5 research outputs found

    Seismic Risk and Urbanization: The Notion of Prevention. Case of the City of Algiers

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    AbstractSeismic risk is among the major risks that threaten our country. Algiers is considered the most vulnerable city of the country. Not only, it bears witness to terrible seismic disasters but it is based on six seismic faults that can move at any time. Added to this phenomenon, Algiers is facing extreme urban mutation and the urbanization process since independence has not taken seriously into account the seismic risk factor. The present communication has not the pretention to explore the whole question of the seismic risk of the city of Algiers, but debates the question of the risk under the angle of prevention


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    Les médersas n’apparaissent en Algérie que sous les sultans abd al-wadides zianides de Tlemcen. L’exemple le plus élaboré construit durant cette dynastie est celui de la médersa Tachfinya. Elle est à la fois témoin et aboutissement d’un apogée artistique et architectural du savoir musulman. En effet, tous les historiens s’accordent à dire qu’elle représentait un joyau de l’art mauresque, ceci en dépit de tous les remaniements qu’elle a subi et qui maladroitement se sont soldés par sa démolition sous l’occupation française.Aujourd’hui, de cette médersa, il ne nous reste que des relevés, un certain nombre de collections muséales et quelques photographies. C’est à partir de ces sources limitées que nous nous efforcerons de démontrer que le grand intérêt de cet édifice résidait dans sa singularité par rapport aux lieux de savoir et d’enseignement qui lui sont contemporain, non seulement par sa haute esthétique ornementale qui rivalisait avec les plus beaux palais médiévaux, mais aussi par son organisation spatiale typique des demeures princières andalouses

    Conservation of earthen architecture: governmental actions and owners’ practices to preserve Ksar Taghit, Algeria

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    Earthen architecture, notably the ksour of Saoura in Algeria, offers us architectural and urban jewels, and inspiring lessons of human ingenuity showing how past communities had to adapt to the difficult characteristics of the region and integrate themselves into the sensitive and demanding oasis ecosystem. Ksar Taghit (a fortified oasis village) is an exceptional model of this knowledgeable architecture and an example of resistance to the various natural and anthropic risks it has experienced over time due to the various conservation and enhancement programs and the efforts of its inhabitants to enhance their heritage and open it to visitors. Through this study, based on archival documents, and supported by observations and interviews with various actors and photographs showing the state of the ksar, we intend to present the conservation programs undertaken in the region and the impact of the efforts of the inhabitants on the conservation of this property. This article, which is part of a doctoral thesis in progress, aims to present the impact of supervised rehabilitation and owners’ practices on the conservation of cultural values and the authentic spirit of the place. Going beyond the material aspect of the conservation, the question arises about whether the efforts undertaken are sufficient to make this common heritage operational and dynamic.Le costruzioni realizzate con la terra, in particolare lo ksour di Saoura in Algeria, ci offrono gioielli architettonici e urbani ed esempi dell’ingegno umano che mostrano come le comunità del passato abbiano saputo adattarsi alle difficili caratteristiche della regione e integrarsi nel particolare ecosistema dell’oasi. Ksar Taghit (un villaggio oasi fortificato) è un esempio eccezionale di questa sapiente architettura e un modello di resistenza ai vari rischi naturali e antropici. Nel tempo si sono succeduti diversi progetti di conservazione e valorizzazione e considerevoli sforzi da parte dei suoi abitanti per dare valore a tale patrimonio e aprire il sito ai visitatori. Attraverso questo studio, basato su documenti d’archivio, osservazioni, interviste e fotografie che mostrano lo stato del villaggio, si vogliono presentare i programmi di conservazione intrapresi nella regione e la volontà degli abitanti per la valorizzazione di tale patrimonio architettonico. Questo articolo, che fa parte di una tesi di dottorato in corso, si propone di presentare gli interventi degli abitanti per la conservazione dei valori culturali e identitari del luogo. Al di là dell’aspetto materiale relativo alla conservazione, ci si pone la domanda se gli sforzi intrapresi siano sufficienti a rendere operativo e dinamico questo patrimonio culturale

    Tlemcen and the notion of “Islamic city”: Between reference texts and effective model

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    On the question of the archetypal model of the Islamic city, several oriental researchers and orientalists tried to give some answers, each considering on his part on a specific aspect to the originality of these cities. Some even expressed great skepticism toward the concept of “Islamic city” as an urban ideal of the Muslim world. The purpose of this study is to confront various visions having a theoretical interest on this issue in order to trace the characteristics of the case study. As such, the medina of Tlemcen, capital of central Maghreb for nearly three centuries, is a privileged analysis field to study the type organization of Arab-Muslim cities. Thus, the hypothesis put forth is that this Medina had, in medieval and Ottoman period, a spatial configuration fully aligned with the model of “Islamic cities”; corroborating the idea of the existing common features shared by the historic cities of the Islamic world

    Measurement of management and development deficit on sustainability in neighbourhood unit. Case of the new city Ali Mendejeli Constantine

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    Wastewater and household waste management are among the most significant issues for sustainable districts. Their management requires quantifying spatial relationships between the appreciation spaces rate and well-being. This research aims to quantify the effect of development and management deficits on the sustainability of social housing districts. The case study is the neighbourhood unit in the new Ali Mendjli Constantine, Algeria, characterized by high urban concentration. The critical points marking the latter relate to health and well-being problems. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative survey based on J.P. Thibaud’s commented course approach. It involves the surveyed population selection who create the course according to the issue asked. The results show that more than 50% of the neighbourhood’s spatial configuration directly affects the appropriation feeling, with a high dissatisfaction rate of approximately 85%. Furthermore, the interviewees declared that intermediate spaces within their neighbourhoods are spread over large areas without delimitation and specific development and management, making space assumption difficult. Thus, these spaces become sources of conflict and tension