16 research outputs found

    Unambiguous detection of nitrated explosive vapours by fluorescence quenching of dendrimer films

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    Unambiguous and selective standoff (non-contact) infield detection of nitro-containingexplosives and taggants is an important goal but difficult to achieve with standard analyticaltechniques. Oxidative fluorescence quenching is emerging as a high sensitivity method fordetecting such materials but is prone to false positives—everyday items such as perfumeselicit similar responses. Here we report thin films of light-emitting dendrimers that detectvapours of explosives and taggants selectively—fluorescence quenching is not observed for arange of common interferents. Using a combination of neutron reflectometry, quartz crystalmicrobalance and photophysical measurements we show that the origin of the selectivity isprimarily electronic and not the diffusion kinetics of the analyte or its distribution in the film.The results are a major advance in the development of sensing materials for the standoffdetection of nitro-based explosive vapours, and deliver significant insights into the physicalprocesses that govern the sensing efficacy

    Susceptibility to disease varies with ontogeny and immunocompetence in a threatened amphibian

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    Ontogenetic changes in disease susceptibility have been demonstrated in many vertebrate taxa, as immature immune systems and limited prior exposure to pathogens can place less developed juveniles at a greater disease risk. By causing the disease chytridiomycosis, <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd)</i> infection has led to the decline of many amphibian species. Despite increasing knowledge on how Bd varies in its effects among species, little is known on the interaction between susceptibility and development within host species. We compared the ontogenetic susceptibility of post-metamorphic green and golden bell frogs <i>Litoria aurea</i> to chytridiomycosis by simultaneously measuring three host-pathogen responses as indicators of the development of the fungus—infection load, survival rate, and host immunocompetence—following <i>Bd</i> exposure in three life stages (recently metamorphosed juveniles, subadults, adults) over 95 days. Frogs exposed to <i>Bd</i> as recently metamorphosed juveniles acquired higher infection loads and experienced lower immune function and lower survivorship than subadults and adults, indicating an ontogenetic decline in chytridiomycosis susceptibility. By corresponding with an intrinsic developmental maturation in immunocompetence seen in uninfected frogs, we suggest these developmental changes in host susceptibility in <i>L. aurea</i> may be immune mediated. Consequently, the physiological relationship between ontogeny and immunity may affect host population structure and demography through variation in life stage survival, and understanding this can shape management targets for effective amphibian conservation

    Amphibian assisted reproductive technologies:moving from technology to application

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    Finding a place to live: conspecific attraction affects habitat selection in juvenile green and golden bell frogs

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    Conspecific attraction plays an important role in habitat selection of several taxa and can affect and determine distribution patterns of populations. The behaviour is largely studied and widespread among birds, but in amphibians, its occurrence seems limited to breeding habitats of adults and gregarious tadpoles. The Australian green and golden bell frogs (<i>Litoria aurea</i>) have suffered considerable shrinking of their original distribution in south-eastern Australia since the 1970s. Currently, with only about 40 populations remaining, the species is considered nationally threatened. In natural conditions, these frogs are aggregated in the landscape and do not seem to occupy all suitable ponds within the occurrence area. To date, studies focusing on the frogs' habitat have failed in finding a general habitat feature that explains current or past occupancy. This led us to the hypothesis that social cues may play a key role in habitat selection in this species. Using two choice experiments, we tested the preference of juvenile green and golden bell frogs for habitats containing cues of conspecifics of similar size versus habitats without conspecific cues. Tested frogs did not show a preference for habitats containing only scent from conspecifics but did prefer habitats where conspecifics were present. Our results show that conspecific attraction is a determining factor in juvenile green and golden bell frog habitat selection. To our knowledge, this is the first time the behaviour is shown to occur in juvenile frogs in the habitat selection context. From a conservation management point of view, the behaviour may help to explain the failure of reintroductions to areas where the frogs have been extinct, and the non-occupation of suitable created habitats in areas where they still inhabit and develop appropriated management strategies