8 research outputs found

    Morphology and functionality of the type II pneumocytes and their variation in relation to bovine gestational age

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    Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a presença de pneumócitos tipo II e o início da produção de lipoproteína surfactante em bovinos, correlacionando a idade gestacional com a síntese de surfactante durante o desenvolvimento fetal. Pulmões de fetos com quatro meses de idade gestacional estavam na fase canalicular de desenvolvimento, sem a presença de pneumócitos tipo II ou bandas eletroforéticas compatíveis com a presença de proteínas surfactante. No 5° mês gestacional, os pulmões dos fetos encontravam-se em fase de saculação terminal, com a presença de alvéolos por epitélio cúbico, com áreas formadas por pneumócitos I e II. Nesse período ainda não foi possível identificar proteína surfactante nos pulmões. Esses órgãos em fetos com seis meses de idade gestacional estavam em fase de saco terminal, com presença de pneumócitos tipo I e II. Nessa fase a análise para determinação protéica do surfactante de feto bovino (SDS - PAGE) demonstrou presença de bandas entre 26 e 36kDa, confirmando produção de SP - A, proteína surfactante encontrada em maior quantidade. A partir do 7° mês gestacional, a fase de saco terminal é mais evidente e complexa, com desenvolvimento de intensa vascularização. O pneumócito tipo I apresentava aspecto mais pavimentoso, e o tipo II apresentava aspecto mais globoso. Na análise SDS - PAGE do lavado bronco - alveolar, bandas de proteína surfactante com aspecto similar ao de animais recém-nascidos foram encontradas. Em recém-nascidos, pulmões na fase alveolar foram observados com pneumócitos tipo I e II característicos. O perfil das bandas do lavado bronco-alveolar dos recém-nascidos foi igual ao de animais adultos. Esses achados sugerem que um animal nascido precocemente, a partir dos sete meses de gestação, teria sua sobrevivência garantida devido a uma possível funcionalidade do sistema respiratório do feto, pois o pulmão possuiria as características necessárias para a síntese de proteínas surfactantes. Entretanto, mais estudos clínicos sobre a funcionalidade do sistema respiratório abrem novas fronteiras de experimentos sobre fisiologia respiratória em recém-nascidos bovinos.The aim of this study was to characterize the presence of type II pneumocyte and the beginning of the surfactant protein production in bovines to the correlated gestational age. Lungs of fetuses at 4 months gestational age were found to be in the canalicular development phase, without presence of type II pneumocytes or appearance of electrophoretic bands compatible with the presence of the surfactant protein. In fetuses at 5 months of gestational age, the lungs were at the terminal sac phase, with the presence of primitive alveolus, formed by cubical epithelium and areas formed by pneumocytes I and pneumocytes II. No electrophoretic bands compatible to the surfactants proteins were identified. In contrast, lungs of fetuses at 6 months of gestational age showed, development of terminal sac phase, with the presence of type I and type II pneumocytes. In this phase, proteic determination for the SDS - PAGE analysis showed the presence of bands between 26 to 36kDa, demonstrating SP - A production, which is the surfactant protein found in highest amount. From the 7th gestational month on, the phase of terminal sac is more evident and complex, with intense sprouting vascularization. The type I pneumocyte had a more squamous aspect and type II pneumocyte were more globular. In the SDS - PAGE analysis of the bronchial - alveolar wash, surfactant protein bands had been observed with a profile similar to that of the newborn animals. In newborn animals, lungs in alveolar phase showed the development of type I and II pneumocytes. The profile of the bronchial - alveolar wash from the newborn was similar to an adult animal, presenting the same bands in triplets. These results suggest that early born fetuses, from 7 months of pregnancy could have a guarantee of surviving due to possible functionality of respiratory system because the lung presented all necessary features for surphactant protein syntheses. However, new clinical studies related to respiratory system functionality open new venues for newborn bovine's experiments respiratory physiology

    Study about the development of respiratory system in bovines embryos (Bos indicus and Bos taurus) during the gestation period 10 - 60 days

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    A presente investigação científica visou estudar o desenvolvimento do Aparelho Respiratório de bovinos, durante o período embrionário, através de técnicas empregadas em microscopias de luz transmitida e eletrônica de transmissão. Em nossos resultados pudemos observar a formação do tubo laringotraqueal em embriões apresentando idade gestacional estimada de 20 / 21 dias (CR 9,0 mm), sendo sua parede formada por epitélio constituído de várias camadas de células apoiado em mesênquima. No interior do pulmão, as áreas subjacentes ao epitélio apresentam mesênquima condensado e áreas mais afastadas mesênquima frouxo, sendo que neste último já estão presentes os vasos sanguíneos, contendo células próprias em seu interior. As células mesenquimais apresentaram formas irregulares, com aspecto estrelado ou fusiforme estando unidas por desmossomos, locais onde o citoesqueleto se prende a membrana celular, formando um elo de ligação. A bifurcação da porção caudal da traquéia nos brônquios principais é simultânea ao surgimento do brônquio traqueal, ocorrendo em embriões com idade gestacional de 28 dias (CR 12,0 mm).The present study aims at investigating the development of the respiratory system in bovines during embryonic phase, using techniques of transmitted light microscopy and electronic transmissions. The results show the development of the laryngotracheal tube in embryos at approximately 20 / 21 days of gestation (CR 9.0 mm), being the walls of the tube made of epithelium with several layers of cells supported by mesenchyme. Inside the lung, the areas next to the epithelium show a condensed mesenchyme and further, there is a loose mesenchyme where blood vessels containing cells of their own kind can be observed. The mesenchymal cell displays irregular shapes, stellate or fusiform, being united by desmosomes, where the cytoskeleton is attached to the cell membrane creating a link. The bifurcation of the tail end of the trachea in the main bronchi is concomitant to the arising of the tracheal bronchus, occurring in embryos at 28 days of gestation (CR 12.0 mm)

    Morphologic and morphometric aspects of the domestic geese trachea

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    The tracheal morphology of 31 domestic geese was studied in order to characterize the morphometric and macroscopic aspects. Domestic geese, adult, male and female, from regular breeders, were utilized. The animals were euthanized by chloroform inhalation and fixed in 10% formaldehyde in aqueous solution. The trachea was dissected, beginning caudal at the larynx, up to its bifurcation inside the coelomatic cavity. The results demonstrated that the goose trachea is formed by 144 ± 12 complete tracheal rings and that has a total length of 33 ± 2.7cm on average. The trachea lumen is ovulated, flattened dorso-ventrally, and cylindrical in the middle part. The morphometric data from goose tracheas in males and females did not differ statistically (P < 0.05), suggesting that with regard to these characteristics there is no sexual dimorphism in this species


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2008v21n2p91Estudou-se a morfologia da traquéia de gansos domésticos, caracterizando seus aspectos macroscópicos e morfométricos. Para tanto, foram utilizados 31 gansos domésticos adultos, machos e fêmeas, oriundos de criadouros comerciais, os quais foram eutanasiados por meio de inalação de clorofórmio, seguindo-se fixação em solução aquosa de formol a 10%. A traquéia foi dissecada desde seu início, caudalmente à laringe, até sua bifurcação já na cavidade celomática. Os resultados mostraram que a traquéia dos gansos é composta por 144±12 anéis cartilagíneos completos, e em média possui 33±2,7 cm de comprimento. A luz da traquéia apresenta-se ovalada, com um ligeiro achatamento dorso-ventral, tornando-se cilíndrica caudalmente a partir do seu terço médio. Os valores morfométricos obtidos para machos e fêmeas adultos não mostraram diferenças estatísticas signifi cativas (p&lt;0,05), sugerindo que não há dimorfismo sexual evidente para as características analisadas.Morphologic and morphometric aspects of the domestic geese trachea. The tracheal morphology of 31 domestic geese was studied in order to charac- terize the morphometric and macroscopic aspects. Domestic geese, adult, male and female, from regular breeders, were utilized. The animals were euthanized by chloroform inhalation and fi xed in 10% formaldehyde in aqueous solution. The trachea was dissected, beginning caudal at the larynx, up to its bifurcation inside the coelomatic cavity. The results demonstrated that the goose trachea is formed by 144 ± 12 complete tracheal rings and that has a total length of 33 ± 2.7cm on average. The trachea lumen is ovulated, fl attened dorso-ventrally, and cylindrical in the middle part. The morphometric data from goose tracheas in males and females did not differ statistically (P &lt; 0.05), suggesting that with regard to these characteristics there is no sexual dimorphism in this species

    Bovine meroanencephaly and gastroschisis: a macro and microscopic study

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    Congenital malformations correspond to one of the main causes of embryonic loss during the gestational process. They result from interaction of several factors such as multifactor heredity, chromosomal and genetic alterations and environmental agents; however, unknown aetiology also can be present. In this article, we have used 10 embryos, from a frigorific area of Dracena, SP, Brazil, which were fixed in Bouin solution for a macro- and micro-scopic description. We could verify the presence of an encephalic tissue mass on the embryo's dorsal cranial area, resulting from the non-formation of part of the cranial cap and from the non-closing of cephalic neuropore and consequent neuroepithelial cells disorganization. In the abdominal area, the embryos did not show the complete fusion of the body lateral pleats during the abdominal wall formation, and the liver extruded into the amniotic cavity without involvement of the intestin