56 research outputs found

    Morbimortalité périnatale dans les grossesses gémellaires dans une maternité marocaine de niveau 3

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    Introduction: Les grossesses gĂ©mellaires sont associĂ©es Ă  un risque de morbimortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale plus Ă©levĂ© que les grossesses simples. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer la morbimortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale dans les grossesses gĂ©mellaires dans une maternitĂ© marocaine de niveau 3. MĂ©thodes: Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude transversale comparative de la morbimortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale des nouveau-nĂ©s issus de grossesses gĂ©mellaires versus grossesses simples ayant accouchĂ© Ă  la maternitĂ© Souissi de Rabat du 1 janvier au 28 fĂ©vrier 2014. RĂ©sultats: Il y a eu 3297 naissances issues de 65 grossesses gĂ©mellaires et 3167 grossesses simples. Les grossesses gĂ©mellaires Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  des taux plus Ă©levĂ©s de prĂ©Ă©clampsie et d’éclampsie (P = 0,046), de HELLP syndrome (P= 0,030), de rupture prĂ©maturĂ©e des membranes (P < 0,001), de prĂ©sentation dystocique (P < 0,001), de prĂ©maturitĂ© (P < 0,001), d’hypotrophie chez les nouveau-nĂ©s Ă  terme (P < 0,001), de dĂ©tresse respiratoire nĂ©onatale (P < 0,001), de malformations congĂ©nitales (P = 0,015), d’hospitalisation en pĂ©riode nĂ©onatale (P = 0,001) et de mortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale (P = 0,001) par rapport aux grossesses simples. Les jumeaux monochoriaux prĂ©sentaient des taux plus Ă©levĂ©s d’hypotrophie en cas de grossesse menĂ©e Ă  terme (P = 0,016) et de mortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale (P = 0,017) par rapport aux jumeaux bichoriaux. Conclusion: Les grossesses gĂ©mellaires Ă©taient Ă  risque plus Ă©levĂ© de morbimortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale par rapport aux grossesses simples en exposant notamment Ă  la prĂ©maturitĂ©. Les grossesses gĂ©mellaires monochoriales Ă©taient plus Ă  risque en exposant notamment Ă  l’hypotrophie chez les nouveau-nĂ©s Ă  terme.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Amount of zinc transferred in breast milk to breastfed Moroccan babies with normal or low birth weight at 1, 3 and 6 months after birth

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    The amount of zinc in breast milk is generally regarded as sufficient to cover the increasing zinc demands of most infants. However, this is not well investigated where stores zinc may be compromised in babies with low birth weight (LBW) who are born with low stores of zinc. In Morocco, this is the first time that the amount of zinc transferred in breast milkhas been estimated. This study included 32 mother-baby pairs. In our case study, we aimed to measure The quantity of zinc in mothers’ breast milk with normal birth weight (NBW) and LBW babies who were exclusively or not exclusively breast fed at 1,3 and 6 month after birth. The results showed that the majority of mothers have a BMI ≄25 kg/m2 this means that all mothers are overweight during 6 months after birth.Zinc concentration (mg/l) in mothers’ breast milk decreased from first month to six month. p- value showed that for mothers with NBW babies, there is a significant difference between the 1 and 6 month (p=0.0003) and between 3 and 6 month after birth (p=0.0007). For mothers with LBW babies, p-value showed a significant difference between the zinc concentration in breast milk in the 1st and 3rd month (p=0.0007), 1 and 6 month (p< 0.0001) and between 3rd and 6th month after birth (p=0.0056). The rate of NBW babies who were exclusively breastfed was 36.67%, 30.25% and 10% successively in 1st, 3rd and 6th month after birth. For LBW babies, the rate of exclusively breastfed was 15.38%, 7.69% and 2.69% successively in 1st, 3rd and 6th month after birth. Based on the K. Brown study in 2009, we can develop a mathematical equation to our own population using our data: Ln [Zinc] = 0.960 – 0.161*Ln(Ăąge) – 0.187*Ln(Ăąge)2. In conclusion the zinc concentration in milk is within normal range and decreases with the age of the babies. The predicted model of zinc concentration in breast milk was developed and tested

    HĂ©matome hĂ©patique nĂ©onatal: Ă  propos d’un cas

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    L'hĂ©matome hĂ©patique est une affection mĂ©connue, peut ĂȘtre gravissime et son diagnostic se fait souvent lors de l'autopsie pĂ©rinatale. Devant une symptomatologie clinique, souvent, non spĂ©cifique et un tableau biologique retardĂ©, le diagnostic est basĂ© essentiellement sur l'Ă©chographie et le traitement est souvent conservateur. Nous rapportons un cas d'hĂ©matome hĂ©patique chez un nouveau-nĂ© Ă  terme, asymptomatique dans un contexte de traumatisme obstĂ©trical.Mots clĂ©s: HĂ©matome, foie, nouveau-nĂ©, traumatisme obstĂ©tricalEnglish Title: Hepatic hematoma in neonates: about a caseEnglish AbstractHepatic hematoma is a condition of unrecognized origin which can become extremely serious and whose diagnosis is often made during perinatal autopsy. It is often characterised by nonspecific clinical manifestations and a long delay before biological presentation.The diagnosis is essentially based on ultrasound and treatment is often conservative.We here report a case of a full-term newborn with asymptomatic hepatic haematoma due to obstetrical trauma.Keywords: Hematoma, liver, new-born, obstetrical traum

    Risk factors associated with a breast cancer in a population of Moroccan women whose age is less than 40 years: a case control study

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in morocco women were it occupies the first place in term of incidence and mortality. The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the risk factors associated with a breast cancer in a population of Moroccan women. Methods: A casecontrol study was conducted with population women whose age is less than 40 years during 2008-2010 at the National Institute of Oncology of Rabat. These women were interviewed for Epidemiological information and risk factor for breast cancer. Results: Included in this study were 124 cases and 148 age matched controls. No statistically significant case-control difference was found for the early age of menarche (OR = 2.474; CI 95%: 1.354- 4.521), and family antecedents of first degree of breast cancer (OR = 11.556; 95% CI: 2.548-52.411). However physical activity (OR = 0.507; 95% CI: 0.339 -0.757) early maternity age (OR = 0.212; 95% CI: 0.087 - 0.514), multiparity (OR = 0.742; 95% CI: 0.359 -1.539) and breastfeeding than 6 months (OR = 0.739; 95% CI: 0.357 -1.523) appear as significant protective factors. Conclusion: This study show the criminalization of only part of the known risk factors of breast cancer in this age group and confirms the probable protective role of physical activity and factors related to life reproductive women in our study (early childbearing, multiparity and lactation).Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, Body Fat, Fasting Blood Glucose in a Sample of Moroccan Adolescents Aged 11–17 Years

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    Objectives. The study aimed to assess the relationship between body fat and each of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), and to test the effectiveness of fat mass (FM), percent of body fat (PBF), BMI, and WC in predicting high levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG). Methods. A total of 167 adolescents aged 11–17 years were recruited from Rabat region. BMI and WC were determined using standard equipments. FM and PBF were derived from isotope dilution technique. FBG was determined by the hexokinase method. Results. Regardless of the weight status, BMI showed a strong positive correlation with FM and PBF in both genders. WC was significantly correlated with FM in boys and girls, and with PBF in different groups of girls and boys of the study sample. However, there was no significant relationship between WC and PBF in normal weight and overweight-obese groups of boys. FBG was highly correlated with FM and PBF in girls of the study sample and in overweight-obese girls. Similar significant relationship between FBG and both BMI and WC was observed in overweight-obese girls, while there was no significant association between FBG and other variables in boys and normal-weight girls. Conclusion. BMI and WC were closely associated with FM and PBF, respectively. However, the degree of these associations depends on gender and weight status. BMI may provide a better proxy estimate of overall adiposity than WC; nevertheless, both of them would appear to be a reasonable surrogate for FM and PBF as screening tools to identify adolescents at risk of developing excess body fat and high level of FBG

    Acceptance of sugar reduction in yoghurt among Moroccan population

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    Introduction: Morocco has recently developed a plan of reducing sugar consumption to reinforce prevention of non-communicable diseases and to contribute to the achievement of global voluntary targets for non-communicable diseases set by ICN2 by 2025. The objective of the present study was to assess acceptance of yogurts with different percentage reduction of sugar by the Moroccan population. Methods: A total of 201 participants (age > 15 y.) were recruited to determine the level of sugar reduction in yogurt. Sucrose was added to a plain yoghurt in the following different concentrations 166.5; 149.8; 133.2; 116.5; 99; 83.2 mM/l, corresponding to the reduction of sugar of 0%, -10%, -20%, -30%, -40% and -50%, respectively, compared available yogurt in local market. Overall, the acceptability scores of the different yoghurts were based on liking, "Just About Right" (JAR) and purchase intent scales was used to score the different yoghurts. Results: Yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were highly accepted by 81% and 74% of respondents. Based on JAR score, yoghurt with 20% (133.2mM/l) and 30% (116.5 mM/l) reduction were considered as "just about right" by 42.7% and 44.3% respectively. Best average score of purchase intent was obtained for sucrose concentration of 149.8 mM/l. 35.8% and 40.3% for yoghurt with sucrose concentration of 133.2 mM/l and 116.5 mM/l respectively. Conclusion: The finding from this study indicated that yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were most accepted by respondents. Advocacy before dairy industry to have them commit towards sugar reduction in yogurt is needed, in order to help achieving the national sugar reduction strategy in Morocco

    The NutriScore logo: A tool for the Moroccan consumer

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    Le Plan d’Action National pour la rĂ©duction de la consommation du Sel, du Sucre et du Gras 2017-2021 (PANSSG) vise Ă  rĂ©duire graduellement, en collaboration avec l’industrie alimentaire, la teneur en sel, sucre et graisses (SSG) des produits transformĂ©s et Ă  sensibiliser la population aux dangers sur la santĂ© de l’excĂšs de leurs consommations du SSG. Aussi, l’activitĂ© 17 du PANSSG traite de la crĂ©ation d’un label ou logo attestant de la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale des aliments. La mise en place au Maroc d’un logo nutritionnel sur la face avant des emballages des aliments peut donc contribuer Ă  l’objectif de sensibilisation des consommateurs sur la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale des aliments (intĂ©grant leurs teneurs en SSG et densitĂ© calorique) tout en incitant les industriels Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle de leurs produits en rĂ©duisant la teneur en ces nutriments pour bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’un positionnement plus favorable sur le logo nutritionnel. En effet, le logo nutritionnel Nutri-Score est un logo coloriel couplĂ© Ă  des lettres dĂ©crivant 5 classes de qualitĂ© nutritionnelle, allant du vert (associĂ© Ă  la lettre A, considĂ©rĂ©s comme ‘favorables’ sur le plan nutritionnel) Ă  l’orange foncĂ©/rouge (associĂ© Ă  la lettre E, considĂ©rĂ©s comme ‘dĂ©favorables’ sur le plan nutritionnel). Mots-clĂ©s: Logo nutritionnel, aliments transformĂ©s, sucres simples, acides gras saturĂ©s, sodium et calories.The National Action Plan for Reducing the Consumption of Salt, Sugar and Fat (Saturated and Trans) 2017-2021 (PANSSG-2017-2021) aims to collaborate with the food industry in order to gradually reduce salt, sugar and fat in processed products and to educate the general public about health risks associated with excess consumption of salt, sugar and fat. One of the actions of the PANSSG (number 17) deals with the establishment of a label or a Nutri-Score logo attesting overall nutritional quality of foods and that maximum salt, sugar and fat contents abide by national standards. The Nutri-Score logo is a color logo with letters describing 5 classes of nutritional quality, ranging from green (associated with the letter A, considered as”nutritionally” favorable) to dark orange/red (associated with the letter E, considered as “nutritionally unfavorable”). The establishment in Morocco of a nutritional logo on food packaging can contribute to raise the consumer awareness of the overall nutritional quality of foods (including content levels of sugar, fat, salt and caloric density). It also encourages food industry to improve the nutritional quality of their products by reducing the content of these health risk nutrients so that they can benefit from a favorable positioning on the Nutri-Score logo. Key words : Nutritional logo, processed foods, simple sugars, saturated fatty acids, sodium and calories

    The Nutri-Score logo: a tool for the Moroccan consumer

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    The National Action Plan for Reducing the Consumption of Salt, Sugar and Fat (Saturated and Trans) 2017-2021 (PANSSG-2017-2021) aims to collaborate with the food industry in order to gradually reduce salt, sugar and fat in processed products and to educate the general public about health risks associated with excess consumption of salt, sugar and fat. One of the actions of the PANSSG (number 17) deals with the establishment of a label or a Nutri-Score logo attesting overall nutritional quality of foods and that maximum salt, sugar and fat contents abide by national standards. The Nutri-Score logo is a color logo with letters describing 5 classes of nutritional quality, ranging from green (associated with the letter A, considered as”nutritionally” favorable) to dark orange/red (associated with the letter E, considered as “nutritionally unfavorable”). The establishment in Morocco of a nutritional logo on food packaging can contribute to raise the consumer awareness of the overall nutritional quality of foods (including content levels of sugar, fat, salt and caloric density). It also encourages food industry to improve the nutritional quality of their products by reducing the content of these health risk nutrients so that they can benefit from a favorable positioning on the Nutri-Score logo

    The NutriScore logo: A tool for the Moroccan consumer

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    Le Plan d’Action National pour la rĂ©duction de la consommation du Sel, du Sucre et du Gras 2017-2021 (PANSSG) vise Ă  rĂ©duire graduellement, en collaboration avec l’industrie alimentaire, la teneur en sel, sucre et graisses (SSG) des produits transformĂ©s et Ă  sensibiliser la population aux dangers sur la santĂ© de l’excĂšs de leurs consommations du SSG. Aussi, l’activitĂ© 17 du PANSSG traite de la crĂ©ation d’un label ou logo attestant de la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale des aliments. La mise en place au Maroc d’un logo nutritionnel sur la face avant des emballages des aliments peut donc contribuer Ă  l’objectif de sensibilisation des consommateurs sur la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale des aliments (intĂ©grant leurs teneurs en SSG et densitĂ© calorique) tout en incitant les industriels Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle de leurs produits en rĂ©duisant la teneur en ces nutriments pour bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’un positionnement plus favorable sur le logo nutritionnel. En effet, le logo nutritionnel Nutri-Score est un logo coloriel couplĂ© Ă  des lettres dĂ©crivant 5 classes de qualitĂ© nutritionnelle, allant du vert (associĂ© Ă  la lettre A, considĂ©rĂ©s comme ‘favorables’ sur le plan nutritionnel) Ă  l’orange foncĂ©/rouge (associĂ© Ă  la lettre E, considĂ©rĂ©s comme ‘dĂ©favorables’ sur le plan nutritionnel). Mots-clĂ©s: Logo nutritionnel, aliments transformĂ©s, sucres simples, acides gras saturĂ©s, sodium et calories.The National Action Plan for Reducing the Consumption of Salt, Sugar and Fat (Saturated and Trans) 2017-2021 (PANSSG-2017-2021) aims to collaborate with the food industry in order to gradually reduce salt, sugar and fat in processed products and to educate the general public about health risks associated with excess consumption of salt, sugar and fat. One of the actions of the PANSSG (number 17) deals with the establishment of a label or a Nutri-Score logo attesting overall nutritional quality of foods and that maximum salt, sugar and fat contents abide by national standards. The Nutri-Score logo is a color logo with letters describing 5 classes of nutritional quality, ranging from green (associated with the letter A, considered as”nutritionally” favorable) to dark orange/red (associated with the letter E, considered as “nutritionally unfavorable”). The establishment in Morocco of a nutritional logo on food packaging can contribute to raise the consumer awareness of the overall nutritional quality of foods (including content levels of sugar, fat, salt and caloric density). It also encourages food industry to improve the nutritional quality of their products by reducing the content of these health risk nutrients so that they can benefit from a favorable positioning on the Nutri-Score logo. Key words : Nutritional logo, processed foods, simple sugars, saturated fatty acids, sodium and calories
