1,209 research outputs found

    Chemical abundances and properties of the ionized gas in NGC 1705

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    We obtained [O III] narrow-band imaging and multi-slit MXU spectroscopy of the blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC 1705 with FORS2@VLT to derive chemical abundances of PNe and H II regions and, more in general, to characterize the properties of the ionized gas. The auroral [O III]\lambda4363 line was detected in all but one of the eleven analyzed regions, allowing for a direct estimate of their electron temperature. The only object for which the [O III]\lambda4363 line was not detected is a possible low-ionization PN, the only one detected in our data. For all the other regions, we derived the abundances of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Neon, Sulfur and Argon out to ~ 1 kpc from the galaxy center. We detect for the first time in NGC 1705 a negative radial gradient in the oxygen metallicity of -0.24 \pm 0.08 dex kpc^{-1}. The element abundances are all consistent with values reported in the literature for other samples of dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. However, the average (central) oxygen abundance, 12 + log(O/H)=7.96 \pm 0.04, is ~0.26 dex lower than previous literature estimates for NGC 1705 based on the [O III]\lambda4363 line. From classical emission-line diagnostic diagrams, we exclude a major contribution from shock excitation. On the other hand, the radial behavior of the emission line ratios is consistent with the progressive dilution of radiation with increasing distance from the center of NGC 1705. This suggests that the strongest starburst located within the central \sim150 pc is responsible for the ionization of the gas out to at least \sim1 kpc. The gradual dilution of the radiation with increasing distance from the center reflects the gradual and continuous transition from the highly ionized H II regions in the proximity of the major starburst into the diffuse ionized gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on A

    PNe and H II regions in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449 from LBT MODS data

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    We present deep 3500-10000 A˚\AA spectra of H II regions and planetary nebulae (PNe) in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449, acquired with the Multi Object Double Spectrograph at the Large Binocular Telescope. Using the "direct" method, we derived the abundance of He, N, O, Ne, Ar, and S in six H II regions and in four PNe in NGC 4449. This is the first case of PNe studied in a starburst irregular outside the Local Group. Our H II region and PN sample extends over a galacto-centric distance range of \approx2 kpc and spans \approx0.2 dex in oxygen abundance, with average values of 12+log(O/H)=8.37±0.0512+\log(O/H)=8.37 \pm 0.05 and 8.3±0.18.3 \pm 0.1 for H II regions and PNe, respectively. PNe and H II regions exhibit similar oxygen abundances in the galacto-centric distance range of overlap, while PNe appear more than \sim1 dex enhanced in nitrogen with respect to H II regions. The latter result is the natural consequence of N being mostly synthesized in intermediate-mass stars and brought to the stellar surface during dredge-up episodes. On the other hand, the similarity in O abundance between H II regions and PNe suggests that NGC 4449' s interstellar medium has been poorly enriched in α\alpha elements since the progenitors of the PNe were formed. Finally, our data reveal the presence of a negative oxygen gradient for both H II regions and PNe, whilst nitrogen does not exhibit any significant radial trend. We ascribe the (unexpected) nitrogen behaviour as due to local N enrichment by the conspicuous Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 4449.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Multi-Epoch HST Observations of IZw18: Characterization of Variable Stars at Ultra-Low Metallicities

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    Variable stars have been identified for the first time in the very metal-poor Blue Compact dwarf galaxy IZw18, using deep multi-band (F606W, F814W)time-series photometry obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We detected 34 candidate variable stars in the galaxy. We classify three of them as Classical Cepheids, with periods of 8.71, 125.0 and 130.3 days, respectively, and other two as long period variables with periodicities longer than a hundred days. These are the lowest metallicity Classical Cepheids known so far, thus providing the opportunity to explore and fit models of stellar pulsation fo Classical Cepheids at previously inaccessible metallicities. The period distribution of the confirmed Cepheids is markedly different from what is seen in other nearby galaxies, which is likely related to the star bursting nature of IZw18. By applying to the 8.71 days Cepheid theoretical Wesenheit (V,I) relations based on new pulsation models of Classical Cepheids specifically computed for the extremely low metallicity of this galaxy (Z=0.0004, Y=0.24), we estimate the distance modulus of IZw18 to be mu_0= 31.4pm0.2 D=19.0^{+1.8}_{-1.7}Mpc) for canonical models of Classical Cepheids, and of 31.2pm0.2 mag (D=17.4^{+1.6}_{-1.6}Mpc) using over luminous models. The theoretical modeling of the star's light curves provides mu_0=31.4pm0.1 mag, D=19.0^{+0.9}_{-0.9} Mpc, in good agreement with the results from the theoretical Wesenheit relations. These pulsation distances bracket the distance of 18.2pm1.5Mpc inferred by Aloisi et al. (2007) using the galaxy's Red Giant Branch Tip.Comment: 13 Pages, 6 Figures, accepted, Ap

    Clinical features of COVID-19 and SARS epidemics. A literature review

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    SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the current pandemic, is a novel strain of the Coronaviridae family, which has infected humans as a result of the leap to a new species. It causes an atypical pneumonia similar to that caused by SARS-CoV in 2003. SARS-CoV-2 has currently infected more than 9,200,000 people and caused almost 480,000 deaths worldwide. Although SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV have similar phylogenetic and pathogenetic characteristics, they show important differences in clinical manifestations. We have reviewed the recent literature comparing the characteristics of the two epidemics and highlight their peculiar aspects. An analysis of all signs and symptoms of 3,365 SARS patients and 23,280 COVID-19 patients as well as of the comorbidities has been carried out. A total of 17 and 75 studies regarding patients with SARS and COVID-19, respectively, were included in the analysis. The analysis revealed an overlap of some symptoms between the two infections. Unlike SARS patients, COVID-19 patients have developed respiratory, neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms, and, in a limited number of subjects, symptoms involving organs such as skin and subcutaneous tissue, kidneys, cardiovascular system, liver and eyes. This analysis was conducted in order to direct towards an early identification of the infection, a suitable diagnostic procedure and the adoption of appropriate containment measures