thus, in this study the in uence of the extraction solvent (water, ethanol and ethanol-water (50/50 v/v%)) on the antibacterial and anticancer properties of P. pinaster bark samples were evaluated. LC-DAD-MS profiling of the different extracts was also carried out to study their polyphenol composition. Results show that extraction solvent must be carefully chosen with respect to foreseeing use of bark extracts, since ethanolic and hydroethanolic extracts displayed the greatest antibacterial activity whereas water extracts showed increased anticancer properties. © 2022. International Journal of Food Studies.All Rights Reserve

    High-precision calculations of van der Waals coefficients for heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers

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    Van der Waals coefficients for the heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr are calculated using relativistic ab initio methods augmented by high-precision experimental data. We argue that the uncertainties in the coefficients are unlikely to exceed about 1%.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figs, graphicx.st

    Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

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    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical obstruction might occur in these patients as well but is typically difficult to distinguish from an exacerbation of CIPS. We report two pediatric cases in which mechanical obstruction by volvulus mimicked an exacerbation of CIPS, requiring surgical intervention. Conclusion: Awareness of the possibility of true mechanical obstruction in CIPS patients during an exacerbation episode is needed, as this is a severe condition and usually requires surgical intervention

    T-systems and Y-systems in integrable systems

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    The T and Y-systems are ubiquitous structures in classical and quantum integrable systems. They are difference equations having a variety of aspects related to commuting transfer matrices in solvable lattice models, q-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of quantum affine algebras, cluster algebras with coefficients, periodicity conjectures of Zamolodchikov and others, dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory, difference analogue of L-operators in KP hierarchy, Stokes phenomena in 1d Schr\"odinger problem, AdS/CFT correspondence, Toda field equations on discrete space-time, Laplace sequence in discrete geometry, Fermionic character formulas and combinatorial completeness of Bethe ansatz, Q-system and ideal gas with exclusion statistics, analytic and thermodynamic Bethe ans\"atze, quantum transfer matrix method and so forth. This review article is a collection of short reviews on these topics which can be read more or less independently.Comment: 156 pages. Minor corrections including the last paragraph of sec.3.5, eqs.(4.1), (5.28), (9.37) and (13.54). The published version (JPA topical review) also needs these correction

    Potential of fecal microbiota for early-stage detection of colorectal cancer

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    Several bacterial species have been implicated in the development of colorectal carcinoma (CRC), but CRC-associated changes of fecal microbiota and their potential for cancer screening remain to be explored. Here, we used metagenomic sequencing of fecal samples to identify taxonomic markers that distinguished CRC patients from tumor-free controls in a study population of 156 participants. Accuracy of metagenomic CRC detection was similar to the standard fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and when both approaches were combined, sensitivity improved > 45% relative to the FOBT, while maintaining its specificity. Accuracy of metagenomic CRC detection did not differ significantly between early- and late-stage cancer and could be validated in independent patient and control populations (N = 335) from different countries. CRC-associated changes in the fecal microbiome at least partially reflected microbial community composition at the tumor itself, indicating that observed gene pool differences may reveal tumor-related host-microbe interactions. Indeed, we deduced a metabolic shift from fiber degradation in controls to utilization of host carbohydrates and amino acids in CRC patients, accompanied by an increase of lipopolysaccharide metabolism

    Wei Hua's Four Parameter Potential Comments and Computation of Moleculer Constants \alpha_e and \omega_e x_e

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    The value of adjustable parameter CC and the four-parameter potential U(r)=De[1−exp[−b(r−re)]1−Cexp[−b(r−re)]]2U(r) = D_{e}\left [ \frac{1-{exp}[-b(r-r_{e})]}{1-C{exp} [-b(r-r_{e})]} \right ]^{2} has been expressed in terms of molecular parameters and its significance has been brought out. The potential so constructed, with CC derived from the molecular parameters, has been applied to ten electronic states in addition to the states studied by Wei Hua. Average mean deviation has been found to be 3.47 as compared to 6.93, 6.95 and 9.72 obtained from Levine2, Varshni and Morse potentials, respectively. Also Dunham's method has been used to express rotation-vibration interaction constant (αe)(\alpha_{e}) and anharmonocity constant (ωexe)(\omega_{e}x_{e}) in terms of CC and other molecular constants. These relations have been employed to determine these quantities for 37 electronic states. For αe\alpha_{e}, the average mean deviation is 7.2% compared to 19.7% for Lippincott's potential which is known to be the best to predict the values. Average mean deviation for (ωexe)(\omega_{e}x_{e}) turns out to be 17.4% which is almost the same as found from Lippincott's potential function.Comment: 19 RevTex Pages, 1 Ps figure, submitted to J. Phys.
