145 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial nature and use of some medicinal plants in Nigeria

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    Forty eight medicinal plants in Nigeria were screened for their antimicrobial activity. Twenty three (47.91%) of the plants caused over 70% mortality of the test organism which include anopheline and culicine larva. Bacillus spp. and Escherichia coli were shown to be susceptible to the antimicrobialactivity of some plants. The antimicrobial activities of plants examined in this study showed that plants are capable of producing toxic materials, which may exert some physiological effect on the target organisms

    Treatment to targets in type 2 diabetics: analysis of out-patients practice at a remote Western Nigerian hospital

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality allover the world. Tight control of diabetes in the outpatients will reduce complications and hospitalizations. This study of Nigerian patients with diabetes examined the adequacy of glycemic and BP control in line with current guidelines. A 4 month retrospective analysis of type 2 diabetics attending Medical Outpatients Department (MOPD) of Federal Medical Centre, Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria between June and September 2008 was carried out using medical records of the patients. SPSS 13 software was used to analyze data. Data are expressed as mean ± Standard Deviation (SD) and frequency expressed as a percentage where necessary. A total of 308 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, aged between 35 and 85years were analyzed. Their mean age was 60.90 ± 11.60years. There were 125 males (40.6%) and 183 females (59.4%) giving an M: F ratio of 1:1.46. Mean duration of clinic attendance was 26.18 ± 24.46 months. Glycemic control was achieved in only about a third of the patients (29.3% and 32.5% using IDF-Europe and ADA criteria respectively). Blood pressure control was achieved in 24.5% and 48.7% had BMI ≥ 25kg/m2. No correlation between mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and body mass index (BMI). Frequencies of insulin and low dose aspirin use were low (5.3% and 37% respectively). The results from this study showed poor control of blood glucose, BP and weight in the patients. We are of the opinion that current practices are not aggressive enough to manage a substantial proportion of type 2 diabetes patients.KEY WORDS: Diabetes mellitus; Glycemic control; BP contro

    Awareness of Breast Cancer and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Rural Women in Ife-North Local Government Area, Osun State, South-West Nigeria

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    Background and Objective: Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women in globally and in Nigeria. In Nigeria, cases of breast cancer cases have been prevalent for three decades and more than 90% of cases can be detected by women themselves through breast self – examination. The objective of this study therefore, was to assess rural women's level of awareness and knowledge of breast cancer and the practice of breast self- examination.Methods: The data for this was collected in the months of March and April, 2011. A structured interviewer–administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 420 randomly selected volunteered women from two randomly selected wards in Ife North Local Government Area (a rural Local Government Area) in Osun State, SW Nigeria.Results: 400 questionnaires were properly filled and subsequently used for data analysis and results showed that a large proportion (78.8%) had erroneous belief that keeping money in the brassier can cause breast cancer despite the fact that majority (87.8%) of them claimed to be aware of the disease. Cigarette smoking had the highest percentage (51.5%) among the correct risk factors for breast cancer being agreed to by the respondents. Their awareness and practices of breast self- examination (BSE) were also low (47% and 29% respectively). Age and religion of the respondents had significant effect on the practices of BSE (p=0.013 and p=0.0001 respectively).Conclusion: Appropriate educational program is suggested in order to improve the knowledge of women regarding breast cancer and increase their practices of breast self examination.Keywords: Breast Cancer, Breast Self- Examination, Knowledge, Rural Wome

    Risk factors for un-investigated dyspepsia among primary care patients in northern Nigeria

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    Background: Many risk factors have been speculated to be associated with uninvestigated dyspepsia amongst different population groups. Some of which have been subjected to epidemiological survey while others remain unevaluated.Objective: We evaluated some of the documented risk factors amongst patient presenting with uninvestigated dyspepsia and compared with a matched group without dyspepsia in a primary care setting.Methods: The study was a matched case controlled study. 103 consecutive patient aged between 18 and 50 years that presented with dyspepsia (cases) were enrolled. These were matched by age and sex with the same number of subjects without dyspepsia (controls). Data were collated using a structured questionnaire Odds ratios and p-values were used to determine the significance of documented categorical risk factors associated with dyspepsia using two by two tables. For risk factors that were continuous variables the means, standard deviations and pvalues were used. Risk factors with their p-values Result: H.pylori seropositivity was 22.3% and 13.6% among cases and controls respectively (p = 0.10). Pepper intake (pH. pylori seropositivity was not related to the risk of developing dyspepsia.Conclusion: Helicobacter pylori seropositivity was not found to be a significant contributor to risk of developing dyspepsia among the studied population contrary to general belief. Pepper intake, tea intake and greater years of education were found to significant contributors to dyspepsia.Keywords: Risk factors, Helicobacter pylori, Dyspepsia, NigeriaAfrican Health Sciences 2013; 13(4): 1007 - 101

    Case Report: Acute Fatty Liver Of Pregnancy In A 30-year Old Nigerian Primigravida

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    Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is an uncommon, potentially fatal disorder that usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy or in the early post partum. We present here a 30-year-old Nigerian primigravida with acute fatty liver of pregnancy. She was successfully managed and discharged. Keywords: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (4) 2008: pp. 389-39

    Growth pattern and structural nature of amylases produced by some Bacillus species in starchy substrates

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    The growth pattern and microbial biomass formed during metabolic activities of the Bacillus species on starchy substrates was determined. The result showed that the strains B. subtilis (WBS), B. licheniformis (WBL) and B. coagulans (MBC) generally had high growth rate. B. circulans (SBC) and B. coagulans (WBC) has specific affinity for growth and some enzymatic activity on corn starch medium compared with other lower growth observed in B. polymyxa (WBP) but higher enzyme production. The amylolytic Bacillus species obtained utilized white corn starch substrate as a sole carbon source as well as soluble starch. The amylase production values range from 0.022 x 102 unit/cfu in B. circulans (WBC) to 0.912 x 102 unit/cfu in B. licheniformis (WBL) for corn starch, and 0.01 x 102 unit/cfu in both B. megaterium (SBG) and B. licheniformis (SBL) to 0.693 x 102 unit/cfu in B. subtilis (WBS) for soluble starch.Keywords: Activity, Bacillus, enzymatic, metabolic, starchy, substrat

    Heat activation and stability of amylases from Bacillus species

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    Leitch and Collier sporulating Bacillus medium was used to isolate some strains of Bacillus species from soil, wastewater and food sources in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, by heat activation method. Heat treatment at 80oC allowed the growth of sporulating Bacillus species, in the culture sample source without other bacteria forms. The amylolytic Bacillus species isolated during the study were identified as Bacillus macerans, Bacillus coagulans Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus circulans, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus subtilis. Heat treatment at 70oC denatured the -amylase component of the amylase source while -amylase retained its potency at this temperature. Calcium cations (Ca2+) enhance the enzyme production than Na+ which was less effective. Physiological studies show that an optimum temperature of 40oC was suitable for the enzyme activity while temperature above 60oC reduced its activity unless positive measures are taken to stabilize it with relevant cations like Ca2+

    Baseline CD4+ T lymphocyte cell counts, hepatitis B and C viruses seropositivity in adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria

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    Background: Ekiti State of Nigeria is known to have the lowest prevalence of HIV in Nigeria. University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Ado Ekiti was recently upgraded to serve as one of the three centres for HIV/AIDS referral, diagnosis and treatment in Ekiti State. We evaluated the baseline immunologic and biochemical parameters of patients presenting at the ART clinic of University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State. Methods: All HIV seropositive patients not yet on antiretroviral therapy, who presented at the ART Clinic within the study period had at the first visit to the clinic, their blood sample taken for CD4 cell counts estimation, HBsAg and anti- HCV screening, ALT, AST as well as hemoglobin estimation as part of the routine workup to assess their disease health status and need for antiretroviral therapy. Statistical significance was taken as p< 0.05. Results: A total of 273 patients comprising 79 (28.9%) males and 194 (71.1%) females were included in the study (F:M = 2.46: 1). The mean age of the study population was 36.21± 10.20 years with mean age of males (39.52 ± 9.95years) significantly higher than females (34.88 ± 10.02; p=0.001). The overall prevalence of HBsAg in the study population was 6.6% with a sex specific prevalence of 8.1% and 6% for males and females, respectively. No statistically significance difference in the mean serum alanine transaminase, serum aspartate transaminase, hemoglobin and CD4+ T- Lymphocytes cell count of those who had HBsAg negative status compared to those who had HBsAg positive status. Two (0.7%) of the patients had positive serum anti HCV antibodies. The CD4+ T- Lymphocytes cell count ranged between 5 – 1050 cells/Hl with a mean of 286.19 ± 233.31 cells/Hl. The majority of patients (71.8%) had a CD4+ T- Lymphocytes cell count < 350 cells/Hl. Conclusion: At the time of presentation, majority of our patients had a CD4+ T- Lymphocytes cell count less than 350 cells/Hl consistent with significant immune-suppression. More sustained and vigorous awareness campaigns still need to be done in Ekiti State to diagnose this disease early. There is also a need to accelerate the integration of hepatitis B virus screening and treatment programme into HIV/AIDS programme because of the morbidity and mortality implication of HBV and HIV co-infection.Key words: HIV AIDS infection, CD4+ T-lymphocyte cell counts, Hepatitis B virus infectio

    Crohn's disease presenting as a recurrent perianal fistula: A case report

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    Crohn's disease (CD) is a multifactorial polygenic disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), often complicated by the development of intestinal strictures and/or formation of fistulas. Several diagnostic criteria have been proposed, usually relying on clinical, endoscopic, radiological or histological features.We report a case of Crohn's disease of the entire colon with rectal sparing presenting with recurrent perianal fistula that had earlier on been misdiagnosed and treated for other things. The patient was treated successfully with corticosteroids and aminosalicylates and had since remained stable

    Normal Limits of Electrocardiogram and Cut-Off Values for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Young Adult Nigerians

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    This study assessed healthy young adults to determine the normal limits for electrocardiographic variables and cut-off values for left ventricular hypertrophy. It was a cross sectional descriptive study in which the participants were evaluated clinically by standard 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) at 25mm/s during quiet respiration. The heart rate, P wave duration, axis and amplitude, PR and QT intervals, QRS duration, axis and amplitude and T wave axis were assessed. Three hundred and twenty four (324) volunteers comprising of 175 males and 149 females aged 20 to 30 years (mean, 23.01±2.88years) participated in the study. The normal limits for heart rate, P wave duration, amplitude and axis in lead II, QRS duration and axis, T wave axis, PR interval, QT interval and QTc respectively were; 61-93beats per  minute,0.08-0.12s,1.00-2.00mm,22.00-79.000,78.00-106.00ms,15.50-81.000, 24.25-69.000,0.12-0.19s, 0.32-0.40s and 0.36-0.44s. The cut-off values for Sokolow-Lyon, Cornell and Araoye criteria for assessment of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) were higher than those previously in use in  medical practice. Gender difference exists in some cut-off values for LVH. This study defined the normal limits for electrocardiographic variables for young adult Nigerians. Racial factor should be taken into consideration in interpretation of ECG.Keywords: Normal limits, Electrocardiogram, Cut-off values, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Young Adult
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