60 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Microwave Spectrometer for Investigating High-Tc Superconductors

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    We describe a nonlinear microwave spectrometer, which can be conveniently used for investigating the harmonic generation at microwave frequencies in high-Tc superconductors. The use of this technique allows highlighting mechanisms responsible for the nonlinear microwave response of high-Tc superconductors as well as measuring specific characteristics of the investigated samples. We report a brief review of the main results obtained

    A mechanical model of the smartphone's accelerometer

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    To increase the attention of students, several physics experiments can be performed at school, as well at home, by using the smartphone as laboratory tools. In the paper we describe a mechanical model of the smartphone's accelerometer, which can be used in classroom to allow students to better understand the principle of the accelerometer even by students at the beginning of the study in physics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 embedded figur

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo: il Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC della Classe A049 nell’Ateneo di Palermo

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    Con il secondo ciclo di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo è stato attivato l’insegnamento di Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC. Nell'articolo discuteremo come è stato organizzato questo insegnamento al fine di poter affrontare problematiche legate all'uso delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione sia nella gestione amministrativa della Scuola sia in ambito didattico. Discuteremo in particolare le varie possibilità di rinnovamento della didattica introdotte dagli strumenti di comunicazione e condivisione del web 2.0, dall'uso della lavagna interattiva multimediale, fino all'uso dei dispositivi portatili multimediali come strumenti di laboratorio.We discuss the organization of the course of Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC of the Tirocinio Formativo Attivo at the University of Palermo. The course takes into account the development of information and communication technologies both for the anagement/administration of school and their application in Mathematics and Physics education. In particular, we will discuss in detail the various possibilities of renewing the teaching given by communication and sharing tools of web 2.0, the use of the digital whiteboard, and the use of technologies in Mathematics and Physics laboratories, up to the use of multimedia mobile devices as experimental tools

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo nell'Ateneo di Palermo: Classe di Abilitazione A049 - Matematica e Fisica

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    SarĂ  descritta l'organizzazione del primo ciclo del Corso di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo, Classe A049 - Matematica e Fisica, nell'Ateneo di Palermo, sia per quanto riguarda le attivitĂ  psico-pedagogiche, sia per le attivitĂ  disciplinari. In particolare, sarĂ  descritta l'organizzazione del tirocinio svolto a scuola sotto la guida dei tutor accoglienti e sotto la guida del tutor coordinatore. Saranno evidenziati punti di forza, punti di debolezza e aspetti di criticitĂ  delle varie attivitĂ  svolte e verranno proposti miglioramenti per i cicli successivi

    Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche – Fisica: un percorso di laboratorio sulle tematiche energetiche

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    Il terremoto avvenuto in Giappone l'11 Marzo del 2011 ha riaperto il dibattito sull'energia quale elemento centrale di sviluppo della societa' moderna. L'esperienza didattica su tematiche energetiche, maturata a Palermo nell'ambito del Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche - Fisica (PLS-Fisica), si inserisce in questo contesto. Noi proponiamo un percorso formativo di laboratorio riguardante tematiche energetiche, al fine di stimolare i docenti di fisica a portare in aula e in laboratorio questi argomenti e contribuire cosi' ad aumentare la consapevolezza che gli studenti hanno riguardo alle fonti energetiche rinnovabili, ma anche riguardo alle fonti basate sui combustibili fossili e nucleari. Le esperienze proposte sono state scelte sia per la loro valenza concettuale sia per la loro realizzazione semplice, volti a studiare quantitativamente i processi di trasformazione dell'energia. *** The catastrophic earthquake and subsequent tsunami occurred in Japan in March 11, 2011 gave rise again to a world-wide debate on the energy sources as a central issue for the development of the human society. The experience on the energy topics, gained at the University of Palermo in the framework of the Piano Nazionale Luree Scientifiche - Fisica (PLS-Fisica) (National Plan for Scientific Degrees - Physics), can be naturally integrated in this larger context. We propose a laboratory pedagogical path to stimulate physics teachers to introduce the energy concept by discussing the issue of renewable, fossil and nuclear energy sources. The activity can raise the awareness of students on this very important issue. We propose easy, but conceptually well-based, laboratory experiences with the purpose to study the energy transformation processes from a quantitative point of view

    A didactic experiment and model of a flat-plate solar collector

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    We report on an experiment performed with a home-made flat-plate solar collector, carried out together with high-school students. To explain the experimental results, we propose a model that describes the heating process of the solar collector. The model accounts quantitatively for the experimental data. We suggest that solar-energy topics should be included in school programmes to give students the opportunity to gain experience with solar energy and increase their awareness of the benefits that can be obtained from this remarkable and renewable energy source

    'School adopts an experiment': the photoluminescence in extra-virgin olive oil and in tonic water

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    We report a laboratory activity, carried out along with high- and secondary-school students, that can be done to increase the interest of the young in scientific studies. Groups of selected students 'adopted' experiments at physics research laboratories, under the guidance of university researchers. Subsequently, the students demonstrated the experiments to the public at large during the annual science festival organized in Palermo by the association PalermoScienza, in collaboration with the University of Palermo. Experiments on the magnetic levitation of superconductors and on the photoluminescence of several substances were proposed. We discuss the experiment on photoluminescence as a case study. The students who adopted the experiments reinforced their commitment to learning. They acquired a physics-based knowledge of the topics connected with the experiments in a much better way compared with the usual didactics in school

    An experiment on wind energy

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    We discuss an experiment on wind energy performed with home-made apparatus. The experiment reproduces a laboratory windmill, which can pump water from a lower level to a higher one. By measuring the gain of the gravitational potential energy of the pumped water, one can determine the power extracted from the wind. The activity was carried out with high-school students, in the framework of the Italian National Plan for Scientific Degrees-Physics. The proposed experiment allows teachers to discuss renewable energy sources with students whose knowledge of physics is limited to mechanics. It gives students the possibility to gain experience with energy and to increase their awareness of this renewable energy source

    Recupero di un raro banco ottico del Melloni costruito nella Palermo della “belle époque”

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    In questo articolo discuteremo del recupero di uno strumento scientifico di particolare interesse storico-didattico appartenente alla Collezione del Liceo Classico Statale “Umberto I” di Palermo: un raro banco ottico del Melloni costruito alla fine del 1800 nella Palermo della “belle époque” dal “macchinista” Filippo Caliri. Nell’articolo discuteremo gli aspetti tecnici degli interventi conservativi effettuati.In the article we will report on the recovery of a Melloni’s optical bench built at the end of 1800 by the “macchinista” Filippo Caliri in the “belle époque” of Palermo. A scientific instrument of particular historical and didactic interest belonging to the collection of Liceo Classico Statale “Umberto I” of Palermo. In the article, we will discuss the technical aspects of the interventions carried out
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