52 research outputs found

    Influence of emotion on web information searching and retrieval among academic staff and students in Nigerian universities

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    This study investigated the Emotional Influence on Web Information Searching and Retrieval among Academic Staff and Students in Nigerian Universities. The study adopted a survey research design and copies of questionnaire were used as instrument for data collection. The subjects were made up of the academic staff and students in Ahmadu Bello Universities Zaria, University of Nigeria Nsukka, and University of Ibadan. However, 384 academic staff and students were selected for the sample. To achieve the objective of the study, one research question was raised and answered, hypothesis was formulated and tested. Descriptive (Percentages, Means and Standard Deviation) and Inferential statistics (One way Analysis of Variance) was used to analyze the data collected. The study established that the emotional factor that influences information searching and retrieval in the Nigerian Universities studied is frail. Whereas, the null hypothesis formulated was retained, suggesting no significant difference among the academic staff and students in Nigerian Universities studied. The study therefore recommended that library instruction programmes should be attuned to students’ emotional needs. The study concluded that web users can enhance their self-efficacy by diminishing emotional arousals such as fear, stress, and physical agitation since they are associated with decreased performance, reduced success, and other avoidance behaviors..Keywords: Web Information searching and retrieval, Emotion, Academic staff, Student

    Effect of pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning entrepreneurship education on students in library and information science schools in Nigeria

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    This study investigated the effects of Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship Education on Library and Information Science Students in LIS Schools in the Universities in North-West States of Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design and questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study was made up of the academic staff and students of LIS Schools in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina. Twenty nine 29 academic staff and 283 students were selected as sample for the study, two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated and tested. Descriptive and Inferential statistics were used to analyse the data collected. The null hypothesis formulated was rejected suggesting that there is significant relationship between the Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship Education in the LIS Schools and the effect of Entrepreneurship Education on the LIS Students. The study revealsthat effectiveness of the entrepreneurial pedagogy is of paramount importance and should be developed in the university system. Indeed, the method of teaching should be based on students rather than the lecturer; it also, reveals that students prefer learning entrepreneurship through practical approaches rather than through theoretical ones.The study recommends that the academic staff (lecturers) need to adopt practical teaching strategies such as Problem based learning, creative problem solving techniques, case study/discussion method experiential learning etc.Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Pedagogical Approaches, Teaching, Learning, LIS School

    Does Asian Financial Crisis Serves as a Precursor for Global Financial Crisis?

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    This study is motivated with the recent happenings in the global economy. A financial crisis hit Asia in 1997-1998 which led to the down fall of some Asian countries financially. With the fall of socialist Soviet government which led to recommendation of new world economic order in a conference in Washington D.C called Washington Consensus. Moreover, among the Washington consensus recommendations and the financial liberalization which there will be no government intervention in the working of invisible hands? In 2008 another financial crisis occurred signifying that lesson where not learnt from the previous financial crisis. However, evidence from this study reveals the similarities in the causes and emergence of two financial crises. Therefore, the study upheld that lessons from Asian financial crisis where not learnt and adequate measures were not taken into cognizance. In this view the paper concludes that there is an urgent need to take precautions against occurrence of another financial crisis. The study offers recommendations to prevent possibilities of another financial crisis and also suggests ways to prevent future financial crisis

    Entrepreneurial and Market Orientation Relationship to Performance: The Role of Business Environment

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the moderating effects of business environment on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), market orientation (MO) and business performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. This study seeks to resolve the inconsistencies found in the contemporary literature concerning the relationship between EO, MO and business performance. A planned questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale was adopted from previous works to determine the respondents’ response. A survey research design was adopted and self - administered questionnaires were used to collect the data from 640 owner/managers of SMEs. The analysis was carried using SPSS version 20, the results of the study indicated that entrepreneurial orientation has a significant and positive relationship with business performance; a negative relationship is reported between market orientation and business performance. The study also found that business environment does not moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and business performance of SMEs. Owner/ managers, regulatory agencies, government, and other stakeholders will benefit from the study findings, and future research direction provided. Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, Market orientation, Business Environment, Business Performance, SMEs

    Trajectory Optimization of Quadrotor-UAV Drone Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Technology recently attracts attention of many researchers; this is due toits numerous potentialities in civil application. One of the key areas of interest by researches is how to achievea total talent of “Sense and Avoid” in the UAV which will enhance safe and efficient trajectory of the vehicle.This is why this paper is going to use an optimization technique to optimize trajectory path of the UAV flight.The chosen optimization algorithm is Genetic algorithm (GA) which is going to be use to optimize the trajectoryof UAV by determine the shortest path of flight as well as obstacle-free path in order to save energy and timeduring flight. MATLAB and Simulink are used to simulate as well as evaluate the algorithm. In the result fromthe experiment, it appeared that an optimized trajectory path is tremendously better than path from the firstrandomly generated population in term of distance covered as well as time taken before triumph the target pointfrom the initial point

    Suitable Models for Describing Sulphate Desorption Kinetics in Selected Bauchi North Soils of Varying Parent Materials in the Nigerian Sudan Savanna

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    The modelling of sulphate desorption data is critical for a proper S diagnosis and fertilizer formulation to ensure profitable crop production. Five (5) models such as first-order, second-order, Elovich, fractional power, and parabolic diffusion were used to test the best model describing sulphate desorption kinetics in some soils from Bauchi-north, Sudan Savanna, Nigeria. To achieve this, soil samples were collected from three different parent materials namely Basement complex rock and two sedimentary rocks (Kerri-Kerri Formation and Chad Formation). The study showed that the parabolic diffusion and first-order models were found to describe S desorption data satisfactorily, characterized by relatively high R2 values and lowest S.E values by soil parent materials, respectively. While, the second-order, Elovich and Fractional power equations failed to describe the kinetics desorption of sulphate in all the studied soils, as judged by their high SE values. Therefore, the better fit of S desorption data to the first-order equation is an indication of probable ligand exchange of sulphate ion during the desorption process, and to parabolic diffusion equation suggests that diffusion-controlled phenomena are rate-limiting steps. Based on the findings, we concluded that the rate of sulphate desorption kinetics in these soils is mainly controlled by diffusion-controlled phenomena, which is critical for sulphate-based fertilizer formulations and applications

    Phytotherapy as an alternative for the treatment of human papilloma virus infections in Nigeria: a review

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been incriminated as the causal agent of cervical cancer which has been rated as the second most common cancers among women in developing countries and seventh most common cancers in the developed world. In spite of the fact that HPV has been the major cause of cervical cancer, the dilemma lies in finding a cost-effective therapy. Approximately 291 million women are infected with HPV worldwide, 32% of whom are infected with HPV16 or HPV18. The estimated prevalence of HPV in sub-Saharan Africa is 24% and 11.7% globally. There have been studies reporting specific HPV prevalence rates in some part of Nigeria, with 37% in Abuja, 10% in Port Harcourt, and 26.3% in Ibadan. In the Nigeria population, awareness of HPV infections is low, HPV vaccines are inadequate, and the cost of HPV vaccination per person is beyond what an average citizen can afford. It has been suggested that herbal therapy such as Echinacea therapy reduces HPV replication and enhances the immune system. Although there is yet no scientific proof of the efficacy of Echinacea therapy against HPV infections, future emphasis should be placed on scientific research into this alternative therapy. There is need for more studies on development of antiviral agents against HPV, with a prospect of easy accessibility and affordability in Nigeria.Keywords: Phytotherapy; HPV; Cervical cancer; Nigeri

    Groundwater quality in shallow unconfined sedimentary aquifers in Bida, Nigeria

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    A study on the water quality of unconfined shallow aquifers was conducted with the aim of assessing physicochemical and bacteriological contamination of groundwater as a result of poor design of water and sanitation facilities in Bida, Nigeria. The study was conducted using a grid-based approach on wells, boreholes, surface water and households. The water has a high Total Dissolved Solids. Slightly acidic pH and mean distance of wells to waste disposal facilities is 12m. Chemical parameters that occur in high concentrations are sulphates, chlorides, nitrates and sodium and total coliform is very high. Contamination of deeper sources of water from the dug wells is both lateral and vertical with contamination plume spreading to better planned areas. Surface water has the least contamination and is proposed for water supply. Sanitation facilities should be upgraded from pit to ventilated improved pit latrines


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    Trypanosomiasis is a major problem in developing countries most especially Africa and the incriminating agents are T. congolense, T.vivax. T.brucei in small ruminants. It has high morbity  and mortality Rates of 70% and 20% respectively . The experimental animals were four Rams which were used as control and infected group, Parameters for this experiment were recorded before infection. Following inoculation with T.congolense, 2 mls of blood was collected from the sheep in vacutainers for serum biochemical assay. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to assay IGG and IGM concentrations and 1ml of blood was collected in vacutainers with anti coagulant to check leucocytic and erythrocytic index.This was done every day until day 6 and then every other day. Clinical signs observed post infection were , Anemia, Hematuria ,Rhinitis, dyspnea ,emaciation and paralysis of the fore and hind limbs and death .Statistical tables and charts were used for analyses. The  role of   Hypoprotenemia , IGG and IGM  in experimental infection with Trypanosoma congolense   were looked at. The anemia was Normocytic normochromic and later became Microcytic hypochromic, PCV Recorded on the first day prior to infection was 27%  and on the last day of  infection became 6% . Leucocytosis was Degenerative and Leucopenia was also observed Perhaps due to the antigenic nature of the parasite. On first day WBC count was 8.5 x109/L and Prior to death Leucocytosis of 6.1x 109 /L. Hypoproteneimia was also seen with Blood urea Nitrogen and Alanine aminotransferase falling to values below normal 55U/L and 155mg/dl respectively. There were also fluctuations in the values of IGG and IGM  with initial values of 1.4 and 0.71 µg/ML  and terminal values of 0.34 and 0.21 /L. The organs looked at Kidneys,Lungs,Heart and Liver were all in their initial stages of destruction , they were inflamed,edematous , congested and necrotic . Hypoprotenemia, , immune suppression,dyspnea ,Anemia and Leucopenia  may be the cause of death in Trypanosomiasis. Keywords:Leucopenea,Anemia,Trypanosoma,immunogobuins,Hypoprotenemia DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-6-06 Publication date:March 31st 202
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