12 research outputs found

    A New Highly Conserved Antibiotic Sensing/Resistance Pathway in Firmicutes Involves an ABC Transporter Interplaying with a Signal Transduction System

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    Signal transduction systems and ABC transporters often contribute jointly to adaptive bacterial responses to environmental changes. In Bacillus subtilis, three such pairs are involved in responses to antibiotics: BceRSAB, YvcPQRS and YxdJKLM. They are characterized by a histidine kinase belonging to the intramembrane sensing kinase family and by a translocator possessing an unusually large extracytoplasmic loop. It was established here using a phylogenomic approach that systems of this kind are specific but widespread in Firmicutes, where they originated. The present phylogenetic analyses brought to light a highly dynamic evolutionary history involving numerous horizontal gene transfers, duplications and lost events, leading to a great variety of Bce-like repertories in members of this bacterial phylum. Based on these phylogenetic analyses, it was proposed to subdivide the Bce-like modules into six well-defined subfamilies. Functional studies were performed on members of subfamily IV comprising BceRSAB from B. subtilis, the expression of which was found to require the signal transduction system as well as the ABC transporter itself. The present results suggest, for the members of this subfamily, the occurrence of interactions between one component of each partner, the kinase and the corresponding translocator. At functional and/or structural levels, bacitracin dependent expression of bceAB and bacitracin resistance processes require the presence of the BceB translocator loop. Some other members of subfamily IV were also found to participate in bacitracin resistance processes. Taken together our study suggests that this regulatory mechanism might constitute an important common antibiotic resistance mechanism in Firmicutes. [Supplemental material is available online at http://www.genome.org.

    Single gene locus changes perturb complex microbial communities as much as apex predator loss

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    Many bacterial species are highly social, adaptively shaping their local environment through the production of secreted molecules. This can, in turn, alter interaction strengths among species and modify community composition. However, the relative importance of such behaviours in determining the structure of complex communities is unknown. Here we show that single-locus changes affecting biofilm formation phenotypes in Bacillus subtilis modify community structure to the same extent as loss of an apex predator and even to a greater extent than loss of B. subtilis itself. These results, from experimentally manipulated multitrophic microcosm assemblages, demonstrate that bacterial social traits are key modulators of the structure of their communities. Moreover, they show that intraspecific genetic variability can be as important as strong trophic interactions in determining community dynamics. Microevolution may therefore be as important as species extinctions in shaping the response of microbial communities to environmental change

    Metagenomic mining of regulatory elements enables programmable species-selective gene expression

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    Robust and predictably performing synthetic circuits rely on the use of well-characterized regulatory parts across different genetic backgrounds and environmental contexts. Here we report the large-scale metagenomic mining of thousands of natural 5â€Č regulatory sequences from diverse bacteria, and their multiplexed gene expression characterization in industrially relevant microbes. We identified sequences with broad and host-specific expression properties that are robust in various growth conditions. We also observed substantial differences between species in terms of their capacity to utilize exogenous regulatory sequences. Finally, we demonstrate programmable species-selective gene expression that produces distinct and diverse output patterns in different microbes. Together, these findings provide a rich resource of characterized natural regulatory sequences and a framework that can be used to engineer synthetic gene circuits with unique and tunable cross-species functionality and properties, and also suggest the prospect of ultimately engineering complex behaviors at the community level.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (1DP5OD009172-02)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) ( 1U01GM110714-01A1)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (MCB‐1453219)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (FR‐2015‐65795)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (W911NF-15-2-0065)United States. Office of Naval Research (N00014-15-1-2704