7 research outputs found

    Credit risk estimate using internal explicit knowledge

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    Jordanian banks traditionally use a set of indicators, based on their internal explicit knowledge to examine the credit risk caused by default loans of individual borrowers. The banks are reliant on the personal and financial information of the borrowers, obtained by knowing them, often referred as internal explicit knowledge. Internal explicit knowledge characterizes both financial and non-financial indicators of individual borrowers, such as; loan amount, educational level, occupation, income, marital status, age, and gender. The authors studied 2755 default or non-performing personal loan profiles obtained from Jordanian Banks over a period of 1999 to 2014. The results show that low earning unemployed borrowers are very likely to default and contribute to non-performing loans by increasing the chances of credit risk. In addition, it is found that the unmarried, younger borrowers and moderate loan amount increase the probability of non-performing loans. On the contrary, borrowers employed in private sector and at least educated to a degree level are most likely to mitigate the credit risk. The study suggests improving the decision making process of Jordanian banks by making it more quantitative and dependable, instead of using only subjective or judgemental based understanding of borrowers

    A multi-cycled sequential memetic computing approach for constrained optimisation

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    In this paper, we propose a multi-cycled sequential memetic computing structure for constrained optimisation. The structure is composed of multiple evolutionary cycles. At each cycle, an evolutionary algorithm is considered as an operator, and connects with a local optimiser. This structure enables the learning of useful knowledge from previous cycles and the transfer of the knowledge to facilitate search in latter cycles. Specifically, we propose to apply an estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) to explore the search space until convergence at each cycle. A local optimiser, called DONLP2, is then applied to improve the best solution found by the EDA. New cycle starts after the local improvement if the computation budget has not been exceeded. In the developed EDA, an adaptive fully-factorized multivariate probability model is proposed. A learning mechanism, implemented as the guided mutation operator, is adopted to learn useful knowledge from previous cycles. The developed algorithm was experimentally studied on the benchmark problems in the CEC 2006 and 2010 competition. Experimental studies have shown that the developed probability model exhibits excellent exploration capability and the learning mechanism can significantly improve the search efficiency under certain conditions. The comparison against some well-known algorithms showed the superiority of the developed algorithm in terms of the consumed fitness evaluations and the solution quality

    المهارات التدريسية والسمات الرقمية لمعلمي المرحلة الثانوية في ظل التعليم عن بعد في المدارس الحكومية والخاصة من وجهة نظر الطلبة

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    هدف البحث التعرّف إلى مهارات المعلم التدريسية وسماته الرقمية التي يريدها الطالب في ظل التعليم عن بعد وما الإجراءات اللازمة لتحسين أدائه لتحقيق التفاعل بينه وبين الطالب وانعكاس هذا التفاعل على تعلّم الطلبة، وقد تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي المسحي للإجابة عن أسئلته والتأكد من فرضياته، وقد أسفر البحث عن النتائج الآتية: جاءت متوسطات تقديرات الطلبة مرتفعة في مجالات الاستبانة وفقراتها كافة ، وهذا مؤشر كبير على حاجة الطلبة إلى توفر مثل هذه المهارات وتلك السمات في معلميهم. هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسطات استجابات الطلبة تبعًا لمتغير الجنس جاءت لصالح الإناث، ووجود فروقات تبعًا لمتغير المدينة كان لصالح مدينة عمان. عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسطات استجابات الطلبة تبعًا لمتغير نوع المدرسة (حكومية، خاصة). وقد أوصى البحث بضرورة الأخذ بنتائجه والعمل على اتخاذ الإجراءات والتدابير اللازمة لتحقيقها، وتوفير الدعم اللازم لذلك. The article aimed to identify a teacher\u27s teaching skills and the digital qualities that a student wants in distance education, the procedures necessary to improve his or her performance to achieve interaction between him or her and the student, and the reflection of this interaction on the student\u27s learning. The study used the descriptive survey method to answer its questions and confirm its hypotheses. The study yielded the following results: The averages of students\u27 estimates in all areas of the questionnaire and its paragraphs were high, which strongly indicates students\u27 need for such skills and qualities in their teachers. There are statistically significant differences between the averages of students\u27 responses according to the gender variable in favor of females, and there are differences according to the city variable in favor of the city of Amman. No statistically significant differences exist between the averages of students\u27 responses according to the school type variable (public, private). The study recommends the need to take into account its results and work to take the necessary procedures and measures to achieve them and to provide the necessary support for that

    Knowledge management in Jordanian banks

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    Arguably now, even more than in normal times, it is crucial for banks to leverage their knowledge resources so that they are able to respond to deal with the undoubted major strategic challenges that exist. This paper reports on a survey of the current performance of KM practices in credit risk management departments in banks in Jordan. The secondary objective is to compare the performance of KM practices between commercial and Islamic banks. Data have been collected using a survey questionnaire, administered to staff at all levels in five major banks in Jordan. The construction of the questionnaire has been based on the concepts and framework of dynamic Multi-Criteria-Analysis/Critical-Success-Factors (MCA-CSF) model which was developed and presented previously (Tambyrajah and AL-Shawabkeh, 2007). The analytical approach is based on Multi-Criteria-Analysis (MCA), with the objective of producing vertical and horizontal hierarchies of Bank-KM performance indicators/indices, as well as an overall summary Bank-KM performance indicator. The various indicators for the five banks provide a multi-level picture of the KM-performance of the banks, which can be used either as a basis for a year on year monitoring of Bank-KM performance or to allow a bank to compare itself with its competitors

    Gastrointestinal manifestations in patients with COVID-19 it’s correlation with overall clinical outcomes

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is not just a disease of the respiratory system. The virus can affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract as well. Recognizing the various manifestations in every organ system is important because these manifestations can contribute to community-based transmission. Aim: The aim of this study is to report the impact of gastrointestinal associated with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in our COVID-19 isolation department at Queen Alia Military Hospital, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan between Mar 2020 and Sep 2021 for all eligible COVID-19 infected hospitalized patients. Because of the retrospective nature of our research, a sign consent form was waived. All admitted COVID-19 infected patients, who were admitted for at least 3 days and whose retrieved data from our electronic medical record system (Hakeem) were available, were grouped into either Higher Liver Disease Status (Status I) and Lower Liver Disease Status (Status II). Higher versus lower liver disease statuses were based on Child-Pugh Score ≥8 or <8, respectively. An independent T-Tests was used to analyze the non-parametric and parametric outcomes’ data.&nbsp