12 research outputs found

    Energy harvesting from pavements

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    Against a background of the immense solar radiation incident with available pavement surfaces, the opportunity for energy to be harvested from pavements is investigated. While the emphasis is on the harvesting of solar-derived heat energy, some attention is also paid to the collection of energy derived from displacement of the pavement by traffic and to solar energy converted directly to electricity via photovoltaic systems embedded in pavements. Basic theory of heat collection is covered along with a discussion of the relevant thermal properties of pavement materials that affect heat transmission and storage in a pavement. Available technologies for pavement energy harvesting are reviewed and some of their advantages and limitations reviewed. The chapter continues with some descriptions of the ways in which the harvested energy can be stored and then used before ending with sections on evaporative cooling of pavements and system evaluation

    Developments to come to a circular construction economy; experiences in facilitating a local soil and sand depot

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    The impact of the construction industry on the natural environment is severe, natural areas are changedinto predominantly hard solid surfaces, the energy use in the built environment is high and the industryputs huge claims on materials

    Verduurzaming van voetbalstadions: de route en resultaten bij Go Ahead Eagles

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    Eeder gepubliceerd in VVplus, juli 2020 onderzoeks- en ontwerpproject met zes studenten voor Go Ahead Eagles in Deventer welke maatregelen en technieken deze organisatie zouden kunnen helpen om duurzamer te worden

    Circulair materiaalgebruik: De afstemming tussen donor en ontvanger

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    De bouwsector kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan het overschakelen op een circulaire economie. Momenteel worden nog veel eindige grondstoffen met een hoge milieu-impact gebruikt. Dat kan anders, bijvoorbeeld door te werken met het concept van een ‘donorgebouw’ en een ‘ontvangstgebouw’. Dit werd verkend met een onderzoek door Saxion. Gepubliceerd met toestemming van de uitgever Stadswerk, 2021, nr,

    Luchtdoorlatendheid van woningen (deel 2)

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    Het zogenaamde luchtdicht bouwen krijgt steeds meer aandacht. Er zijn in het verleden door het toenmalige SenterNovem in het kader van het E’novatie programma al veel luchtdichtheidsmetingen uitgevoerd. Na circa twee decennia zijn het nu steeds vaker de opdrachtgevende en uitvoerende partijen zelf die om de zogenaamde ‘blower-door-tests’ vragen om de luchtdoorlatendheid van gebouwen te testen. De 3TU.Bouw heeft financiering toegekend aan het onderzoeksvoorstel ‘Impenetrable Infiltration’; een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken van de luchtdoorlatendheid van Nederlandse woningen

    Experimental research on the use of micro-encapsulated Phase Change Materials to store solar energy in concrete floors in order to save energy in Dutch houses

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    In this paper an experimental research is presented on a new use of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in concrete floors, in which thermal energy provided by the sun is stored in a mix of concrete and PCMs. When this thermal energy is being released – in moderate sea climates during the evening and early night – it is aimed to reduce the need for thermal energy of conventional heating in houses. The temperatures of four concrete floors in closed environments were monitored to reflect on the influence of PCMs and type of insulation in relation to ambient temperatures and solar irradiation. The application of PCMs in concrete floors resulted in a reduction of maximum floor temperatures up to 16 ± 2% and an increase of minimum temperatures up to 7 ± 3%. The results show the relevance of an integral design in which the thermal resistance of the building shell, the sensible heat capacity of the building and the latent heat capacity of the PCMs are considered simultaneously

    Designing a material bank to facilitate a circular construction industry

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    In the project the students were asked to design a material bank to facilitate a circular construction industry. The insights they gained were used to create opportunities to renovate the road ' 'Griffiersveld” circularly. This research report was written by three students involved in the course "Industrial and sustainable building" of Saxion University of Applied Sciences

    Assessing the implementation potential of PCMs:the situation for residential buildings in the Netherlands

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    \u3cp\u3eTo be able to come to zero-energy buildings we need to apply multiple Energy Techniques and Measures (ETMs). Phase Change Materials (PCMs) can be considered as one of these ETMs and they seem to have a lot of potential. Due to their latent heat capacity, PCMs can help to store energy of our main renewable source, the sun, and to shave energy peaks. However, little is known about what barriers exactly exist in implementing ETMs - and PCMs in particular - in residential buildings. By assessing 1) the effects of PCMs on the energy performance of dwellings, 2) their financial effects and 3) the effects of implementing PCMs for stakeholders, the implementation potential of micro-encapsulated paraffin-based PCMs in Dutch residential buildings is determined and barriers are identified. The observation was made that the effects on the actual energy use cannot be easily estimated and that their impact on compelled EPIs is little. It was also observed that only the investment costs of the PCMs can be assessed and that uncertainty exists about how PCMs perform, when actually implemented in a dwelling and used by residents for several years. Although our experiments on PCMs integrated in concrete floors showed positive results, the implementation potential of micro-encapsulated paraffin based PCMs to support or replace heating systems in residential real estate is relatively low. The results could help developers of new ETMs to become aware of what advantages their innovation can offer and what shortcomings still need to be overcome.\u3c/p\u3

    The behavior of self-compacting concrete containing micro-encapsulated Phase Change Materials

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    In order to come to a sustainable built environment the construction industry requires new energy saving concepts. One concept is to use Phase Change Materials (PCM), which have the ability to absorb and to release thermal energy at a specific temperature. This paper presents a set of experiments using different amounts of PCM in self-compacting concrete mixes. The study focuses on the direct mixing of micro-encapsulated PCM with concrete and its influence on the material properties. Therefore, the fresh concrete properties and the hardened properties are investigated. The hardened properties comprise strength tests and a thorough assessment of the thermal properties. It will be shown that increasing PCM amounts lead to lower thermal conductivity and increased heat capacity, which both significantly improve the thermal performance of concrete and therefore save energy. On the other hand a significant loss in strength and micro-structural analysis both indicate that a large part of the capsules is destroyed during the mixing process and releases its paraffin wax filling into the surrounding matrix. However, the compressive strength of our specimens still satisfies the demands of most structural applications