4,336 research outputs found

    Detection of Exotic Massive Hadrons in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Telescopes

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    We investigate the detection of exotic massive strongly interacting hadrons (uhecrons) in ultra high energy cosmic ray telescopes. The conclusion is that experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory have the potential to detect these particles. It is shown that uhecron showers have clear distinctive features when compared to proton and nuclear showers. The simulation of uhecron air showers, and its detection and reconstruction by fluorescence telescopes is described. We determine basic cuts in observables that will separate uhecrons from the cosmic ray bulk, assuming this is composed by protons. If these are composed by heavier nucleus the separation will be much improved. We also discuss photon induced showers. The complementarity between uhecron detection in accelerator experiments is discussed.Comment: 9 page 9 figure

    New results for the t-J model in ladders: Changes in the spin liquid state with applied magnetic field. Implications for the cuprates

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    Exact Diagonalization calculations are presented for the t-J model in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. Results for 2xL ladders (L=8,10,12) and 4x4 square clusters with 1 and 2 holes indicate that the diamagnetic response to a perpendicular magnetic field tends to induce a spin liquid state in the spin background. The zero-field spin liquid state of a two-leg ladder is reinforced by the magnetic field: a considerable increase of rung antiferromagnetic correlations is observed for J/t up to 0.6, for 1 and 2 holes. Pair-breaking is also clearly observed in the ladders and seems to be associated in part with changes promoted by the field in the spin correlations around the zero-field pair. In the 4x4 cluster, the numerical results seem to indicate that the field-induced spin liquid state competes with the zero-field antiferromagnetic short-range-order, the spin liquid state being favored by higher doping and smaller values of J/t. It is interesting to note that the field-effect can also be observed in a 2x2 plaquette with 1 and 2 holes. This opens up the possibility of gaining a qualitative understanding of the effect.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, latex New results adde

    Deep shower interpretation of the cosmic ray events observed in excess of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin energy

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    We consider the possibility that the ultra-high-energy cosmic ray flux has a small component of exotic particles which create showers much deeper in the atmosphere than ordinary hadronic primaries. It is shown that applying the conventional AGASA/HiRes/Auger data analysis procedures to such exotic events results in large systematic biases in the energy spectrum measurement. SubGZK exotic showers may be mis-reconstructed with much higher energies and mimick superGZK events. Alternatively, superGZK exotic showers may elude detection by conventional fluorescence analysis techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Desempenho de substratos na produção de mudas de alface no sistema "float" no semi-árido nordestino.

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    A fase de produção de mudas constitui-se na etapa mais importante dos sistemas produtivos hortícolas uma vez que o desempenho das plantas nos canteiros de produção depende dela, tanto em termos de precocidade quanto de produtividade e qualidade do produto final. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar o desempenho de três substratos formulados a base de ?solo? (Argissolo) e esterco caprino na produção de mudas de alface no sistema ?float?. Avaliaram-se as características físicas, químicas e físico-químicas dos substratos e respostas biológicas das mudas. Com base nestes critérios, as melhores respostas agronômicas foram obtidas para o substrato S50EC50

    Comparação de métodos de extração de nutrientes para a formulação de biofertilizantes no semi-árido nordestino.

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    A substituição de insumos químicos por orgânicos tem permitido, pelo menos em parte, que os esforços tecnológicos sejam direcionados a propostas agroecológicas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar dois métodos de extração de nutrientes com vistas à formulação de biofertilizantes para o cultivo de hortaliças nas pequenas propriedades do semi-árido nordestino. O método de extração Vairo dos Santos extrai uma maior quantidade de macronutrientes, enquanto o método de extração Menezes Júnior possui como prerrogativas à extração de uma maior quantidade de micronutrientes e menor extração de sódio, constituindo-se no método mais adequado às condições do semi-árido nordestino

    Absorção via foliar de aminoácidos em mudas de videira cv. Thompson seedless em cultivo hidropônico.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar o teor de N proveniente dos aminoácidos, absorvidos via foliar, em mudas de videira da cultivar Thompson Seedless

    Identification and selection rules of the spin-wave eigen-modes in a normally magnetized nano-pillar

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    We report on a spectroscopic study of the spin-wave eigen-modes inside an individual normally magnetized two layers circular nano-pillar (Permalloy|Copper|Permalloy) by means of a Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope (MRFM). We demonstrate that the observed spin-wave spectrum critically depends on the method of excitation. While the spatially uniform radio-frequency (RF) magnetic field excites only the axially symmetric modes having azimuthal index =0\ell=0, the RF current flowing through the nano-pillar, creating a circular RF Oersted field, excites only the modes having azimuthal index =+1\ell=+1. Breaking the axial symmetry of the nano-pillar, either by tilting the bias magnetic field or by making the pillar shape elliptical, mixes different \ell-index symmetries, which can be excited simultaneously by the RF current. Experimental spectra are compared to theoretical prediction using both analytical and numerical calculations. An analysis of the influence of the static and dynamic dipolar coupling between the nano-pillar magnetic layers on the mode spectrum is performed

    Astrophysical Neutrino Event Rates and Sensitivity for Neutrino Telescopes

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    Spectacular processes in astrophysical sites produce high-energy cosmic rays which are further accelerated by Fermi-shocks into a power-law spectrum. These, in passing through radiation fields and matter, produce neutrinos. Neutrino telescopes are designed with large detection volumes to observe such astrophysical sources. A large volume is necessary because the fluxes and cross-sections are small. We estimate various telescopes' sensitivities and expected event rates from astrophysical sources of high-energy neutrinos. We find that an ideal detector of km^2 incident area can be sensitive to a flux of neutrinos integrated over energy from 10^5 and 10^{7} GeV as low as 1.3 * 10^(-8) * E^(-2) (GeV/cm^2 s sr) which is three times smaller than the Waxman-Bachall conservative upper limit on potential neutrino flux. A real detector will have degraded performance. Detection from known point sources is possible but unlikely unless there is prior knowledge of the source location and neutrino arrival time.Comment: Section added +modification

    Spatio-temporal vulnerability assessment in fractured groundwater systems

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    Governance reforms are required to demonstrate adaptive and resilient urban water resource management that considers complexity, uncertainty in immediate and long term change. Contamination of groundwater is a complex process and full of uncertainty at local and regional scale. The main objective of this research is the study of vulnerability to pollution in an unconfined karstic aquifer. Mainly it is addressed vulnerability integration, in relation to policy, specifically in risk evaluation and risk–benefit considerations. Development of an integrated vulnerability assessment methodology can be useful to effectively manage and protect this valuable freshwater source. The research insights suggest that the establishment of a pattern of effective governance is mandatory as the future highway, the prison and the airport are overlaying the most vulnerable areas of the aquifer and therefore provide policy makers guidance in overcoming urban water governance challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio