30 research outputs found

    Assessment of Listeria Monocytogenes in Unpasteurized Milk Obtained from Cattle in Northern Nigeria

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive, rod shaped bacterium which grows at 24°C. However, it grows optimally at 37°C. It is an agent of listeriosis, a serious disease caused by the consumption of food contaminated with the bacterium. This study was aimed at assessing the presence of L. monocytogenes in unpasteurized milk and determining the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates. This was achieved through extensive use of cultural and biochemical characteristics attributed to this organism. A total of 130 raw milk samples were collected and analysed for the presence L. monocytogenes. Nine (6.9%) of the fresh raw milk sample were positive for L. monocytogenes according to the cultural characteristics and biochemical reactions carried out. All the positive isolates were found to be sensitive to Tetracycline, Gentamicin and Ampicillin. This study confirms Listeria sp. as a contaminant of unpasteurized milk, therefore, proper hygienic measures should be put in place and milk lovers should be wary of the consumption of this unregulated and under cooked products as to avoid such contaminations in order to avert potential health dangers associated with it


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    Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of bacterial isolates obtained from sachet water from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria was investigated.ª¤? A total of 300 sachet water samples were collected during the dry and rainy season of 2011 to 2012. Selected physicochemical analysis of the sachet water showed a pH range of 5.5-6.5, turbidity of 1.0 «¤??1.5 NTU and temperature of 28-300C. The mean aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of the sachet water samples ranged from 13.4 x 103 «¤?? 18.7 x 103 CFU/mL, while the mean total coliform count ranged from 0.153 - 0.163 x 103 CFU/mL. The physicochemical parameters of the sachet water samples were within the WHO standard for potable water. Bacteria isolated from sachet water samples include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp, Enterobacter sp and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Most of the isolates were highly sensitive to Levoxin and Ceftazidime. Plasmid analyses revealed that there were detectable plasmids in 7.1% of the 14 multi-drug resistant isolates. Cured plasmid encoded resistant isolates were susceptible to Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Gentamycin, Augmentin and Streptomycin


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    Tree act as a sink for CO2 by fixing carbon during photosynthesis and is a vital tool to alleviate climate change through CO2 absorption from the atmosphere. This study was conducted to assess carbon storage in tree biomass and soil carbon stock in Teak (Tectona grandis) plantations of different age series (5, 9 and 12 years). Data were collected on diameter at breast height (Dbh) and total height (TH) of all the trees in a sample plot of 1000 m2 in each plantation of age series. Carbon stored was evaluated based on tree growth variables, soil parameters and above ground biomass. Topsoil and subsoil (0-15 and 15-30 cm) samples collected from three sites were analyzed for organic carbon (OC) following standard methods.  Mean diameter at breast height were 67.11, 45.42, and 21.35 cm ha-1 and the mean volumes were 0.39, 0.16 and 0.02 m3ha-1 for 12, 9 and 5 years old were significant different (p<0.05). The highest value of total soil organic carbon (TSOC) was 8464.65 t.ha-1 for the 12year-old followed by 4430.25 t.ha-1 for 9 years old stand and 3004.95 t.ha-1 for 5years old were significant different (p<0.05) respectively. The total soil organic carbon per hectare were higher for the older than the younger Tectona grandis stand (8464.65 t.ha-1, 4430.25 t.ha-1 and 3004.95 t.ha-1) were significant different (p<0.05). Total carbon storage by soil and in biomass (CSB) was 15899.85 and 49.31 tons.ha-1 and total carbon accumulated by the plantation under investigation was in the order of 12 years old > 9 years old > 5 years old, respectively. The results of this study confirm that teak has good potentials to offer carbon sequestration through its soil and accumulate large amount of biomass carbon. The plantation ownership should be guided properly on the management activities such as thinning, pruning and weeding operation as well as indiscriminate removal of individual caused by anthropogenic activities should be avoided.     &nbsp

    Statistical evaluation of effect of anthropometric measurements on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Scoliosis is a deformity in which there is sideways curvature to the spine. Curves are often S shaped or C shaped. Most common type is the idiopathic type which occurs in 10-12 years of age and early teens, females are more affected than males while the body is growing fast and the curve is commonly to the right side of the body. It however affect all ages of about 3% of general population. This study was set out to evaluate statistically, the effect of age, gender and anthropometric measurements (such as height, weight and body mass index) to the curve formed using 51 patients from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja. It was discovered from the analysis that the ailment is common among females than males. The result also shows that the curve is most common to right hand side. The test of hypothesis conducted reveals that the anthropometric measurements of height, weight and body mass index though positively correlated with but do not have significant effect on the Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis curve

    Sperm abnormalities and libido assessment of West African dwarf rams fed diets containing Tetrapleura tetraptera (African Porridge) fruit meal

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    The effect of Tetrapleura tetraptera fruit meal (TTFM) on the sperm abnormalities and libido test of West African Dwarf rams was assessed in a 20 week study. Thirty five (35) West African dwarf rams weighing between 12.80 and 13.20kg were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments in a completely randomized design. The diets formulated: 0% TTFM, 0.5% TTFM, 1.0% TTFM, 1.5% TTFM and 2.0% TTFM as treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Libido assessment was carried out at 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16th weeks of the experiment. Semen was collected twice at the beginning and at the end of the experiment from five replicates in each treatment using electro- ejaculator. The results showed that the libido increased progressively with the inclusion of TTFM which was only significantly different (p<0.05) at 16th week. The best libido was observed with rams fed diets containing 1.5 and 2.0% TTFM. The sperm abnormalities were minimal in all parameters except in abnormal head which ranged from 0.4-1.20% with diet 4 exhibited the most abnormal head. It was therefore concluded that the TTFM can be incorporated between 1.5% and 2.0% into diet of rams to improve the sex drive and reduced sperm abnormalities


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    The crude malt obtained from the grains were hydrolyzed with cassava starch to obtain glucose syrup. 94.33% malt was produced from maize, rice had 84.46% malt, while sorghum had 84.97% malt. Glucose syrup yield was greatest using sorghum malt with percentage yield of 75.55%, 52.37% using rice malt, and while maize malt had 48.33 % syrup. Maize sample had highest malt yield but lowest glucose syrup yield showing that glucose syrup yield is in dependent on malt yield but on the quality of amylase produced during malting. Analysis on the glucose syrup obtained gave the following results: moisture content of 13.8%, 14.5%, 15.4%; ash content of 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.01%; carbohydrate 86.47%, 84.76%, 83.01%; total reducing sugar (invert sugar) 85.79%, 83.86%, 82.58%; total soluble (sugar brix) 100°Brix, 110°Brix, 105°Brix for rice, sorghum and maize samples respectively. Dextrose equivalent, viscosity, colour and taste of the end products were also analyzed. Microbial analysis was 2×101, 5×101, 3×101 cfu/mL for glucose syrup from rice, sorghum and maize samples respectively with no trace of yeast or mold growth making the glucose syrup fit for consumptio


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    The probability density function (PDF) of the hypergeometric is used to model the probability of outcomes of lotto game given some selected predetermined scenarios (K) from (n = 5) samples at the instances of six sample scenarios x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This is exactly mimicking the Nigerian Premier Lotto game where interested players are expected to choose five random numbers from 1 to 90. That ‘A’ win implies that at least three of the randomly chosen 5 numbers are drawn from the national lotto draw often televised to the players. In this paper, different predetermined scenarios are defined and the probability is computed using the probability density function of the hypergeometric distribution. The data are results from 31625 games played on premier lotto in a span of 3 years. The data are for morning, afternoon, night, in Enugu center, regional and national premier lotto results during the period. The chi-square test of goodness of fit shows that the premier lotto is random, fair, and validates the results of the adoption of the PDF of hypergeometric distribution. Players of lotto games are advised to be aware of the slim chances of winning and play reasonably and sensibly

    Measure of Volatility and Its Forecasting: Evidence from Naira / Dollar Exchange Rat

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    Background: HIV/AIDS is endemic in Nigeria since the first case was reported in 1986. Several risk factors contribute to its prevalence, and the successive government has devised different programs to halt the spread. Awareness is one of those programs that helps to promote voluntary testing and prevention of HIV. The aim of this paper is to assess the level of awareness of HIV/AIDS among private and public primary school pupils in Ado-Odo, Ota, Southwest Nigeri