11 research outputs found

    Macronutrient Uptake And Removal By Upland Rice Cultivars With Different Plant Architecture

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    Modern high-yielding rice cultivars possibly take up and remove greater quantities of macronutrients than traditional and intermediate cultivars. This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the extraction and removal of macronutrients by upland rice cultivars. These information are of utmost importance for the correct fertilizer management. The treatments consisted of three upland rice cultivars (Caiapó, a traditional type; BRS Primavera, an intermediate type; and Maravilha, a modern type). Macronutrient accumulation by rice cultivars up to the end of tillering (46 DAE) accounted for only 25 % of the total N and P, and between 35-45 % of the total K, Ca, Mg, and S; after that time, accumulation was intensified. In all of the cultivars, the period of greatest nutrient uptake occurred from 45 to 60 DAE for K, Ca, Mg, and S, and after 65 DAE for N. Phosphorus was taken up at greater rates at 70 DAE by the cultivar BRS Primavera and after 90 DAE by the cultivars Caiapó and Maravilha. The cultivars of the traditional (Caiapó) and intermediate (BRS Primavera) groups took up greater amounts of Ca (143 kg ha-1), Mg (46-53 kg ha-1), and S (45-52 kg ha-1), but amounts of N (147-156 kg ha-1) and P (18-19 kg ha-1) were similar to those of the cultivar of the modern group (Maravilha). Caiapó cultivar took up more K (245 kg ha-1) than other cultivars (204-207 kg ha-1). The cultivars Caiapó and Maravilha showed similar grain yield (4,157 and 4,094 kg ha-1); however, this was lower than the grain yield of cultivar BRS Primavera (6,010 kg ha-1). Cultivars with greater yield levels did not necessarily exhibit a greater uptake and removal of nutrients per area, even if they had greater capacity for conversion of the nutrients taken up into the biomass. © 2016, Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo. All rights reserved.4

    Uso do regulador de crescimento etil-trinexapac em arroz de terras altas Use of trinexapac-ethyl growth regulator in upland rice

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    O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o uso de doses de etil-trinexapac (0; 75; 150; 225 e 300 g ha-1 de i.a.) e épocas de aplicação (perfilhamento ativo, entre o perfilhamento ativo e a diferenciação floral e na diferenciação floral) no desenvolvimento e na produtividade da cultura do arroz de terras altas. O experimento foi desenvolvido no município de Selvíria (MS), durante o ano agrícola de 2006/2007. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de 150 g ha-1 de etil-trinexapac na fase da diferenciação floral do arroz cultivar Primavera reduz a altura de plantas, em média 0,40 m, em relação à aplicação nas fases do perfilhamento ativo e, entre o perfilhamento ativo e a diferenciação floral, com ausência de acamamento; o etil-trinexapac, em doses acima 150 g ha-1, promove maior número de grãos chochos, reduzindo a produtividade de grãos, quando aplicado na fase da diferenciação floral e, a dose de 150 g ha-1 de etil-trinexapac em qualquer época de aplicação não interfere na produtividade da cultura.<br>This work was developed with the objective of evaluating the use of trinexapac-ethyl doses (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 g of the a.i. ha-1) and application times (active tillering, between active tillering and floral differentiation and at floral differentiation) in upland rice crop development and yield. The experiment was carried out in Selvíria-MS, during the agricultural year of 2006/07. Application of 150 g ha-1 of trinexapac-ethyl in Primavera rice cultivar at panicle initiation differentiation reduces plants height, 0.40 m on average comparing to other times, with lodging absence. Trinexapac-ethyl promotes lange number of abnormal grains, reduction of grain yields in doses above 150 g ha-1, when applied in panicle initiation differentiation stadium. Application of 150 g ha-1 of trinexapac-ethyl at any time does not interfere in crop yield