20 research outputs found

    Fresh inflation: a warm inflationary model from a zero temperature initial state

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    A two-components mixture fluid which complies with the gamma law is considered in the framework of inflation with finite temperature. The model is developed for a quartic scalar potential without symmetry breaking. The radiation energy density is assumed to be zero when inflation starts and remains below the GUT temperature during the inflationary stage. Furthermore, provides the necessary number of e-folds and sufficient radiation energy density to GUT baryogenesis can take place near the minimum energetic configuration.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Kindernotfälle im Luftrettungsdienst

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    Notfälle im Kindesalter

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    MEES im Kindesalter

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    Silagem de sorgo de porte baixo com diferentes teores de tanino e de umidade no colmo.I - pH e teores de matéria seca e de ácidos graxos durante a fermentação Forage sorghum silage with different tannin concentration and moisture in the stem. I - Dry matter concentration, pH and fat acids during fermentation

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    Quatro híbridos de porte baixo, com diferentes teores de tanino e de umidade no colmo, foram ensilados em silos de laboratório feitos de tubos "PVC", e abertos após 1 (P2), 7 (P3), 14 (P4), 28 (P5) e 56 (P6) dias, para estudo da fermentação e da variação no teor de matéria seca. Foram usados 24 tratamentos com quatro repetições cada, sendo quatro híbridos (T1=colmo suculento e baixo tanino, T2=colmo seco e baixo tanino, T3=colmo seco e alto tanino, T4= colmo suculento e alto tanino) combinados com seis tempos para abertura do silo, sendo o primeiro tempo antes de ensilar (P1). Foram determinados os teores de matéria seca (MS), perdas de matéria seca, ácidos graxos voláteis, ácido láctico e pH. As diferenças foram verificadas pelo teste de Tukey. As silagens estabilizaram-se entre P4 e P5. As silagens dos híbridos T1 e T2 apresentaram menores teores de MS e de acetato que T3 e T4. A correlação entre tanino e acetato foi de 0,36 (P<0,001). Todas as silagens apresentaram bom padrão de fermentação.<br>Four hybrid forage sorghums with different tannin concentrations and moisture in the stem were ensiled in laboratory silos made of "PVC" tubes. The silos were opened after 1 (P2), 7 (P3), 14 (P4), 28 (P5) e 56 (P6) days after ensiling, in order to evaluate fermentation patterns and other silage characteristics. Twenty-four treatments were used, with four repetitions each: four hybrids (T1=moist stem/low tannin, T2=not moist stem/low tannin, T3=not moist stem/high tannin, T4= moist stem/high tannin) and with six periods, since the forages before ensiling (P1) were also studied. Dry matter content (DM), dry matter losses, pH, lactic acid and volatile fat acids were determined. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance, with mean separation achieved using Tukey statistical test. The stability was achieved between P4 and P5. T1 and T2 had lower DM content and acetate than T3 and T4. All silages showed good fermentation patterns