7 research outputs found

    Laplacians with point interactions -- expected and unexpected spectral properties

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    We study the one-dimensional Laplace operator with point interactions on the real line identified with two copies of the half-line [0,∞)[0,\infty). All possible boundary conditions that define generators of C0C_0-semigroups on L2([0,∞))⊕L2([0,∞))L^2\big([0,\infty)\big)\oplus L^2\big([0,\infty)\big) are characterized. Here, the Cayley transform of the boundary conditions plays an important role and using an explicit representation of the Green's functions, it allows us to study invariance properties of semigroups

    Inverse operator of the generator of a C-0-semigroup

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    Let AA be the generator of a uniformly bounded C0C_0-semigroup in a Banach space XX such that AA has a trivial kernel and a dense range. The question whether A−1A^{-1} is a generator of a C0C_0-semigroup is considered. It is shown that the answer is negative in general for X=ℓpX = \ell_p, p∈(1,2)∩(2,∞)p \in (1, 2) \cap (2,\infty). In the case when XX is a Hilbert space it is proved that there exist C0C_0-semigroups (etA)e^{tA}), t>0t > 0, of arbitrarily slow growth at infinity such that the densely defined operator A−1A^{-1} is not the generator of a C0C_0-semigroup

    Decreasing Service Life of Buildings Under Regular Explosion Loads

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