381 research outputs found

    Managing emerging challenges of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dentistry

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    Dental centers have been referred to as a hub or reservoir for infection, where healthcare professionals and other staff, patients and the public together may potentially spread pathogenic microorganisms. This may occur via saliva, skin or indirectly through air, water, and contaminated surfaces or instruments. Everyone should therefore be considered as potential sources of infection. During a pandemic, limiting unnecessary care has been adopted as a clinical measure for some patient’s, to reduce the risk of cross-infection in the short term. However, in order to enable continuation of necessary and qualified care, dental processes need to follow specific infection control strategies in order to prevent transmission of emerging pandemic risks following COVID19. In this article, we develop a tool with practical recommendations to mitigate infection risks before, during and following pandemics to enable ongoing dental care provision in primary and secondary care based on national and global recommendations

    Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Lower Lip: a Case Report

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    Karcinom acinusnih stanica rijetka je bolest – to je tumor žlijezda slinovnica niskog stupnja malignosti. Najčešće se nalazi u velikim žlijezdama slinovnicama, gotovo uvijek u parotidnoj žlijezdi, a rijetko u malim žlijezdama slinovnicama. U ovom opisu predstavljamo slučaj muškarca u dobi od 64 godine s perzistentnom dvogodišnjom oteklinom u sluznici donje usnice u ravnini očnjaka. Lezija je bila bezbolna, meke teksture, nalikovala je na mukokelu, bila je veličine 1x1,5 cm te pokrivena sluznicom normalne boje. Kirurški je uklonjena te je histopatološki potvrđen karcinom acinusnih stanica.Acinic cell carcinoma is a rare, low grade malignant tumor of the salivary glands. Most frequently it originates from major salivary glands almost exclusively in parotid gland and rarely from minor salivary glands. In this report we present a case of 64-year-old man with a persistent swelling within the mucosa of the lower lip at the line of the canine tooth for two years. The lesion was painless, soft in texture, mimicked a mucocel and had the dimensions of 1x1.5 cm with an overlying mucosa normal in color. Surgical excision of the lesion is performed and histopathological confirmation revealed acinic cell carcinoma


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