53 research outputs found

    Hundreds of genetic barcodes of the species-rich hydroid superfamily Plumularioidea (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) provide a guide toward more reliable taxonomy

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    Marine hydroids are important benthic components of shallow and deep waters worldwide, but their taxonomy is controversial because diagnostic morphological characters to categorize taxa are limited. Their genetic relationships are also little investigated. We tested taxonomic hypotheses within the highly speciose superfamily Plumularioidea by integrating a classical morphological approach with DNA barcoding of the 16S and COI mitochondrial markers for 659 and 196 specimens of Plumularioidea, respectively. Adding Genbank sequences, we inferred systematic relationships among 1,114 plumularioids, corresponding to 123 nominal species and 17 novel morphospecies in five families of Plumularioidea. We found considerable inconsistencies in the systematics of nominal families, genera and species. The families Kirchenpaueriidae and Plumulariidae were polyphyletic and the Halopterididae paraphyletic. Most genera of Plumularioidea are not monophyletic. Species diversity is considerably underestimated. Within our study, at least 10% of the morphologically-distinctive morphospecies are undescribed, and about 40% of the overall species richness is represented by cryptic species. Convergent evolution and morphological plasticity therefore blur systematic relationships. Additionally, cryptic taxa occur frequently in sympatry or parapatry, complicating correspondence with type material of described species. Sometimes conspecificity of different morphotypes was found. The taxonomy of hydroids requires continued comprehensive revision.This work relied on several hydrozoan samples collected from various sites, with the aid of many people. Supplementary Table S1 refers many of the people involved in the collection and/or preservation of the samples. C.J.M. acknowledges his great buddy-divers Jaime N.-Ruiz (CIMAR, Univ. Costa Rica), Axel Calderon, Nathaniel Chu, Eleni Petrou (STRI, Smiths. Inst.), Hanae Spathias, Karen Koltes (at the Belize station, Smith. Inst.), Freya Sommer (Hopkins Marine Station), Remilson Ferreira ('Costa Norte', Sao Tome), Frederico Cardigos (DOP, Univ. Azores) and others that assisted the dives. C.J.M. also acknowledges Rita Castillo (CIMAR, Univ. Costa Rica), Plinio Gondola, Ligia Calderon, Laura Geyer, Maria Castillo (STRI, Smiths. Inst.), Gregory Ruiz (SERC, Smiths. Inst.), Paul Greenhall, William Keel (MSC, Smith. Inst.), Manuel Enes, Valentina Matos (IMAR/DOP, Univ. Azores), Filipe Porteiro, Joao Goncalves (OKEANOS/IMAR, Univ. Azores), Marina Cunha, Ascensao Ravara (CESAM, Univ. Aveiro), Shirley Pomponi (Harbor Branch, Florida Atlantic Univ.), Estrela Matilde (Fundacao Principe Trust), Monica Albuquerque, Ines Tojeira (EMEPC), Diana Carvalho (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist., Lisbon) and many others colleagues that facilitated the morphologic classifications and deposition of the samples. Peter Schuchert (Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Geneve) kindly provided some DNA extractes. Todd Kincaid and his team of GUE divers (Project Baseline - Azores) collected valuable samples from unusual depths. Joana Boavida (CIIMAR, Univ. Algarve) facilitated some samples of the 'DeepReefs' project. Jim Drewery (Marine Scotland Science Inst.) also provided few samples. Dale Calder (Royal Ontario Museum) provided some bibliography to C.J.M. and discussed/resolved some dubios taxonomic classifications. Colleagues at the L.A.B. (NMNH, Smith. Inst.) were very supportive. The APC fees for open access publication were supported by a program of the Regional Government of the Azores ("Apoio ao funcionamento e gestao dos centros de I&D regionais: 2018 - DRCT-medida 1

    Intrecci linguistici. Lingue e dialetti italiani tra i giovani italoamericani nella grande area di New York

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    Da quando furono introdotti dai primi immigrati che si insediarono sul suolo americano, la lingua e i dialetti italiani negli Stati Uniti si sono continuamente trasformati. Sui comportamenti linguistici degli emigrati italiani all\u2019estero incisero fattori di natura sociale, culturale, geografica ed economica, nonch\ue9 le diverse ondate migratorie. In particolare, nelle comunit\ue0 italoamericane, la lingua e i dialetti italiani andarono a comporre un continuum linguistico che si accompagn\uf2 all\u2019inglese secondo combinazioni diverse e con un variegato ventaglio di forme. Questo saggio si propone di ripercorrere le tappe che hanno segnato questi cambiamenti, analizzando alcune ricerche svolte a partire dagli anni Ottanta nonch\ue9 i dati della condizione in cui versa attualmente la lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti. Vengono, inoltre, presentati i risultati legati all\u2019uso della lingua e dei dialetti, frutto di una survey condotta nel 2013 su un campione di giovani italoamericani residenti nella grande area di New York. Nonostante le differenze tra le diverse generazioni d\u2019immigrazione dei giovani partecipanti allo studio, emerge come vi sia, soprattutto nelle nuove generazioni di italoamericani, una tendenza alla ripresa di interesse verso la lingua delle origini e i dialetti, espressa anche attraverso la volont\ue0 di trasmetterla ai propri figli

    Combinatorial biomarker expression in breast cancer

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    Intermuscular and intramuscular lipomas of the neck

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    Two cases o/ deep lipomas o/ the neck deueloped between the skeletral muscleswere presented: one intermuscular and the other intramuscular. Taking into consideration the rarity o/ the case, the authors examined the clinica l surgical aspect, paying special attention to the relation ship between sonorographic and computerized tomographic characteristics and the histo logica l aspects in order to define whether the lipomatous tumors uiere benign or malignant. They also studied the localization 01ceruical lipomas, 01lipoblastomas 01 hibemomas and 01 liposarcomas and dejined an anatomo-clinical classiiication 01 both superficial and deep ceruical lipomas

    Pathology and clinical course of pancreatic pseudocyst

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    According to the literature and the personal experience o/ the authors there seem to exist many controversies on the treatment o/ pancreatic pseudocysts, partly due to the lack o/ de- /initions and to the jact that prognosis is different based upon the pathophysiology o/ the lesions. We report 4 cases o/ pancreatic pseudocysts successfully treated with a multzdisciplinary approacb, stressing the role o/ pharmacology and o/ artificial nutntion and endoscopy on the outcome o/ these lesions

    Nutritional and defunctionalized jejunostomy in the chemotherapeutic treatment of gastric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Preliminary experience.

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    The authors propose a jejunostomy on an omega loop distal to the Treitz ligament as a treatment for unresectable gastric lymphomas. The rationale is to provide nutritional support during chemotherapy in a situation when the stomach is defunctionalised. As assessed by clinical, morphological and biological parameters, the association of chemotherapy and jejunostomy may represent a valid therapeutical strategy for patients considered unresectable

    Bilateral carcinoma of the breast: treatment and prevention, Review of the literature

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    Authors analize 256 patients admitted in III Clinica Chirurgica o/ University o/ Rome «La Sapienza» for breast cancer, /rom 1982 to 1992; 16 o/ them had later deueloped another neoplasm in the opposite breast. After a retrospectiue study o/ the clinical bistory o/ ali patients they came to the conclusion that bilateral neoplasm frequency is similar to that reported in world litterature (1- 18%) (23, 9, 2). Moreover, are analized the primary risk factors 101' a bilatel'al carcinoma, and tbey consider the utility 01 the propbylactic surgical treatment 01 the opposite breast
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