1,137 research outputs found

    Life In Usonia

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    The Inforum-IIASA International System of Input-Output Models

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    Today's economies depend heavily on one another through international trade. To model them properly, the models need to depend on one another. For the models to work together, they must observe similar conventions for input and output of data, and ways of specifying alternative futures must be similar. At the same time, economies are very different and the models describing them must have much freedom for diversity in internal structure. These simple ideas are the foundation of a gradually evolving consortium of input-output models and their builders. By working together, much time can be saved by avoiding repetitious programming and very little freedom lost in model specification. What could never be done by one group may perhaps be accomplished together. Models are presently available for Japan, the United States, Canada, Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Britain. Models of Hungary and the Netherlands are under construction. Groups in Austria, South Korea, Sweden, Finland, and the German Democratic Republic expect to begin work on members of the family in the near future. This paper describes the steps in the construction of a national model in this family; it explains how scenarios may be specified and shows typical structures of the real and the price sides of these models. The plan for the international linking system is explained and progress towards its realization described

    Shoofly Pie

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    Lunch in the Vale of Tempe

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    "If I Didn't Dislike Mentioning Works of Art": Roy Fisher's Poems on Poetics

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    The Pioneer

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    Evening on Grafton Street. Dublin

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    Kreativitas pengusaha ritel dalam menentukan strategi pemasaran akan mempengaruhi kemampuan bersaing mereka dengan pengusaha ritel yang lain. Pelayanan yang sesuai dengan perilaku belanja konsumen merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan pengusaha demi meningkatkan level kepuasan pelanggan dan laba perusahaan. Metode yang bisa dipergunakan dalam mempelajari perilaku konsumen adalah Market Basket Analysis. Metode ini menghasilkan aturan asosiatif yang diproses dengan menggunakan algoritma apriori. Pada pengerjaan tugas akhir ini, peneliti menggunakan algoritma apriori untuk mengolah data penjualan. Hasil yang didapat dari pengolahan data penjualan tersebut adalah berupa kombinasi item (itemset) dengan nilai asosiasi berupa nilai support, nilai confidence, dan nilai gabungan. Pada tahap pengujian aplikasi dengan tiga sampel barang, hasil rule itemset dengan nilai asosiasi tertinggi (strong rule) didapat dalam pengujian untuk item susu Frisian Flag dengan batasan nilai minimum support dan minimum confidence sebesar 30%, yaitu rule item susu Frisian Flag dengan item Gulaku Gula Premium 250g dengan nilai minimum support sebesar 91,67% dan minimum confidence sebesar 52,38%. Strong rule yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi bahan rekomendasi bagi pengusaha ritel dalam menentukan penyusunan tata letak barang, dan dalam menentukan stok produk apa saja yang perlu diperbanyak demi meningkatkan keuntungan. Kata Kunci : Bisnis Ritel, Data Mining, Association Rule, Market Basket Analysis,Algoritma Apriori
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