528 research outputs found

    Bukti Bidang Pengabdian Masyarakat

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    SK NOMOR 597.2 TAHUN 2020 (PENGUJI DAN PEMBIMBING) 7 Sept - 13 Nov 2020

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    Manajemen Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlaq (Studi Deskriptif Di MAN 2 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015)

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    Manajemen Pembelajaran adalah suatu tindakan yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan dan pengawasan yang telah ditetapkan dan ditentukan sebelumnya. Seperti yang diketahui manajemen pembelajaran terdiri adanya, Menentukan materi, tujuan pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, penilaian pembelajaran.sedangkan prestasi belajar adalah hasil akhir siswa setelah melakukan proses belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui : Bagaimana manajemen pembelajaran di MAN 2 Surakarta,Penelitian ini untuk siswa kelas X tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 di MAN 2 Surakarta untuk mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak. Penelitian dilakukan di MAN 2 Surakarta pada tanggal 6 April s/d 30 Mei 2015. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian lapangan (field research). Populasi dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kelas X, metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian adalah metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pelaksanaan Manajemen Pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar aqidah akhlak kelas X, : (1) Guru dituntut untuk mengelola pembelajaran sebaik mungkin, guru harus kreatif dalam pembelajaran dalam kelas kepada siswa. mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, pengawasan. Pembelajaran di dalam kelas metode pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru bervariasi dengan adanya metode diskusi, kelompok, dan tanya jawab. (2) Adanya penilaian langsung dari guru tentang akhlak dan aqidah siswa, siswa sudah disiplin dalam sholat berjamaah di sekolah karena adanya peninjauan langsung dari guru terhadap semua siswa-siswanya

    Peran Guru Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dalam Pembinaan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Majelis Tafsir Al-Quran (Smp Mta) Gemolong Islamic Boarding School Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    Establishing and nurturing the character of students is not an easy thing for a teacher. In Majelis Tafsir Al-Quran Junior High School (SMP MTA) at Gemolong student’s character building is the main responsibility of guidance and counseling teacher, though in essence the student’s character building is the responsibility of all parties in the school. To change the character of the students become better, aligned with the norms, customs and religious Shari'ah. In shaping the noble character and good behavior then the teacher’s of SMP MTA head to take several attempts in student’s character building of students. The objectives of this study is to describe factors, role of BK teacher’s of SMP MTA, school year 2015/2016 in building the student’s character. This research is a field research, the approach used is a qualitative approach. Collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Methodology of research is descriptive – qualitative method. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the role BK theacher’s of SMP MTA role in the process student character building is using techniques of counseling, advice, group guidance, group counseling, learning with guidance techniques acquired with the role’s of: a) provide motivation, escort and supervision to students, b) admonish and advise students who violate school and or dormitory rules, c) analyze the level of intelligence, talents, and interests of students, d) help to solve students' problems and provide solutions on issues perceived each group, e) provide an understanding, deepening, and coaching related everyday life, the strengthening of moral and doctrinal. Character building in schools supported also coaching in the boarding and at home. Couching at the boarding include by studies after daily prayers, charging daily prayer, hadith, paragraph options, chronicle, free prayer, muhadatsah conversation, tahfidz, tahsin, speech, mentoring room, dan night study. And also good habituation and discipline applied in boarding. Character building at home with apply good parenting and parents become qudwah hasanah at home. Difficulties of BK teachers in coaching characters are parents who can not be asked to be wise in consultation problems related to their child, troubled students are difficult to explain their problem honestly, the lack of cooperation between BK teachers and subject teachers, culture and wrong parenting in educating their son in the house, Strain or coercion of parents in sending children to school, and student socially wrong and becomes a habit inherent

    Peran Boarding School Dalam Mengembangkan Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik(Studi Kasus di Asrama Baitul Hikmah MTs Negeri 1 Surakarta Tahun 2016)

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    Character education is a process conducted for strengthening and developing certain values wich so manifest in the behavior of students, either in the school or out of school. Value investment in children needs to be done continously, through habituation good behaviors in everyday life. Implementation of character education requires imitation and habituation, habituation to do good, to be honest, to helping each other, and to tolerate, because the character is not formed in an instant procces, but should be trained seriously and continuously and proportionally in order to achieve the ideal form of character. Schools labeled Islam and having the Boarding School program (hostel) usually have a complete Islamic studies curriculum. The school is a place of learning that supports the formation of character. Known as forming independent character, in the dorm the students should be trained to do all his own needs since he wake up until he sleep again. The problem in this research is what is the role of Boarding School (hostel) Baitul Hikmah in developing character of learners. So the purpose of this study is to describe the role of Boarding School (hostel) Baitul Hikmah in developing character of learners. This research which is conducted in Dormitory Baitul Hikmah MTs Negeri 1 Surakarta is included in the field research. The object of this study are the leaders of the dormitory, the dormitory supervisors, the teaching staffs at the hostel and some related parties such as the students. In this study data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. These results indicate that the role of boarding school in developing characters of learners, are: instilling the values of character education to the students, familiarizing the values of character education students, applying the values of character education by students, evaluate the values of character education students. Some values of character education helding in Dormitory Baitul Hikmah, are: religious, honesty, trust, discipline, self-reliance, a healthy lifestyle, confidence, and manners. And methods used in the development of character education in the hostel Baitul Hikmah are; method of habituation, an exemplary method, method of reward and punishment method. Keywords: Role Boarding School and characte

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Rendahnya Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pai Di SMPN 2 Banyudono Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

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    ABSTRACT This research aims to know the implementation of Islamic Learning in Junior High School N 2 Banyudono and to describe the factors that Affect Low Interest student learning on subjects of Islamic religious education in the Junior High School N 2 Banyudono. This type of research is the research field, whereas the approach used in this study i.e., descriptive approach. The data source used is the form of secondary data and primary data. This research was carried out on 27 March until 18 April 2017. Technique of data analysis used i.e. qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed the execution of Islamic religious education Learning (PAE) on SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono done by preparing learning which includes formulating the topic/theme of the learning subject matter that will be taught, formulating objectives, formulating general purpose intruksional intruksional special learning Islamic education (PIE) and formulate or determine the method or manner used in the learning process of Islamic religious education (PIE). Further implementation of the teaching and learning process that includes several components that must be considered, namely learning purposes, material or subject matter, mediums or tools of teaching and learning methods, while the evaluation study conducted back together by discussing the process and learning outcomes of Islamic religious education (PIE) taught to students and to take the conclusions of the results of the evaluation of the learning is done in Islamic education (PIE). Factors affecting low interest student learning on subjects of Islamic religious education (PIE) in the SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono i.e. factors lack of preparation of teachers in teaching, lack of learning resources, and student delinquency factor factor the lack of media/tools in the process of teaching and learning. Keywords: Factors, Interest In Learning, PA

    Upaya Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Arabic language is a mean of communication existing in Arab Peninsula and Middle-East. Arabic is also a Quranic language namely kalam Allah and hadist. Learning the Arabic language has become one of the specialized subjectsin the educational institutions in both Islamic boarding schools ndconventional schools, but among them there are difficulties in Arabic language teaching and learning. One way to avoid this shortage is the need for breakthroughs of learning methods and evaluation of learning.Therefore, SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta has a new breakthrough in implementing Arabic language learning by applying the learning method of Arabic language which is active-learning, so that learning does not feel boring. Based on the background above, the researcher has tried to examine the efforts of teachers in improving the quality of learning Arabic in SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta. The problem to be studied in this research is what the teacher's efforts in improving the quality oflearning Arabic. The main purpose of this study is to describe the efforts of teachers in improving the quality of learning Arabic.This research is a field research because the data is taken directly from the field using descriptive qualitative method. The data collection methods used are observation, interview, and documentation.The observation is used to get the data directly from the process teachers do in learning Arabic, the method of learning Arabic and the geography of the school. The interview has been conducted with Muhammad Arif Agusnin as an Arabic teacher. The Documentation is used to overview data of SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta of the history of its establishment, school organization structure, vision, mission, purpose and infrastructure. The analytical method taken is descriptive qualitative analysis.In conclusion, the teacher’s effortsin improving quality of learning Arabic include: 1) Grammar-Translation Method, 2) Direct Method, 3) Audio-Lingual Method, 4) Reading Method, 5) Cognitive Code Learning Method, 6) Total Physical Response, 7) Lecturing Method, 8) Discussion Method, andapplying the evaluation in the form of an oral test and a written test.Keywords: Arabic Language Learning, method, evaluatio

    Komunikasi Guru Dalam Bilik Darjah Dan Tingkahlaku Delinkuen Murid Sekolah Menengah

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti halangan dan hubungan antara komunikasi guru dalam bilik darjah dengan tingkah laku delinkuen murid di sekolah menengah. Kaedah tinjauan menggunakan soal selidik melibatkan responden seramai 80 orang yang terdiri daripada guru.Data-data kajian dianalisis melalui SPSS menggunakan statistik deskriptif seperti kekerapan, peratus, min dan sisihan piawai manakala statistik inferensi yang digunakan Korelasi Pearson.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa halangan kepada keberkesanan komunikasi guru dalam bilik darjah ialah guru selalu tidak masuk kelas manakala analisis korelasi pearson menunjukkan wujud hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara komunikasi guru dalam bilik darjah, komunikasi lisan dan bukan lisan guru dengan tingkah laku delinkuen murid
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