10 research outputs found

    Progressive Multifocal Leuoencephalopathy(PML) in HIV Patient

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    In the conservative Muslim community’s lack of transparency and awareness to resultant bad consequences that mislead practicing doctors, delay in the diagnosis and increase in costs of treatment and worsen of morbidity of the disease is the ultimate consequence. Three phases arerecognized in the natural history of infection by the human  immunodeficiency virus (HIV): (a)An early or acute phase lasting several weeks with infectious mononucleosis-like symptoms, (b) an intermittent or chronic phase, with active low-grade viral replication, lasting several years and (c) the final stage or crises, which corresponds to the clinical phase of AIDS. The virus may enter the nervous system at the time of sero-conversion. However the clinical picture of dementia appearslater, when there is marked immunodeficiency. There are many causes for CNS lesions in patients with HIV as vascular, viral, bacterial, myco-bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and neoplastic causes. Human immunodeficiency virus leucoencephalopathy (HIVL) is an uncommon and rapidly progressive form of AIDS dementia complex (ADC) that has remained poorly understood. Here we report a rare case of Progressive Multifocal Leuoencephalopathy (PML) in a case of HIV/AIDS who was not willing to disclose her diagnosis till late in the disease

    Implementation of Task-based and problem-based Pharmacotherapy Course for Pre-Clinical Medical Students

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    Pharmacology, like other basic science disciplines, is still taught didactically in many medical schools. Increasing number of drugs, changes on general principles of mechanisms of drug action and more information on properties of drugs require innovative approaches to undergraduate education. Research in medical and pharmaceutical education is increasingly utilizing a variety of innovative teaching methods to ultimately improve retention of knowledge. This paper describes implementation of new task-based and problem-based pharmacotherapy course for 3rd year pre-clinical medical students at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Omdurman Islamic University. Keywords: Pharmacotherapy, Task-based learning, P -drug Sudan Journal of Medical Science Vol. 3 (4) 2008: pp. 269-27