27 research outputs found

    Risk factors for acquisition of hepatitis C virus infection: a case series and potential implications for disease surveillance

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    BACKGROUND: Transmission of hepatitis C vims (HCV) is strongly associated with use of contaminated blood products and injection drugs. Other "non-parental" modes of transmission including sexual activity have been increasingly recognized. We examined risk factors for acquiring HCV in patients who were referred to two tertiary care centers and enrolled in an antiviral therapy protocol. METHODS: Interviews of 148 patients were conducted apart from their physician evaluation using a structured questionnaire covering demographics and risk factors for HCV acquisition. RESULTS: Risk factors (blood products, injection/intranasal drugs, razor blades/ toothbrushes, body/ear piercing, occupational exposure, sexual activity) were identified in 141 (95.3%) of participants; 23 (15.5%) had one (most frequently blood or drug exposure), 41 (27.7%) had two, and 84 (53.4%) had more than two risk factors. No patient reported sexual activity as a sole risk factor. Body piercing accounted for a high number of exposures in women. Men were more likely to have exposure to street drugs but less exposure to blood products than women. Blood product exposure was less common in younger than older HCV patients. CONCLUSION: One and often multiple risk factors could be identified in nearly all HCV-infected patients seen in a referral practice. None named sexual transmission as the sole risk factor. The development of a more complete profile of factors contributing to transmission of HCV infection may assist in clinical and preventive efforts. The recognition of the potential presence of multiple risk factors may have important implications in the approach to HCV surveillance, and particularly the use of hierarchical algorithms in the study of risk factors

    Geographic distribution and genetic variability of hepatitis delta virus genotype I

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    Three genotypes of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) have been identified, each with different geographic distributions and disease associations. To better define the geographic distribution and genetic variability of HDV genotype I, and to evaluate the extent of genome variability in populations with different patterns of HDV infection, we have analyzed the sequence of Nov RNA in the sera of 72 patients from different areas. Patients were primarily residents of the United States and areas in and around Greece, including Archangelos, Rhodes. All sequences obtained belonged to HDV genotype I, confirming the wide geographic distribution of this genotype and its predominance in Europe and the United States. In contrast to previous studies, phylogenetic analysis of this large and diverse group of sequences, along with all available previously published HDV sequences, showed no well-defined subtypes within genotype I. Low sequence diversity was found for isolates from the United States, Archangelos, Turkey, and Albania, suggesting that HDV was introduced more recently and/or from fewer sources into these areas as compared to mainland Greece, Italy, and north Africa, where sequence diversity is much greater. The low sequence diversity among isolates from Archangelos is particularly interesting in light of the unusually mild pattern of HDV disease found in this community. Comparison of nucleic acid and amino acid sequences within and among genotypes indicated both highly conserved regions as well as genotype-specific sequences that could be related to functional differences. The most distinctive of the latter was that corresponding to the C-terminal 19-20 amino acids of the long form of hepatitis delta antigen, which is highly conserved within each genotype but considerably diverged among them. (C) 1997 Academic Press

    Quasispecies heterogeneity within the E1/E2 region as a pretreatment variable during pegylated interferon therapy of chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

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    A series of 29 patients undergoing treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infection with pegylated alpha-2a interferon plus ribavirin were studied for patterns of response to antiviral therapy and viral quasispecies evolution. All patients were treatment naive and had chronic inflammation and fibrosis on biopsy. As part of an analysis of pretreatment variables that might affect the outcome of treatment, genetic heterogeneity within the viral E1-E2 glycoprotein region (nucleotides 851 to 2280) was assessed by sequencing 10 to 15 quasispecies clones per patient from serum-derived PCR products. Genetic parameters were examined with respect to response to therapy based on serum viral RNA loads at 12 weeks (early viral response) and at 24 weeks posttreatment (sustained viral response). Nucleotide and amino acid quasispecies complexities of the hypervariable region 1 (HVR-1) were less in the responder group in comparison to the nonresponder group at 12 weeks, and genetic diversity was also less both within and outside of the HVR-1, with the difference being most pronounced for the non-HVR-1 region of E2. However, these genetic parameters did not distinguish responders from nonresponders for sustained viral responses. Follow-up studies of genetic heterogeneity based on the HVR-1 in selected responders and nonresponders while on therapy revealed greater evolutionary drift in the responder subgroup. The pretreatment population sequences for the NS5A interferon sensitivity determinant region were also analyzed for all patients, but no correlations were found between treatment response and any distinct genetic markers. These findings support previous studies indicating a high level of genetic heterogeneity among chronically infected HCV patients. One interpretation of these data is that early viral responses are governed to some extent by viral factors, whereas sustained responses may be more influenced by host factors, in addition to effects of viral complexity and diversity

    Inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS2A) haplotypes and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection.

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    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is an important molecule involved in the host defense against infectious agents. iNOS is encoded by the NOS2A gene and well-defined haplotypes exist with respect to this gene. We examined whether these haplotypes were associated with the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in 619 Caucasian patients from seven European liver centres. We observed five major haplotypes: (-277A)+(-1026G)+(-1659C): haplotype 1; (-277G)+(-1026T)+(-1659C): haplotype 2; (-277G)+(-1026G)+(-1659C): haplotype 3; (-277G)+(-1026T)+(-1659T): haplotype 4; and (-277A)+(-1026T)+(-1659C): haplotype 5. Distributions of these haplotypes are comparable with those of previous studies. Homozygotes for haplotype 2 or those with haplotypes 2/4 were more likely than those with the 1/1 (wild type) combination to have self-limiting infections (odds ratios (OR)=3.43; 95% confidence intervals (95% CI): 1.10-8.0; P=0.0206 and OR=5.15; 95% CI: 1.32-14.32; P=0.0018, respectively). Conversely, carriage of haplotype 1 was associated with the lack of self-limiting disease (OR=0.48; 95% CI: 0.27-0.83; P=0.009). The effect was mainly among males (OR=0.41; 95% CI: 0.182-0.942; P=0.031 for males, and OR=0.55; 95% CI: 0.24-1.37; P=0.136 for women). Carriage of haplotype 1 was not associated with initial response (P=0.268) or sustained response (P>0.171). Combinations of haplotypes 1/4 were more likely to respond to interferon monotherapy in comparison of initial responders to nonresponders (OR=2.25; 95% CI: 1.05-5.68; P=0.0275)

    Amantadine Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Although treatment of hepatitis C has improved, up to 50% do not respond to standard therapy with interferon regimes or cannot tolerate the treatment due to side effects. The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the antiviral drug amantadine for the treatment of hepatitis C in those who had either previously failed interferon therapy or were not candidates for interferon. DESIGN: A prospective double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. SETTING: Outpatient research clinic of a teaching hospital. PATIENTS/PARTICIPANTS: One hundred fifty-two patients with confirmed hepatitis C with abnormal liver enzymes, detectable hepatitis C RNA in the blood, and abnormal liver histology by biopsy were randomized to receive treatment or placebo. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Patients received either amantadine 100 mg twice daily by mouth or placebo for 6 months. After 6 months, placebo-treated patients were crossed over and treated with amantadine for 6 months and amantadine-treated subjects received 6 additional months of therapy. Amantadine therapy resulted in a significant decline in serum alanine aminotransferase compared to placebo (P = .03). Nine percent cleared the virus at the end of therapy and 6.8% had a sustained virologic response 6 months after discontinuation of amantadine, but this was not statistically significant. Side effects were minimal, and the social quality of life survey improved with 12 months of amantadine (P = .02). CONCLUSIONS: Oral amantadine may provide a safe alternative treatment for those patients who are intolerant or unresponsive to interferon