24 research outputs found

    The step of incorporation of Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 into “requeijão cremoso” processed cheese does not affect metabolic homeostasis of rats

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    Dairy product consumption is a common habit in Brazil. These products present a good matrix for probiotic incorporation. Thus, in this study the feasibility of producing a probiotic "requeijao cremoso" incorporated with Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 in three different steps and its metabolic effect in an animal model for 2 weeks has been evaluated. Wistar adult health rats were randomized into one to five groups (n = 8 for each group): Control (C); "requeijao cremoso" without probiotic (RC); probiotic inoculated in the milk before pasteurization at 65 degrees C/30 min (RPP); "requeijao cremoso" inoculated before the fusion step and consequently exposed to 90 degrees C/5 min (RPF); and "requeijao cremoso" inoculated after fusion step, i.e., once the product temperature reached 50 degrees C (RPAF). At the end of treatment, analysis of molecular markers of proteins of stress and antioxidant system, HSP 25, 60, 70 and 90, SOD and catalase were performed in the animals' muscles by Western Blot technique. The HSP25, HSP90 and catalase levels of C, RPP, RPF, and RPAF were similar, indicating that the homeostasis remained unchanged. The incorporation of B. coagulans GBI-30 6086 in the "requeijao cremoso" was shown to be stable and the microorganism remained viable in all steps tested. The incorporation of the probiotic strain in the fusion stage facilitated the technological process, since it allowed a better homogenization of the product and did not affect the maintenance of the metabolic homeostasis of rats10CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação302763/2014-7; 305804/2017-013/21544-9; 18/24540-8; 2019/21188-

    Novel process of hydration, followed by incubation and thermal processing, for high isoflavone bioconversion in soybeans

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    The potentially bioavailable aglyconic isoflavone content of soybeans was increased by a process based on the controlled hydration of whole beans, followed by an incubation step and cooking. For developing the process, the effects of three operation variables: temperature, intermittent soaking and incubation time on the isoflavone profile of the processed soybeans were assessed. By hydrating the whole beans under controlled conditions (54 degrees C; 15 rpm for a rotating soaking basket) and holding the beans for an appropriate incubation time, it was possible to substantially increase the total aglycone content from (mu mol.10(-2).g(-1)) similar to 5 in the raw, to similar to 95 in the processed soybean. A conventional thermal treatment (1 kg.cm(-2), 5 min), necessary to attain the nutritional and sensory characteristics, produced additional hydrolysis of glucosides, accounting for extra 14% of total aglycone yield. The entire process avoided the need to grind the bean and permitted an overall 21.8-fold increase (per mole basis) conversion of all forms of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones, particularly to the (S)-equol precursor, daidzein, and with minimal back-diffusion or leaching to the outside medium121691696COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão tem2013/04304-4; PIPE 2012/51521-8; PIPE 2016/50228-

    Soapstone (steatite) Cookware As A Source Of Minerals.

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    Steatite or soapstone, is a soft metamorphic rock composed mainly of talc, dolomite and actinolite, which is abundantly found and used for the manufacture of cookware in south-east Brazil. The study estimates its usage for cookware among dwellers of Ouro Preto, and assesses the possible toxicological or nutritional impact on food preparation. Pans made of steatite were purchased both in the crude (n = 6) and 'cured'forms (n = 6). Migration of Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Co, Al, Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd was determined for 20 sequential cooking trials, using 3 and 5% acetic acid as a food simulant. Analytical determinations were carried out by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry and the data treated by an individual model of random effects, simple linear regression and Pearson's correlation. About 81% of Ouro Preto's native population own soapstone cookware and, of these, 79% use the pans regularly. Mineral migration followed the general solubility of the crystalline components of the rock. Therefore, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn were, in that order, the elements that exhibited highest migration, whereas the remaining were seen in negligible levels, except for Ni in the crude pans. The 5% solution favoured migration, whereas curing tended to restrict migration and extend durability of the pan. It is concluded that while cured soapstone pans do not offer mineral toxicity, they may contribute to the mineral nutrition of human beings.19134-4

    Influence Of The Composition Of Unripe Genipap (genipa Americana L.) Fruit On The Formation Of Blue Pigment.

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    The physical and chemical characteristics of unripe genipap fruits and the proximate and amino acid compositions of the endocarp and mesocarp of the unripe fruits were determined, placing special emphasis on the possible role of the protein-amino acid fraction on the formation of the typical blue pigment of the matrix. The two parts of the fruit analyzed have low energy (49.88 kcal/100 g for mesocarp and 43.48 kcal/100 g for endocarp) and high fiber content (7.88 % for mesocarp and 16.76 % for endocarp). The endocarp showed protein content (3.19 %) five times higher than the mesocarp (0.62 %), which may explain in part the greater amounts of blue pigment formed in the endocarp when compared to the mesocarp. Furthermore, the pH found in mesocarp (4.49) and endocarp (5.21) is within the optimum range for the formation of the blue pigment. A significant color change (ΔE (*)  = 26.45) was observed in endocarp during its exposure to the air for 2 h. Free aspartic and glutamic acids and cystine were the predominant amino acids in the mesocarp, while glutamic and aspartic acids and leucine were predominant in the endocarp. According to the results, the formation of blue pigment does not cause any change in the amino acid composition.523919-392