40 research outputs found

    İstanbul’da yaş ve bulk birikim kompozisyonunun değişik ölgelerde incelenmesi

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    Bu tezde iki farklı bölgede, farklı zamanlarda çalışma yapılmıştır. Bunlardan birincisi Kasım 2000 - Mayıs 2001 dönemleri boyunca İstanbul'un dört farklı bölgesinde yaş birikim örneklenmiştir. Bu bölgeler Topkapı, Bağcılar, Maltepe ve Göztepe'dir. İkincisi, Kasım 2001 - Mayıs 2002 dönemleri boyunca Sarıgazi, Zeytinburnu, Bakırköy, Göztepe, ve Maltepe bölgelerinde yaş birikim örneklenmiştir. Bu tezde aynı zamanda yaş ve bulk birikim arasındaki ilişki tartışılmış, Ocak 2001 - Mayıs 2002 dönemleri arasında, yalnızca Göztepede'de yaş birikimle birlikte bulk birikim örneklenmiştir. Bütün örnekleme boyunca toplam 30 bulk, 210 yağış olayı örneklenmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Genel olarak dominant anyon SO42- ve dominanat katyondur Ca2+ bulunmuştur. Hesap edilen yüksek zenginleştirme faktörleri, bütün birikim çeşitlerinde bu iyonların deniz dışı kaynaklardan geldiklerini göstermiştir. Bulk ve yaş arasında en yüksek farkı Ca2+ ve SO42- iyonları oluşturmuştur. Bulk birikimdeki NO3- ve NH4+ konsantrasyonları yaş birikimden %30 dan daha fazla bulunmuştur. Bulk birikimdeki SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ iyonlarının yaş birikimden %36 ile %62 arasında daha fazla olduğu hesap edilmiştir. Siklonların yörünge analizi, SO42-'ün yoğun endüstriyel aktivitelerin ve düşük kalite linyitin kullanıldığı bölgelerin bulunduğu kuzey ve kuzeybatı yönlerden geldiğini göstermiştir. İstanbul 24-25 Kasım 2001 günlerinde 994 mb'da alçak basınçlı güçlü bir siklonun etkisi altında kalmıştır. Bu periyotta online uydu görüntüleri 00 GMT yüzey haritaları ve 500 hPa jeopotansiyel yükseklik haritalarının eşliğinde alt-olay örneklemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İkinci örnek analizleri yüksek iyon konsantrasyonuyla birlikte 6.25 pH değeri vermiştir. Bu örnekleme güçlü bir fırtına ve 960 dakika süren soğuk cephe geçişinin başlangıcında gerçekleştirilmiştir. In this thesis studies are conducted on two main regions on different periods. The study on the first main region presents the chemical composition of wet deposition that occurred at four different regions of İstanbul during the period of November 2000 - May 2001. These regions are Topkapı, Bağcılar, Maltepe and Göztepe. On the other main region during October 2001-May 2002 period, wet deposition was sampled in five different regions, Sarıgazi, Zeytinburnu, Bakırköy, Göztepe and Maltepe of İstanbul. The thesis also discusses the relationships between bulk and wet concentrations. Bulk deposition was collected together with the wet deposition at only one station (Göztepe) during the period of January 2001 - May 2002. Altogether 30 bulk, 210 rain event sampled and analyzed during the whole period. Generally, SO42- is found to be the dominant anion and Ca2+ was found to be the dominant cation. High enrichment factors for sulfate, calcium and potassium in all types of deposition indicated that large amounts of these ions came from sources other than sea. Difference between the bulk and the wet deposition of Ca2+ and SO42- was found to be highest. Those differences between bulk and wet samples with respect to the overall concentration (wet+bulk) were lower than 30% for ammonium and nitrate, while the differences of SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ vary between 62% and 36%. Trajectory analyses of cyclones put forward that the main acidic agent SO42- is coming from north / northwest direction where high industrial activity combusting low quality lignite is located. İstanbul was under the effect of a strong cyclone on November 24-25, 2001 period deepening up to 994 mb. Sub-event sampling was carried out during the period in the presence of online satellite images, 00 GMT surface maps and 500 hPa geopotential height maps. Second sample analysis revealed a pH value of 6.25 together with high concentrations of the ions. This sampling was characterized by a thunderstorm and the start of the passage of a cold front that lasted in 960 minute

    High PM10 source regions and their influence on respiratory diseases in Canakkale, Turkey

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    This study investigates the impacts of high PM10 concentrations on respiratory diseases in Canakkale, Turkey. Daily mean high-PM10 values (> 100 mu g m(-3)) and daily total numbers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia patients are selected for different sexes and age groups (children, adults, and elderly) during the period 2007-2017. Mainly five different source regions of high-PM10 concentration levels are found as a result of implementation of Ward's minimum clustering technique to HYSPLIT 72-h backward trajectory. From 104 days, 19.2% are categorized as internal sources and are positively linked to COPD in female-adult and elderly patients at lag2 and lag3. The other sources are exhibited as external sources and originated from Europe, Sahara, Mediterranean, and Russia regions with the 34.6%, 22.1%, 13.5%, and 10.6% percentages of all episodes, respectively. During Europe-originated high-PM10 days, anthropogenic pollutants mainly cause an increase in the numbers of the elderly female (r = 0.55) and adult male pneumonia patients (r = 0.39) at lag5. Additionally, accompanied by the interaction between Genoa cyclone and surface high over Caspian Sea, natural dust particles are transferred from Sahara to Canakkale by strong southwesterly winds. As a consequence, obvious increases are shown in hospital admissions based on adult female COPD patients at lag1 (r = 0.50) and lag4 (r = 0.53). While Mediterranean origin particulate matter triggering the numbers of COPD and pneumonia-related diseases at lag2 and lag3, the region is exposed to more pneumonia diseases 2 days after arriving of Russia origin harmful pollutants

    Wet Deposition in the Cross-Border Region Between Turkey and Bulgaria: Chemical Analysis in View of Cyclone Paths

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    The aim of this work is to study precipitation chemistry in the cross-border region between Turkey and Bulgaria, situated on the south-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. A total of 115 wet deposition samples were collected and analysed for pH values and major ions (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) throughout the summer and autumn seasons of 2014. The enrichment factor analysis and non-sea salt estimates were conducted to determine the possible sources of ions in the wet deposition for the sampling period. The trajectories of the cyclones affecting the area during the study period were also analysed by separating them in different groups. The minimum, average and maximum pH values for the first group of cyclones (CG1) are 4.30, 6.04, 7.40, and 4.00, 6.14, 7.43 for the second group cyclones (CG2), respectively. The non-sea salt fractions of the K+ ion were found to be 0.94 in CG1 and 0.90 in CG2. Also, the Mg2+ ion in CG1 and CG2 is 44% and 60% of the sea salt source

    İstanbul’da yaş ve bulk birikim kompozisyonunun değişik ölgelerde incelenmesi

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    Bu tezde iki farklı bölgede, farklı zamanlarda çalışma yapılmıştır. Bunlardan birincisi Kasım 2000 - Mayıs 2001 dönemleri boyunca İstanbul'un dört farklı bölgesinde yaş birikim örneklenmiştir. Bu bölgeler Topkapı, Bağcılar, Maltepe ve Göztepe'dir. İkincisi, Kasım 2001 - Mayıs 2002 dönemleri boyunca Sarıgazi, Zeytinburnu, Bakırköy, Göztepe, ve Maltepe bölgelerinde yaş birikim örneklenmiştir. Bu tezde aynı zamanda yaş ve bulk birikim arasındaki ilişki tartışılmış, Ocak 2001 - Mayıs 2002 dönemleri arasında, yalnızca Göztepede'de yaş birikimle birlikte bulk birikim örneklenmiştir. Bütün örnekleme boyunca toplam 30 bulk, 210 yağış olayı örneklenmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Genel olarak dominant anyon SO42- ve dominanat katyondur Ca2+ bulunmuştur. Hesap edilen yüksek zenginleştirme faktörleri, bütün birikim çeşitlerinde bu iyonların deniz dışı kaynaklardan geldiklerini göstermiştir. Bulk ve yaş arasında en yüksek farkı Ca2+ ve SO42- iyonları oluşturmuştur. Bulk birikimdeki NO3- ve NH4+ konsantrasyonları yaş birikimden %30 dan daha fazla bulunmuştur. Bulk birikimdeki SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ iyonlarının yaş birikimden %36 ile %62 arasında daha fazla olduğu hesap edilmiştir. Siklonların yörünge analizi, SO42-'ün yoğun endüstriyel aktivitelerin ve düşük kalite linyitin kullanıldığı bölgelerin bulunduğu kuzey ve kuzeybatı yönlerden geldiğini göstermiştir.İstanbul 24-25 Kasım 2001 günlerinde 994 mb'da alçak basınçlı güçlü bir siklonun etkisi altında kalmıştır. Bu periyotta online uydu görüntüleri 00 GMT yüzey haritaları ve 500 hPa jeopotansiyel yükseklik haritalarının eşliğinde alt-olay örneklemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İkinci örnek analizleri yüksek iyon konsantrasyonuyla birlikte 6.25 pH değeri vermiştir. Bu örnekleme güçlü bir fırtına ve 960 dakika süren soğuk cephe geçişinin başlangıcında gerçekleştirilmiştir.In this thesis studies are conducted on two main regions on different periods. The study on the first main region presents the chemical composition of wet deposition that occurred at four different regions of İstanbul during the period of November 2000 - May 2001. These regions are Topkapı, Bağcılar, Maltepe and Göztepe. On the other main region during October 2001-May 2002 period, wet deposition was sampled in five different regions, Sarıgazi, Zeytinburnu, Bakırköy, Göztepe and Maltepe of İstanbul. The thesis also discusses the relationships between bulk and wet concentrations. Bulk deposition was collected together with the wet deposition at only one station (Göztepe) during the period of January 2001 - May 2002. Altogether 30 bulk, 210 rain event sampled and analyzed during the whole period. Generally, SO42- is found to be the dominant anion and Ca2+ was found to be the dominant cation. High enrichment factors for sulfate, calcium and potassium in all types of deposition indicated that large amounts of these ions came from sources other than sea. Difference between the bulk and the wet deposition of Ca2+ and SO42- was found to be highest. Those differences between bulk and wet samples with respect to the overall concentration (wet+bulk) were lower than 30% for ammonium and nitrate, while the differences of SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ vary between 62% and 36%. Trajectory analyses of cyclones put forward that the main acidic agent SO42- is coming from north / northwest direction where high industrial activity combusting low quality lignite is located. İstanbul was under the effect of a strong cyclone on November 24-25, 2001 period deepening up to 994 mb. Sub-event sampling was carried out during the period in the presence of online satellite images, 00 GMT surface maps and 500 hPa geopotential height maps. Second sample analysis revealed a pH value of 6.25 together with high concentrations of the ions. This sampling was characterized by a thunderstorm and the start of the passage of a cold front that lasted in 960 minute

    Long-term variability and trends of extended winter snowfall in Turkey and the role of teleconnection patterns

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    In this study, a climatological analysis of daily new snow cover data from 93 meteorological stations (10-2,400 m above sea level) over Turkey during the winter (December-March) period of 1967-2006 is presented. Series of snow cover depth (SCD) (>= 1 cm) and number of snowy days (SDs) were analysed to determine the variability and statistically significant trends in the snow climatology. The results showed an inverse relation between SDs and SCD over the central (CAR) and eastern (EAR) Anatolian regions. While positive trends in SDs were observed in the CAR (77% of all stations), the new SCD decreased in time. On the other hand, the intensity of the daily snowfall over the EAR increased due to decreasing (increasing) SD (SCD) trends in the region, especially between the 500 and 1,000 m layer. It was found that higher SCDs occur in the EAR during winter with positive patterns in the east Atlantic/western Russia. The daily mean sea level pressure composite maps of high SCD (>5 cm) show that strong northeasterly flows enable the penetration of cold polar air to the EAR due to the interaction between the Siberian high-pressure centre over Europe and the low-pressure centre over the Caspian Sea. These results help further understanding of the regional variation of the snowfall pattern in Turkey and its response to global climatic change

    The influence of meteorological conditions and atmospheric circulation types on PM10 levels in western Turkey

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    High levels of atmospheric pollutants have been frequently measured in Turkey during the last decade. Specifically, the occurrence of these high particulate matter concentrations is often related to either local-scale conditions or regional-scale transport. In order to better understand the atmospheric factors that trigger poor air quality, further research investigating the relationship between air pollution and meteorological variables or atmospheric circulation patterns is needed. In this study, the influence of synoptic-scale weather types on PM10 levels over the Aegean region of Turkey is investigated for the period 2008-2015. First of all, hourly PM10 concentrations of 13 air quality stations are respectively converted to daily, seasonal, and regional averages. The seasonal variability of PM10 values in the region indicates that high particulate matter concentrations are registered in winter, fall, spring, and summer months with mean values at 90.6 (+/- 38.3 standard deviation), 66.9 (+/- 28.3), 61.6 (+/- 23.4), and 54.1 (+/- 12.8) g m(-3), respectively. In regard to the synoptic-scale approach, eight directional and two vorticity types of the Lamb weather type (LWT) method are used in the analysis. Based on the results, poor air quality conditions are observed in all seasons during active southeasterly (SE, interaction between a low pressure over Italy and a high pressure over the Caspian Sea) circulation types (CTs). In winter, mainly easterly (E), SE, southerly (S), and anticyclonic (A) weather patterns result in above normal PM10 concentrations. In addition to these four CTs, southwesterly (SW) types also cause higher PM10 values in the spring season. During summer, SE, SW, westerly (W), and cyclonic (C) CTs are associated with above-normal PM10 values. During fall, obvious higher PM10 concentrations are found during SE, S, and A types

    Background atmospheric conditions of high PM10 concentrations in Istanbul, Turkey

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    This study investigates the origin and background atmospheric mechanisms that cause high PM10 concentrations in Istanbul, Turkey. High-PM10 values in Besiktas are defined as days in which the 24-h mean PM10 exceed 100 mu gm(-3) during the period 2007-2017. As a consequence of the application of Ward's minimum clustering technique to HYSPLIT 72 h backward trajectory, mainly four different clusters, which cause high particulate matter episodes, were found in Istanbul. From 94 days, 41.5% of them were categorized as internal sources and are positively (negatively) linked to local temperature (relative humidity) variations. The other sources are shown as external origin and owing to long-range transport of the high particulate matter concentrations; Europe, Russia, and Sahara regions originate 21.3%, 8.5%, and 28.7% of all episodes, respectively. According to the composite analysis of meteorological factors for high PM10 external sources originated by Sahara desert indicates that a strong surface deep low pressure over Italy and an anomalously high pressure over Caspian Sea accompanied by the strong southwesterly wind patterns from Sahara region at mid-levels enable transferring of suspended dust particles to Istanbul in a very short time during spring days. On the other hand, extending of the Azores high-pressure centers from its origin to Balkan Peninsula cause transferring of high-PM10 values by northwesterly flows to Istanbul during winter months. Although high-PM10 episodes originated by Russia shown as least frequent, their contribution to PM10 levels are higher than the other long-range transport pathways. The origins of high-PM10 episodes and their associated meteorological conditions found in this study can provide theoretical underpinnings for dust control strategies and early warnings for health related diseases

    Black carbon and size-segregated elemental carbon, organic carbon compositions in a megacity: a case study for Istanbul

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    In this study, black carbon (BC), particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulphur dioxide (SO2) were monitored between May 2019 and February 2020. During this sampling period, size-segregated particle samples were collected by a high-volume cascade impactor, once a week. Elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) were investigated on the size-segregated particles. The study was carried out at Esenler district of Istanbul. Main sources in the vicinity of the sampling area are Central Coach Station of Istanbul, residential buildings, small-scale industrial facilities, and O-1 and O-2 highway connection. The average BC concentration was 2763 +/- 1974 ng/m(3). PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were 38.2 +/- 17.4 and 21.5 +/- 12.4 mu g/m(3), respectively. BC comprised 12.8% and 7.2% of PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. Diurnal variation of BC had a similar trend with NO2 concentrations, which showed peak concentrations during rush hours. BC had high Pearson correlation coefficients with NO, NO2, and PM2.5. The geographical position of possible emission sources was estimated through conditional probability function. The Central Coach Station of Istanbul had the highest geographical possibility for BC sources. EC and OC exhibited bimodal size distribution. The coarse mode peak was at 0.95-1.5-mu m size bin for OC, whilst it was at 1.5-3-mu m size bin for EC. Since EC and BC exhibit the same origin with different measurement principles, we concluded that resuspension of road dust also contributed ambient BC concentrations