17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Loan, Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Return on Asset

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    Kinerja bank dapat diukur dengan return on asset. Return on asset dapat digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas suatu Perusahaan dalam mencapai keuntungan dengan memanfaatkan aktiva yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh capital adequacy ratio, non performing loan, loan to deposit ratio terhadap return on asset. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2014 – 2016. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan jumlah sampel terpilih adalah 34 bank. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi non partisipan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa capital adequacy ratio berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap return on asset. Non performing loan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap return on asset. Loan to deposit ratio berpengaruh positif dan signfikan terhadap return on asset Kata kunci: Return On Asset, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Loan, Loan To Deposit Ratio

    Analisis Perilaku Konsumen terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sayur Organik CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali

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    One of the trendy and healthy lifestyle that developed in the community at this time is to go back to nature by consuming organic vegetable products. There are several factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions a product. These factors are the marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and location as well as psychological consisting of motivation, perception, learning, and the manner in which both factors are external and internal elements. Based on the above explanation, this study aimed to analyze the influence of the marketing and psychological factors in organic vegetable purchasing decisions. The research was conducted in CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali as a basic research study place located in the Gobleg village , Banjar district, Buleleng regency, Bali province and at the Supermarket to capture respondents surveyed. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. Number of samples taken by 200 respondents who have ever purchased a minimum of 5 times. Techniques of data collection by means of documentation and interviews. And techniques of data analysis with the help of the program is Visual PLS Version 1.04b1. From these results it can be concluded that in terms of the internal aspects of the psychological factors that consists of motivation, learning, and influence positive attitudes and highly significant organic vegetable purchasing decisions CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali , but the perception, promotion and location does not significantly affect the buying decision of organic vegetables CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali . Considering the promotion of a positive effect it is recommended to CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali to be more active promotion through print media, electronic media, and other media to create a brand image to customers and prospective customers, so the price is not to be sensitive. Similarly, the location, given the location of the positive effect it is recommended to CV Golden Leaf Farm Bali to pay more attention to the existence of the location

    Risk Mitigation for Rice Production Through Agricultural Insurance: Farmer's Perspectives

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    Rice farming is susceptible to failure due to several risks including natural disasters of flood and drought as well as pest and disease attacks. Risk mitigation such as agricultural insurance is required to cope with the risks. This study aims to portray rice production risks to failure and farmer's perception on the implementation of agricultural insurance in Bali province. Three regencies were selected purposively based on the area insured. A survey was conducted to 180 respondents who paid for the agricultural insurance (AUTP). Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis and chi-square test. Results of the research show that most rice farming risks to failure in Bali were blast and rat attacks. In terms of agricultural insurance implementation, all farmers accept the program as a mitigation risk to bridge rice farming failure. However, most farmers (85 %) asked for fully support of premium subsidy from the government while the rest agreed to pay for a-20 % of the premium. The result from the Chi-square test shows insignificant, implying that the distribution of farmers' perception towards full subsidy of agricultural insurance is indifferent across locations. Implication of the study noted that the government and insurer need to socialize the agricultural insurance program more intensively covering premium payment, coverage and claiming

    Perbandingan Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah dengan dan tanpa Teknologi Feromon (Studi Kasus di Gapoktan Asta Mandiri, Desa Songan B, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli)

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    The Comparison of Shallot Farming Income by Using and without Pheromone Technology (Case Study at the Association of Asta Mandiri Farmer Groups,Songan B Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency)The main problem faced by farmers in shallot cultivation is the pest attack fromworms. Farmers mostly control the pest by using high doses of chemical insecticidespraying. Pheromone technology is a breakthrough technology that can be used tocontrol worm pest in shallot farming, heading to less use of insecticides. Thisresearch took place at the Association of Asta Mandiri Farmer Groups, Songan BVillage, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency which was conducted from April toMay 2016. The purpose of this study was to compare the shallot farming incomeusing pheromone technology and without pheromone technology and the obstaclesfaced by farmers in applying the technology. Data were analyzed using analysis offarm income, the R/C ratio, and t-test. The results showed that the income of shallotfarming with pheromone technology was at Rp 97,597,413.38 per hectare per season,whereas without pheromone technology at Rp 78,605,563.89 per hectare perseason.The R/C ratio of shallot farming by using pheromones technology was 2,39,whereas without the pheromone technology was 2,06. Based on t-test analysis, thereis significantly difference in income at 95% level of confidence. Obstacles faced byfarmers in applying pheromone technology, namely difficulties to obtain thepheromones in the market. It is expected that the government will provide thepheromones massively, so that farmers are able to apply the technology sustainably

    Analisis Finansial Budidaya Pembibitan Lele: Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Unit Pembibitan Rakyat Mina Dalem Sari di Kota Denpasar

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    Demand for catfish consumption generally in Bali and especially in Denpasar is very high, therefore it must be brought from outside the island. The catfish farmers in Bali are still very short of catfish hatchery, where most of them are still brought from outside the island, especially from Java. This study aims to find out business feasibility for short term and long term horizon, as well as the competitive value of producing breeding catfish compared to buying them from Java. Location of the study was chosen by using purposive sampling method at UPR Mina Dalem Sari which is located in Peguyangan Kaja Denpasar. Methods of data collection were interviews, observation and documentation. The number of samples taken was using census of all 10 members of the group. Data were analyzed using analysis of the feasibility of short-term and long-term, as well as analysis of break even point. The results of the analysis for short-term investments show stable cash flow and gross margins were positive which indicates that the business is feasible to be run. Analysis of long-term business also shows that catfish hatchery in Denpasar is feasible to develop. It can be seen from the payback period on the fifth year and first month, NPV shows the positive value of Rp 237,800,470 and the IRR is 32.57%. With an average of 2,700,000 catfish hatchery production per year, this business is very profitable compared to inter-island trading from outside the island. This is indicated by the results of the break-even point of 373,911 hatchery / year. Catfish hatchery in Denpasar needs to be improved by doing more socialization to the society in order to maintain the market demands, and open employment. It is suggested to build the form of grou